• 如果伟大的日子,我值得信贷积极

    If I have a great day, I am the one who deserves the credit for being positive.


  • 动态链接可以每个链接函数相当工作所以大部分链接器都积极

    The dynamic linker can do a fair amount of work for each function linked, so most linkers are lazy.


  • 现在已经扭转了这个趋势如今非常活跃好动但是努力燃烧那些积极日子里猛增脂肪

    I've reversed that trend, and am very active now, but I'm still trying to burn the fat I gained in those inactive years.


  • 这些特点虽然主流 积极的杂乱无章而是规律的,有些特点具有一定传承性

    These char teristics in the mainstream are sot positive, but certainly is sot chaotic hut is orderly may follow, some characteristics also have the certain inheritance.


  • 同样,生活积极的老年人比那些积极的睡眠问题要少。哪个年龄段体育锻炼慢走3040分钟对睡眠有利

    Physical exercise such as walking briskly for 30 to 40 minutes has beneficial effects on sleep, regardless of age.


  • 消费者积极情绪状态下对产品评价处于此种状态更好。

    Consumers in a positive mood state evaluate products in more of a favorable manner than they would when not in such a state.


  • 还有甚至有时候积极情绪也可能隐藏起来如果我们承认的话。

    And on this goes. Sometimes even positive emotions can be hidden, if we somehow feel them unacceptable.


  • 通过了解内在对话,将替换积极内容或者直接对它说,都会让能力控制它。

    By becoming aware of it, and replacing it with a positive one, or just refusing to become involved with it, you gain the ability to control it.


  • 所以我们他们最新调查成果积极回应太大希望

    So we don't hold out much hope that they will respond positively to the latest findings.


  • 因此可以消息发送消息使用方应用程序积极提供服务集群队列

    Therefore messages can be sent to cluster queues that are not being actively served by message consumer applications.


  • 唯一问题是否能够积极主动使用问题管理战胜犹豫以及无法确定如何解决这个问题的困难。

    The only question is whether you'll actively apply issues management to the situation or flounder through indecision and uncertainty about how the issue should be resolved.


  • 然而如果抓住这个机会他们进行有效就业培训引导他们成为积极公民就有可能导致广泛希望幻灭社会紧张

    However, failure to seize this opportunity to train them more effectively for the workplace, and to be active citizens, could lead to widespread disillusionment and social tensions.


  • 因为这些程序积极使用电脑时候运作,所以当试图处理日常事务的时候,你就担心程序的运行问题

    Because the programs only kick in when you're not actively using your computer, you shouldn't have to worry about performance issues while trying to go about your normal routine.


  • 虽然积极支持统一俄罗斯党的当中,有25-30%人认为国家媒体控制个让他们厌烦的因素,但促使他们离开的一个更大的诱因是俄罗斯糟糕生活品质。

    While the state's control of the media is a turn-off for the 25% to 30% of the population who don't actively support United Russia, a bigger incentive to leave is the poor quality of life in Russia.


  • 如果经常贡献量化,且超越底线的情况下将你的努力所有积极的效果联系起来的话,那会增加你工作地位提升的砝码

    You'll add punch to your status updates if you quantify your contributions, linking your efforts to any positive impact they've had on the bottom line.


  • 他们曾对遏制危机后果给出警告希望说服国会通过此项非比一般地积极也是早期财政干预

    They gave dire warnings of the consequences of an unchecked crisis, in hopes of persuading Congress to approve an unusually aggressive and early fiscal intervention.


  • 这项条约国际裁军扩散制度主要组成部分所有国家予以积极支持

    It is a major element of the international disarmament and non-proliferation regime, and it deserves the active support of all States.


  • 朝着改善目标自觉地有条向着需要积极方向努力吧。

    Aim for constant improvement and consciously and methodically work towards positive change where you need it most.


  • 如果我们采取积极态度无论那里有多少优秀男人都无济于事因为他们认识

    If we don't adopt a proactive mindset, no amount of perfect guys will make the difference, because you won't meet them!


  • 在这儿积极鼓励指责邻里缴纳道路早早垃圾桶放在外面虚假索赔

    Here, you're actively encouraged to denounce your neighbour, for not paying road tax or putting a bin out early or dishonestly claiming a benefit.


  • 西方捐赠者金融危机影响而严重削弱,回应不积极愿回应。

    But Western donors, hamstrung by the effects of the financial crisis, have been slow (or reluctant) to respond.


  • 英国媒体对关于欧洲报道积极

    The British press is also disengaging from factual reporting of Europe.


  • 问题有希望未来蜂巢系统升级版解决但是摩托罗拉在网他们设备上推送补丁更新这事上一向不积极

    These issues will hopefully be ironed out in the future with revisions to the Honeycomb OS, but at the same time, hopefully Motorola wont delay the updates being pushed to their devices.


  • 真正赢家公共关系公司,他们现在知道训练老板说话时经常表现犹豫、要骂人要避免积极情感过度表达等。

    The real winners will be public-relations firms, which now know to coach the boss to hesitate more, swear less and avoid excessive expressions of positive emotion.


  • 积极言辞自己情况根本于事无补,无法帮助扭转糟糕局面

    Making positive statements that don't reflect reality will neither help your case nor increase your chances of fixing a bad situation.


  • 研究发现导致死亡因素什么,死亡风险最低人们那些积极参加体育锻炼、适度饮酒的人们,那些死亡风险最高的人们则是积极锻炼身体酗酒的人们。

    People who had the lowest risk of dying from any cause were physically active, moderate drinkers while those at highest risk were the physically inactive, heavy drinkers, the study found.


  • 阿里埃森,莫利大学生物教授,对他来说,教育这些和尚尼姑使思考,“怎样培育积极的思考西方教育培育同情心的?”

    For Arri Eisen, a biology professor at Emory, teaching the monks and nuns helped him consider "how to nurture positive thinking. Western education doesn't nurture empathy."


  • 阿里埃森,莫利大学生物教授,对他来说,教育这些和尚尼姑使思考,“怎样培育积极的思考西方教育培育同情心的?”

    For Arri Eisen, a biology professor at Emory, teaching the monks and nuns helped him consider "how to nurture positive thinking. Western education doesn't nurture empathy."


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