• 20纪70年代以来,美国边际税率下降使得延长工作时间有利

    Falls in marginal tax rates in America since the 1970s have made it all the more profitable to work longer.


  • 与之相比就是20纪90年代有关加密争夺战,”库尔特·奥普萨尔说道,他隐私监督组织电子前沿基金会的法律顾问

    "A comparison point is in the 1990s battles over encryption," said Kurt Opsahl, general counsel of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy watchdog group.


  • 动物化石鉴定的10个种属属于中国东北更新晚期猛犸象—披毛犀动物群成员

    There are at least 10 species Paleontology fossils, members of Mammuthus-Coelodonta groups in late Pleistocene in northeast of China.


  • 尼尔:现在却说觉得某些事‘不圆满’,因而能会‘返’,以说,一种新的方式再次经历他们的死亡以便于……以便于……

    Yet now you are saying that after a person dies they may feelincompletewith


  • 卫组织的领导作用以及2011年卫生日信息起到关键性作用,向一般公众强调这些重要信息。

    Leadership from WHO and the messages from World Health Day 2011 can play a pivotal role in emphasizing these important messages to the general public.


  • 面对疾病避免死亡地图,各国代表应天内卫组织确定优先领域

    With this atlas of illness and avoidable death laid before them, the delegates have six days to set priorities for WHO.


  • 卫组织认为公平获得安全负担得起药物是实现人人以达到最高健康水准关键

    WHO considers equitable access to safe and affordable medicines as vital to the attainment of the highest possible standard of health by all.


  • 适用于记者会议不对记者公开;但是安排采访卫组织粮农组织工作人员以及消费者协会代表

    For journalists: The meeting is closed to journalists; however Interviews can be arranged with WHO and FAO staff and with representatives of consumers associations.


  • 各位专家顾问向卫组织提供签署利益声明详细申报影响意见公正性任何职业经济利益

    Expert advisers provide a signed declaration of interests to WHO detailing any professional or financial interest that could affect the impartiality of their advice.


  • 出于所有这些原因卫组织不再发布显示所有国家确诊病例数目全球一览表。

    For all of these reasons, WHO will no longer issue the global tables showing the Numbers of confirmed cases for all countries.


  • 如果提交数据完整证明产品达到规定各项标准组织的药品资格预审程序所需时间个月

    The WHO prequalification of medicines process can take as little as three months, provided the data presented are complete and demonstrate that the product meets all required standards.


  • 2001年,组织发表了《控制抗菌素耐药性全球战略》,其中包含各国自己调整使用建议

    In 2001, WHO released the Global Strategy for Containment of Antimicrobial Resistance, containing recommendations that countries could customize for their own use.


  • 组织没有此类奖研金资助金规划,卫组织的某些特别规划部门资助研究

    WHO does not have a scholarship or grant programme as such, however certain special WHO programmes and departments do fund research.


  • 计划包含会员国国际合作伙伴组织秘书处采取的行动目的加强全球和国家一级承诺消灭避免盲症

    The plan contains actions for Member States, international partners and the WHO secretariat aimed at strengthening commitment at global and national levels to eliminate avoidable blindness.


  • 卫组织网站左边导航出版物”的链接引导关于卫组织出版物的信息

    The navigation bar on the left-hand side of the WHO web site has aPublicationslink that leads to information about WHO publications.


  • 很多游客有机会去阿斯旺实地参观,不过在这里,阿斯旺那个20早期光影定格,今日已无处寻。

    Most visitors will see Aswan, but this is an Aswan of the early 20th century, no longer visible to us today.


  • 这份报告中的证据使我们真正乐观地看到打败结核提出明确警告,”卫组织总干事李钟郁博士

    "Evidence in this report provides real optimism that TB is beatable, but it is also a clear warning," said WHO Director-General Dr LEE Jong-wook.


  • 冯富珍博士流行性流感方面代表致力于卫组织帮助各国流感流行做好准备的途径。

    Dr Margaret Chan is my representative for pandemic influenza and is working on ways that WHO can help countries prepare for a flu pandemic.


  • 卫组织今日发布有关学校采取措施减轻H 1 N 1流感流行影响建议

    WHO is today issuing advice on measures that can be undertaken in schools to reduce the impact of the H1N1 influenza pandemic.


  • 卫组织制定了基本药物价格负担性全球指标

    WHO has developed global indicators for availability, price and affordability of essential medicines.


  • 保护至少持续20组织迄今建议增强免疫。

    Protection lasts for 20 years at least, no booster is recommended by WHO as of today.


  • 假设有人,“没错如果考虑死亡本质,我还有50,80,90年存活于,我还有这么多年活这个事实。”

    Suppose somebody said, "Yeah, it's true if I thought about the nature of death, the fact that the 50, 80, 90 years I've got on this Earth is all I'm going to have."


  • 预防手术损伤死亡现在日益成为一个令人关切的问题”,卫组织总干事冯富珍博士

    "Preventable surgical injuries and deaths are a growing concern," said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO.


  • 少数容易实施的阳光安全措施预防许多紫外线辐射造成癌症其它死亡以及疾病负担卫组织

    A few easy-to-implement sun safety measures could prevent much of the cancer and other death and disease burden due to UV radiation, WHO says.


  • 2009年9月11日|日内瓦-卫组织今日发布有关学校采取措施减轻H 1 N 1流感大流行影响建议

    September 2009 | GENEVA - WHO is today issuing advice on measures that can be undertaken in schools to reduce the impact of the H1N1 influenza pandemic.


  • 未来的捐助者卫组织联系,获得技术咨询。卫组织要求捐助者购买质量控制来源的药物,它们应符合国际包装标签标准以及其它重要的质量要求

    WHO requests that donors purchase medicines from sources with reliable quality control that comply with international standards for packaging, labelling and other key quality requirements.


  • 未来的捐助者卫组织联系,获得技术咨询。卫组织要求捐助者购买质量控制来源的药物,它们应符合国际包装标签标准以及其它重要的质量要求

    WHO requests that donors purchase medicines from sources with reliable quality control that comply with international standards for packaging, labelling and other key quality requirements.


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