• 他们必须确定那些对开放科学谨慎态度对其熟悉危及工作机会合作提议风险

    They must determine the risk of jeopardizing a job offer or a collaboration proposal from those who are wary of—or unfamiliar with—open science.


  • 气候变化谈判代表通常农业熟悉的人

    Climate change negotiators are frequently not familiar with agriculture.


  • 意味着他们熟悉比对朋友还要关心

    This doesn't mean they have no more regard for friends than for unfamiliar people.


  • 一份重拟提案应该几天谈判内容熟悉拟。

    This re-draft must have been written by someone who is not fully aware of the discussions we had these past few days.


  • 大学里遇到许多熟悉这会感到害羞紧张有时甚至会害怕

    In College, you'll see many unfamiliar people which would make you feel shy, nervous and sometimes scared.


  • 熟悉可能觉得有点罗嗦但是熟悉的人来讲,就好了。

    On the familiar may feel a bit wordy, but people who are not familiar with, like to find more.


  • 又是如此倔强女孩愿意添麻烦熟悉帮忙

    She is so stubborn girl, do not want to trouble others are not looking for people who are not familiar with to help.


  • 西方同,中国通常他们没有介绍认识熟悉打招呼

    Unlike Westerners, Chinese people do not usually greet people who they have not been introduced to or are not familiar with.


  • 面对这些刺激物的时候,对此熟悉的有些困惑,但会忽略这些刺激。

    When confronted with such stimuli, someone who is unfamiliar with them will merely be bemused and ignore them.


  • 私自兑换外币以免财产损失,千万熟悉组织提供银行资料

    Do not exchange foreign currencies with any individuals or unauthorized institutions to avoid money loss. Do not tell your bank information to unfamiliar persons or organizations.


  • 熟悉打交道,想法问题直接经验使深入洞察和了解社会类的需要

    Direct experience with unfamiliar people, ideas and issues will provide you greater insight and understanding into social dynamics and human need.


  • 对于中世纪社会文化熟悉的认为期间对于世界看法没有丝毫变化

    Most people who are unfamiliar with medieval societies and cultures would assume that nothing changed in the way people viewed the world during that time.


  • 对于那些依然对歌词熟悉的人来说,官方报纸电视台铺天盖地提供着背诵的园地

    For anyone still stumbling over the words, wall-to-wall coverage in official newspapers, radio and television networks has provided an aide memoire.


  • 所以即便认为自己工作质量言而喻如果遇到的工作熟悉该怎么办

    So even if you believe that the quality of your work should speak for itself, what about the way you come across to people who aren't yet familiar with how good your work is?


  • 所以,“即便认为自己工作质量言而喻如果遇到的工作熟悉该怎么办?”

    So "even if you believe that the quality of your work should speak for itself, what about the way you come across to people who aren't yet familiar with how good your work is?"


  • 意识到这次这位熟悉第一会话会以争论结束, 我选择了只是笑笑, 并多言。

    Realizing this conversation was heading towards an argument with someone I didn't know very well at the first place, I chose to just smile and leave it at that.


  • 提及这些熟悉物品类制造的”时,年轻的小孩倾向于把它们归类被拥有的”。

    But when the unfamiliar, artificial objects were referred to as "human-made," the younger children tended to classify them as owned.


  • 对于熟悉使用称呼。称呼的时候,使用头衔(如先生女士博士等)加上他们的姓。

    Use last names with people you do not know: Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names.


  • 记住,社交媒体什么捉摸定的庞然大物虽然那些感到自在熟悉的人也许是这么看的。

    Remember: social media is not some amorphous behemoth, although it can seem that way to those uncomfortable or unfamiliar with it.


  • 枉顾想法肆意倾倒垃圾信息,更随便一个熟悉卖弄你的小道消息问题

    Not by other people's ideas and wanton dumping of your information, not just to an unfamiliar person to show off your personal problems and hearsay.


  • 轻而易举熟悉就一些普通的话题几分钟内,就能他们玩笑闲扯,好像已经老朋友了——颇为惊讶。

    It was amazing to me how easily he started conversations with unfamiliar people about everyday topics, and within minutes, was joking and chatting with them like they were old friends.


  • 对于熟悉来说,这个听起来一种全新风格摇滚乐,令反感,但是久的将来可能我们很多用上音乐服务。

    To the unfamiliar, that term may seem off-putting, like a new soft-rock genre that leans heavily on harp solos.But it's possible many of us will be using cloud music systems in the not-far-off future.


  • 描述了他们活动战术而且对于那些对神造论者做事方式熟悉的人来说,神造论者的欺骗扭曲事实的程度可能会令这些一种诧异

    He describes their programs and tactics, and, for those unfamiliar with the ways of creationists, the extent of their deception and distortion may come as an unpleasant surprise.


  • 这本基本上那些熟悉学科对其有个初步的了解。

    The book is essentially a taster for those unfamiliar with the subject.


  • 对于熟悉电脑来说,触摸屏可能很难使用

    Touch screen may also be hard to use for people who is not familiar with computers.


  • 对于那些熟悉可爱草原田鼠来说,种在北美中部草原发现小型啮齿动物。

    For those unfamiliar with the delightful prairie vole, it is a small rodent found in the grasslands of central North America.


  • 对于那些熟悉sdoeii我们首先这些技术进行简要介绍说明它们各自潜在优点

    For those unfamiliar with SDO or EII, we first provide a brief introduction to these technologies and explain the potential benefits of each.


  • 那些熟悉语言符号认为被发明成像世界语莫尔斯电码类似一种沟通形式

    Those not conversant in Sign may suppose that it's an invented form of communication like Esperanto or Morse code.


  • 那些熟悉语言符号认为被发明成像世界语莫尔斯电码类似一种沟通形式

    Those not conversant in Sign may suppose that it's an invented form of communication like Esperanto or Morse code.


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