• 欧元人民币可能成为世界储备货币

    The euro and the Chinese renminbi are candidates to become reserve currencies.


  • 国债规模庞大也反映美元作为世界储备货币的地位。

    Its largess is a reflection of the U.S. dollar being the world's reserve currency.


  • 美元世界储备货币地位的质疑声不断削弱着美元汇率。

    Also gnawing at the dollar is continuing chatter about its role as the world's reserve currency.


  • 现有国际货币体系是以美元世界储备货币基础的体系。

    Existing international monetary system is the world's reserve currency U. S. dollar-based system.


  • 至于美国美元世界储备货币我们可以享受开动钞票印刷机带来好处

    As for the U.S., the dollar is the reserve currency and we have the benefit of printing money.


  • 因此美元作为世界储备货币好处金融风暴蔓延时,美元得以增值。

    It has the advantage that the dollar is the world's reserve currency, and as the financial turmoil has spread the dollar has strengthened.


  • 几周由于作为世界储备货币美元走低国际黄金价格打破记录,持续走高。

    In recent weeks, international gold prices have blazed a record-breaking trail on concerns about the declining strength of the dollar as the world's reserve currency.


  • 要对冲掉世界储备货币贬值一直购买黄金金价因此被推高。

    Anyone who wants to hedge against a decline in the world's reserve currency has been buying gold and that has sent the price upwards.


  • 他们资产通过美元获得“安全”,但是美元却会逐渐失去世界储备货币地位

    Their assets will be "safe" in the US dollar as it loses its place as the world's reserve currency.


  • 美圆现在过去世界储备货币世界交易媒介一切正在改变

    The U. S. dollar is and has been the world's reserve currency, the world's medium of exchange, ' he said. 'That's in the process of changing.


  • 如果上述判断的话,信贷危机导致风暴至少使得货币——世界储备货币——接近其公平价值

    If that judgment is right, the squalls stirred up by the credit crises have moved at least one currency-the world's reserve money-closer to fair value.


  • 美国可以发行世界储备货币债市经不住收益率突然上升反过来威胁到摇摇欲坠的经济复苏

    America may be the issuer of the world's reserve currency, but its debt markets are not immune to a sudden upward lurch, which in turn could threaten the fragile recovery.


  • 缺乏一种替代性货币意味着即便美元价值持续下跌,但世界储备货币地位不会受到严重威胁

    The absence of a credible alternative to the dollar means that, despite its declining value, its status as the world's reserve currency is not seriously under threat.


  • 美国利用世界储备货币控制作为借口巨额借债,怀疑论者曾过这种状况要持续多久而现在他们答案

    SCEPTICS have wondered how long America could use its control of the world's reserve currency as an excuse to rack up huge debts. Now they may have their answer.


  • 美国利用世界储备货币控制作为借口巨额借债怀疑论者过这种状况要持续多久,而现在他们答案

    SCEPTICS have wondered how long America could use its control of the world's reserve currency as an excuse to rack up huge debts.Now they may have their answer.


  • 投资者确定他们的放在哪儿比较安全的时候,作为世界储备货币角色的美元似乎有一种不言而喻优势

    Its role as the world's reserve currency seemed an inestimable advantage when investors were unsure where they could safely park their cash.


  • 如果经济受到利率顽固贸易赤字以及世界储备货币自然需求限制,那么这样的经济几乎可能缓解财政紧缩带来的冲击

    In an economy constrained by low interest rates, a stubborn trade deficit and natural demand for the world's reserve currency, there is little to cushion the blow of austerity.


  • 考虑到美元是世界储备货币,有些人认为人们购买美国国债而且收益率维持在低位因此政客们不会觉得必须采取行动

    Given that we have the reserve currency, the argument has been made that people will buy our debt and interest rates will stay low, and politicians won't feel compelled to act.


  • 除了欧元有机会未来十年上升为世界储备货币外,全球还没有其他货币可以像美元一样具有可以满足全球经济需求必要特征

    With the exception perhaps of the euro, which may emerge in the next decade, no other currency has the necessary characteristics to allow it plausibly to serve the needs of the global economy.


  • 此次危机另一份馈赠在于尽管美元最近几周走势疲软,但欧元作为世界主要储备货币挑战也许并不轻松。

    The crisis has another legacy: despite the weakness of the dollar in recent weeks, the euro may struggle to challenge the greenback as the world’s main reserve currency.


  • 那些美元保持世界主要储备货币地位认为美派,那些呼吁变革的则被认为是反美派,我来说这种说法其实很具有讽刺意味。

    In fact it is ironic to me that it is considered pro-American to want the dollar to maintain its role as the world's dominant reserve currency and anti-American to call for a change.


  • 美元世界主要储备货币国债也是直接普遍选择的“零风险资产

    Dollars are the world's primary reserve currency, and Treasuries are the world's preferred "risk-free" asset.


  • 具有世界最大的经济体具影响力央行发型主要全球储备货币

    It has the world's largest economy, its most influential central bank and it issues the main global reserve currency.


  • 具有世界最大的经济体具影响力央行发型主要全球储备货币

    It has the world's largest economy, its most influential central bank and it issues the main global reserve currency.


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