• 广播电视普遍开办残疾儿童专题节目配制手语字幕

    Virtually all radio and TV stations offer specific programs for disabled children, compounded with sign language and captions.


  • 理查德·道金斯:大卫知道正在一个关于寒武纪寒武纪化石专题节目

    RD: I know you're working on a programme about Cambrian and pre-Cambrian fossils, David.


  • 愉快的除了广泛选择专题节目用户一切必要手动参数曝光

    It is pleasant that besides the wide selection of topical programs, to user are accessible all necessary manual tuning of the parameters of exposure.


  • 广东省电视台艺术长廊”播出《立体的油画雷小洲的艺术》专题节目

    Invited to the special program 3D Oil Painting by Lei Xiaozhou by Art Gallery of Guangdong Television Station.


  • 山东电视台收藏天下《翰墨人生》栏目播出《著名画家——吴团良》专题节目

    "Art Life" program of Shandong TV Station reported special interview of "Famous Artist – WU Tuanliang";


  • 2004年,《国宝档案——方壶》获得中国广播电视学会中文专题节目一等奖。

    In 2004, the episode of China's Treasure program named "Bronze rectangular hu with dragon-shaped handle and tiger-shaped leg" was awarded the first price of Chinese Professional TV Programs.


  • 拍摄、播放反映北京筹办2008年奥运会进展情况市民热情参与盼奥运的专题节目

    Special programs depicting Beijing's progress in its preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games and its residents' enthusiastic participation and earnest yearnings will be filmed and shown on television.


  • 26个新的专题节目录像詹金斯赞同残酷无刷子核桃清洁只有环保产品作品

    In the taping of the 26 new episodes, Jenkins endorses cruelty-free brushes, walnut oil to clean the brushes, and only works with environmentally responsible products.


  • 艾文柯许纳1923年出生于费城,开始制作纪录片他是音乐制作人,之后又开始制作专题节目

    Born in Philadelphia in 1923, Kershner trained as a musician before making documentaries and then features.


  • 欧丽希一同导演这部讲述了埃尔斯伯格五角大楼文件出版之前事件电影获得皮博迪荣誉和最佳专题节目奥斯卡提名

    Ehrlich who co-directed the 2009 film profiling Ellsberg and events leading up to the publication of the Pentagon Papers won a Peabody award and an Oscar nomination for best documentary feature.


  • 一些美国广播公司课外专题节目演出后,弗朗西斯·福特·科波拉的《局外人》中得到了第一个电影角色

    After appearing in some ABC after-school specials, Lowe copped his first movie role in Francis Ford Coppola's "The Outsiders."


  • 阐述非线性编辑系统电视新闻节目(包括新闻专题节目、以新闻消息为主的日播节目等)制作中具有优势存在劣势

    The writer discusses the advantage and disadvantage of non-linear editing system in TV news program production according to practical experience.


  • 但是,对于这类节目研究并不尤其是叙事学角度故事类电视专题节目的研究还有许多需要填补空白点

    However, studies of such programs is not much, especially from the perspective of the story narrative category of television episodes and even less, there are many needs to fill in the blank spots.


  • 每周,受媒体关注的特雷西TSJ总编亚当布朗,会从他们紧凑的日程中挤出些许时间专题节目回答问题,这个专题我们聪明取名为去问问TSJ吧”。

    Each week, media sensation Tracy Pendergast and TSJ's managing editor, Adam Tod Brown, set aside some time in their busy schedules to answer your questions in a feature we've cleverly named "Ask TSJ."


  • 每隔几个节目专题报道一种世人瞩目成为最受喜爱热门动物

    Every few months this program will feature an animal which has caught the eye of the world's public to become a favorite or "hot" animal.


  • 作为澳大利亚官方奥运门户网站,Yahoo7提供现场直播点播访谈专题等多种形式的奥运视频节目

    Yahoo7. Australia's official Olympics online portal offers live streams, video coverage on-demand and behind-the-scenes interviews, specials and features.


  • 过去在忙TIME水产养殖业专题报道的电台其他媒体节目

    I've been spending much of the last couple of weeks doing radio and other media for my aquaculture cover in TIME.


  • 作为我们专题新闻节目结尾,“电视广播员,”我们现在克拉布利亚通心粉田里

    To end our special news bulletin, 'said the voice of the television announcer,' we're going over to the macaroni fields of Calabria.


  • 汇集新闻专题娱乐综艺,各地精选电影儿童节目等之综合频道

    Composite channel provides selective news, features, entertainment, international blockbusters and children.


  • 报界纷纷指责专题电视节目使用粗鄙语言

    There was a flood of complaints from the press about the bad language used in the special TV show.


  • 凤凰大视野凤凰卫视2003年年底推出新闻专题栏目,它比较集中地体现了凤凰卫视节目特色先进的新闻理念

    Eyeshot of Phoenix is a news special program, introduced by Phoenix TV in the end of 2003. This program incarnates concentrated the program feature and advanced news idea of Phoenix TV.


  • 内容可以涵盖产品介绍专题调查等等多种电视节目形式

    It can cover the contents of introduction of new products, features, surveys, and so the form of a variety of television programs.


  • 央视新闻频道节目包括动态新闻类节目谈话节目、新闻评论性节目、新闻杂志类节目新闻专题节目等五大类。

    In detail, the programme of the News Channel of CCTV including: dynamic news, talk show, comments, special topic and magazine programme.


  • 台精彩的文艺晚会或者一个精致的新闻专题除了摄像记者前期工作人员编导工作贯穿于整个节目制作始终

    A wonderful variety show or a fine news feature films, in addition to cameras, reporters and other preliminary work staff, directed the work throughout the entire programming has always been.


  • 台精彩的文艺晚会或者一个精致的新闻专题除了摄像记者前期工作人员编导工作贯穿于整个节目制作始终

    A wonderful variety show or a fine news feature films, in addition to cameras, reporters and other preliminary work staff, directed the work throughout the entire programming has always been.


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