• 如,“under the weather” 这个习语的意思是“生病了”。所以人们说 “I'm under the weather” 时,他们是在说他们感觉不舒服

    For example, under the weather is an idiom meaning ill. So when people say "I'm under the weather", they are saying that they're not feeling well.


  • 注意到人们坐着的时候,他们通常会感觉耐烦或者不舒服

    One thing I’ve noticed is that when people have to wait, they become impatient or uncomfortable.


  • 玩家追踪敌人射击时研究人员内置扫描仪记录下了他们大脑相对处于不舒服状态。

    While the gamers stalked and shot the enemy from the relative discomfort of a scanner's interior, the researchers recorded events in their brains.


  • 但是那阵舒服消散开去,睁开眼睛发现毛衣在我课桌上,红色大山

    But when the sick feeling goes away and I open my eyes, the red sweater’s still sitting three like a big red mountain.


  • 一切进展顺利确保每个人都相处融洽,工作中能团结协作乐趣,并能带来同凡响的效果因此冲突发生了,我感到难受不舒服

    I'd much rather have things run smoothly and make sure that everyone gets along, works together, has fun and delivers great results, so when conflict happens I feel awkward and uncomfortable.


  • ,多伦多的个老师,发现一个问题,越来越多的,小孩上她个小孩让大家感到舒服时,他们唯一反应就是发牢骚然这会引发另一个牢骚

    More and more children were coming to her class and when another child made them uncomfortable, their only response was a grutch which of course invites a grutch back.


  • 马克还在继续的时候,里奇不舒服的转过身。

    Rich shifted uncomfortably as Mark continued.


  • 双方在气头上的时候讨论一定要等消了气冷静下来以后什么你们那么舒服

    Do not talk when you are both angry. Make sure that you both calm down and then talk about the matter bothering the both of you.


  • 容易理解那些孩童朋友舒服试探性问题开始感到课堂孤立时另一些同学则出去旅游了,等等

    It is easy to imagine the discomfort experienced by the child when his friends ask him probing questions, when he begins to feel isolation in the classroom while others are out traveling, and so on.


  • 大部分上瘾开始于避免让自己感觉痛苦的情绪所以停止上瘾的行为段时间一定非常不舒服的感受出现。

    Most addictions begin as a way of avoiding feelings that are extremely uncomfortable, so it makes sense that stopping the addiction means, for a time, a fair amount of discomfort.


  • 个颜色贴边的时候,互补我们眼睛非常不舒服因为这时我们无法同时聚焦在这两个颜色之上。

    When used side by side, the complementary colors can create havoc in our eyes because it would be difficult to focus on both at the same time.


  • 因此说起希望别人舒服,他就设计了自己疾病

    Therefore speak unwell of another, and one is intending one's own demise.


  • 记得小学语文课的时候老师教我们“羡慕贬义词嫉妒”——就是别人超越自己的时候,心里舒服

    I recall my teacher in primary school telling me that the word "jealousy" was like "admiration", only in a negative sense, like when you get angry if others do better than you.


  • 个人而言作为药剂师推荐用一种化学溶液治疗每个伴随疾病的时候,总是感到不舒服

    Personally, as a pharmacist, I always feel uncomfortable recommending a chemical solution to every ill that comes along.


  • 根据一项研究报告它们饮食正常时候,蟑螂会长不舒服

    According to one study, even cockroaches get fat and unwell when their diet is out of whack.


  • 记得小学语文课的时候,老师我们羡慕贬义词嫉妒”——就是别人超越自己的时候,心里舒服

    I still remembered that in primary school, my teacher told me the derogatory word to "admiration" was "jealousy" - when people did better than I, I would get upset.


  • 有人想挖苦舒服的时候,你要机智些

    Be witty when someone USES sarcasm to make you feel bad.


  • 他剥洋葱的时候,的眼睛不舒服

    His eyes were uncomfortable when peeling Onions.


  • 克里斯腾森这个最小布景中站好位置时,卢卡斯忠告说:“拍摄进行时,尽力增强不舒服感觉。”

    As Christensen takes his place in the minimal set, Lucas counsels him: "Try and increase how uncomfortable you feel as the shot goes on."


  • 所以现在注意一个行为开始感觉舒服我开始感觉让我遭受痛苦的时候。

    So right now I'm just trying to notice when a guy's behavior starts making me feel bad about myself-when I start feeling like he's making me suffer.


  • 自我反省的时候,可能发现某些自卑感使不舒服接近病人甚至摧残他的医生权威

    He may, in his self-investigations, discover some inferiority which brings him uncomfortably close to his patients and may even blight his authority.


  • 物质世界中的人们决定时,他们进入一个不舒服地方,“一样的人做出了正确的决定,在正确决定之外所有人都是错误的。”

    Physical man gets into an uncomfortable place when he concludes, "I and those like me have come to the right decisions, and everybody that's living outside of these right decisions is wrong."


  • 因为技术冬天赛跑衣服见了每天经过户外冬天被沉重地走跑步者跑穿着许多不舒服衣服练习

    Because of new technology in winter running clothes, gone are the days when runners trudged through outdoor winter running workouts wearing lots of heavy and uncomfortable clothing.


  • 因为技术冬天赛跑衣服见了每天经过户外冬天被沉重地走跑步者跑穿着许多不舒服衣服练习

    Because of new technology in winter running clothes, gone are the days when runners trudged through outdoor winter running workouts wearing lots of heavy and uncomfortable clothing.


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