• 最后他们指出大众不符合标准票价的需求创造了一个更高层次戏剧艺术表达友好市场

    Finally, they suggested that popular demand for substandard fare created a market unfriendly to higher expressions of dramatic art.


  • CREATE语句稍微有一些不符合标准SQL语法

    The CREATE statement has one slightly nonstandard bit of SQL syntax.


  • 错误的方面。导致验收不符合标准的样品

    False negative. Measuring error results in acceptance of defective sample.


  • 正常典型、平常、规则符合标准

    Not conforming to the principles or criteria of art.


  • 发照机关必须有权制定发照标准有权拒绝一切符合标准申请

    The licensing authority must have the power to set criteria and reject applications for establishments that do not meet the standards set.


  • 建筑符合标准地区地震飓风其他灾难导致伤亡的大大增加。

    Earthquake, hurricane and other disaster damage sees far more deaths in areas where structures are built according to less demanding requirements.


  • 我们基于衡量设定了某些标准那些符合标准的认为是有缺陷的。

    We set certain standards which are based on measurement and those who do not come up to them are considered deficient.


  • 第二测试确保符合标准的横幅保存具有有效规格横幅则被正确保存

    The second test makes sure that a banner with an incorrect height and width cannot be saved, and that the model correctly saves a banner with valid specs.


  • 原则3发照标准:发照机关必须有权制定发照标准有权拒绝一切符合标准申请

    Principle 3 - licensing criteria: the licensing authority must have the power to set criteria and reject applications for establishments that do not meet the standards set.


  • 如果出于某种奇怪的原因结果符合标准成功那么我们应该犹豫地作为我们过错接受

    If for some funny reason, the outcome does not meet the criteria of success, then we should also not hesitate from accepting it as our fault.


  • 自动虹膜识别系统图像采集过程中,不符合标准的虹膜图像可能被系统拒绝登录(“注册失败”)。

    During the image acquisition process of an automatic iris recognition system, unqualified iris images are probably rejected (Failure to Enroll).


  • 如果价格影响获得药物,那么就使最佳产品价格具有竞争力然后无效的、不符合标准的伪劣产品逐出市场

    If price affects access, make the price of the best products competitive, and thus drive ineffective, substandard or counterfeit products off the market.


  • 环保局热电站调查发现工厂使用燃料不符合标准从而导致锅炉除尘设备故障,以至于大量煤灰外面

    After an investigation at the plant, the bureau found that the coal used as fuel was substandard, causing dusting equipment in the boiler to malfunction, sending out an excessive amount of soot.


  • 无论走到哪里心里随时伴随一般标准可接受模型,于是身上一有任何符合标准部分时你便立马察觉出来,并且记在心里以待后期检讨

    You carry around a mental model of what's "average" or "acceptable" and whatever part of you which doesn't fit the description is immediately identified, labeled and stored for further review.


  • 欧文斯夫妇他们查尔斯的父母吵翻了,起因是他们报告约翰·哈维(查尔斯·哈维的父亲)涉嫌偷猎马克·哈维(查尔斯·哈维的哥哥涉嫌开办不符合标准的狩猎旅行)。

    The Owenses say that they had a falling out with the Harveys after they reported their father, John Harvey, for poaching and Mark Harvey for running substandard safari Tours.


  • 符合官方安全标准设备全部车间撤走。

    Equipment not conforming to official safety standards has all been removed from the workshop.


  • 英国几处海滩符合欧洲清洁标准

    A number of Britain's beaches fail to meet European standards on cleanliness.


  • 如果目标标准学习方法每个人在同一时间同样的方式学习同样的东西那么通过实践来学习其实已经符合这个模式

    If your goal is to have standardized approaches to learning, where everybody learns the same thing at the same time in the same way, then learning by doing doesn't really fit that mold anymore.


  • 们的产品不符合标准

    Their products weren't up tp standard.


  • 过量使用误用,用量或者使用不符合标准稀释抗生素都会导致抗药性。

    Overuse, misuse, improper dosing and the use of substandard or diluted medicines all contribute to the rise of resistance.


  • 查找符合企业标准构件没有任何价值

    Finding artifacts that do not adhere to the enterprise standards does not provide any value.


  • 例如如果元素(清单1末尾)移动上述元素Policy内部时,您得到一个符合WS - SecurityPolicy标准结构

    For instance, if you were to move the element (near the end of Listing 1) inside the preceding element's Policy, you'd have a structure that doesn't match the WS-SecurityPolicy standard.


  • 这个产品符合我们标准

    This product doesn't meet our standards.


  • 树立只管心态需要时间但是立刻可以防止成就悬崖坠落,防止你浪费时间,产生符合生活方面标准的行为。

    But can keep you from falling off the cliff of achievement in no time. It will prevent you from wasting time and falling short in all aspect of you life!


  • 无论有何道理符合标准流程违背我们政策,我们应该拒绝这些任务。”发言人保罗·科尔达斯科

    "Whatever the rationale, this was not at all standard operating procedure and is against our policies, and the assignment on those terms should have been declined," spokesman Paul Cordasco said.


  • 其后,所有志愿者下列问题打分有人辆拾自行车己有没有交予警察,其行为不符合道德标准的程度多少?

    All of the volunteers were then asked to rate how immoral it would be for someone to take an abandoned bicycle rather than report the bicycle to the police.


  • 其后,所有志愿者下列问题打分有人辆拾自行车己有没有交予警察,其行为不符合道德标准的程度多少?

    All of the volunteers were then asked to rate how immoral it would be for someone to take an abandoned bicycle rather than report the bicycle to the police.


- 来自原声例句

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