• 他们努力建立自己的,年轻人承认混乱应该在哪里他们把自己信仰这个确定时代

    They are struggling to establish themselves, but the young people also admitted to confusion: Where should they put their faith in this uncertain age?


  • 现在看来冥王星时代又回来了——虽然它的胜出毫厘之间(把确定因素考虑在内的话,两个数字之间差距接近几乎无法区别。)

    Now it appears that Pluto reigns - though only by the slimmest of margins (the Numbers are so close as to be nearly indistinguishable, when uncertainties are taken into account).


  • 篇《时代文章曾经深入研究调情发现,正因为不确定导致了令人沉迷的结果。

    A Time article that took an in-depth look at flirting found that it is intoxicating because of its uncertainty.


  • 了解怎样确定一起生活迟疑知所措,这大概就是我们这个时代哲学教你主要的东西

    To teach how to live without certainty and yet without being paralysed by hesitation is perhaps the chief thing that philosophy, in our age, can do for those who study it.


  • 家庭支持其他传统安全网受到侵蚀的时代全世界人民面临着更加严重不确定

    People worldwide face greater uncertainty at a time when family support and other traditional safety nets have eroded.


  • 时代确定留学回国脱臼严重受损,髌骨可能导致于利,在一点上

    At his age, the uncertainty of returning from a dislocated and severely bruised kneecap could cause more harm than good at this point.


  • 这部电影到底有没有完成确定但是时代》杂志显然很喜欢《2046》这部影片,并称世界浪漫导演

    It's not certain whether the film was actually finished or not, but Time magazine clearly likes 2046 and describes him as the most romantic filmmaker in the world.


  • 鉴于这些不确定医生并未开这种检查单,一情况现在可能会改变,因为如果使用得当,这一检查证实是有效的,时代周刊

    Given these uncertainties, doctors don't prescribe the tests, but that could change now that they've been proven effective if used properly, the Times says.


  • 这些作品一同向观众呈现我们发现在作品中包涵不确定,这种感觉来自内心深处艺术理想追求,也来自所在时代自身影响反映

    In these works of art, we can find a kind of uncertainty which comes both from the pursuit of the ideal of art in the heart and from the reflections of times on themselves.


  • 一个新的时代人物这里,怀疑不确定希望自信取代。

    He is a man of new age, in which doubt and uncertainty are replaced by hope and confidence.


  • 当今世界全球化时代,是一个充满不确定因素风险危机时代,风险已经渗入到了社会方方面面。

    The world today is the era of globalization, and it is The Times that full of a crisis of uncertainty and risk factors, the risk have infiltrated the society every aspect.


  • 勿庸置疑一个危机频发时代任何人任何地区,任何组织,都有可能面临着种种可预料高度确定危机。

    Undoubtedly, it is The Times that many kinds of unprecedented and highly indefinite crisis occur frequently with which any people, any region and any organization may face.


  • 根据诺思·斯(2007),变革领导响应如今想得到一些启发授权成功时代不确定工作群体需求

    According to Northouse (2007), transformational leadership appeals to the needs of today's work groups, who want to be inspired and empowered to succeed in times of uncertainty.


  • 无独有偶,20世纪英美文学作品改维多利亚时代全能视角笼罩着一层朦胧确定

    Changing from the Victrian omniscient and omnipotent visual angle, both British ahd American literary works of the20th century are veiled in a hazy and indeterminate fog.


  • 当今时代信息时代掌握信息谁就拥有了企业竞争主动权,然而信息本身充满不确定

    Nowadays, it is a informative age, whoever gets the information firstly will has the priority; However information itself was full of uncertainty.


  • 当今时代信息时代掌握信息谁就拥有了企业竞争主动权,然而信息本身充满不确定

    Nowadays, it is a informative age, whoever gets the information firstly will has the priority; However information itself was full of uncertainty.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定