• 比如极限编程(XP)不断重构实践中这个原理就会十分明显。

    This principle is manifested in practices such as the continual refactoring practice of eXtreme Programming (XP).


  • 理解NLP需要格式疗法背后原理基本掌握,格式塔基于一个假设,就是人们不断填充信息间隙

    In order to understand NLP, you really need to have a basic grasp of the theory behind Gestalt therapy. Gestalt works on the assumption that people fill in information gaps.


  • 随着大家精益原理不断深入理解,使用精益实践机遇随之而来。

    The opportunity is for people to use Lean practices while getting deeper insights into Lean principles.


  • 持续不断锻炼更容易培养的一种习惯也许这听起来有点违背常理可是深入研究习惯养成原理后,你会发现是有道理的。

    It may seem counterintuitive that exercising more frequently is an easier habit to install, but when you look into the mechanisms that create habits, it makes sense.


  • 发育生物学》上刊登了一项研究我们解释鲨鱼其它海洋生物可以终生不断再生牙齿原理

    A study in Developmental Biology explains how sharks and other Marine life are able to regrow teeth continuously throughout their lives.


  • 论证了这种机构设计通过不断调整底盘姿态方法可以让底盘中心线逐渐引导线重合的实现原理

    An implementation principle using this mechanism design is demonstrated by which the chassis centerline can approach the leading line gradually through continuously adjusting the chassis posture.


  • 已经虚席了时间机器工作原理,时间机器不断备份细小部分已使变得巨大

    You have already learned that Time Machine works behind the scenes to "thin" your backups to keep them from being too large.


  • 避免事故发生原理不断系统输入信息抵消系统内部的熵增加

    The principle of avoiding an accident is to input information or negative entropy in order to decrease the increase of entropy in the inner system.


  • 避免事故发生原理不断系统输入信息抵消系统内部的熵增加

    The principle of avoiding an accident is to input information or negative entropy in order to decrease the increasement of entropy in the inner system.


  • 其次引入动态控制原理进度控制工具不断寻求进度与成本之间最佳协调方法

    Second, the introduction of dynamic control theory, with progress control as a tool for continuous progress and costs of the coordination point between the best approach.


  • 微观经济学中消费者统治”的原理应该以农民需求为导向提供农村金融供给不断完善我国农村金融组织体系

    By micro-economics "consumer rule" principle, the farmers should be demand-driven, the rural is provided with financial supply and constantly improve China's rural financial system.


  • 并且根据原理不断进行实验逐步完善整个测试过程做到简单方便快速准确

    According to this principle, carry on experiment again and again, and perfect the course of test entirely, in order to make the method more simple, convenient and more accurate.


  • 而对于滞后间隔不断变化复杂系统采用滞后补偿器原理

    For the complicated system in which the lag intervals change constantly, we can adopt element of lag compensator.


  • 模拟电路故障诊断研究,目前处于继续探讨新的原理方法不断改进现有方法阶段

    The research of analogue circuits fault diagnosis, now, is still in the stage of continuing to develope the new principles and methods, and going on improving the existing methods.


  • 随着计算理论方法不断改进,第一性原理计算已经适用性准确度获得了很大的提高。

    With the rapid development of theories and methods, first principle methods are also greatly improved in applicability and accuracy.


  • 随着计算理论方法不断改进,第一性原理计算已经适用性准确度上都获得了很大的提高。

    With the rapid development of theories and methods, first principle methods are greatly improved in applicability and accuracy.


  • 短期记忆工作记忆”,工作原理就像漏水热水瓶,装了很多水,还在不断地漏水。

    The short-term variety is called "working memory, " and it functions like a very leaky thermos. It doesn't hold much and it spills stuff out all the time.


  • 根据损伤力学的基本原理,利用测量弹性模量观察金相的方法,研究了在拉拔应力状态,随变形量不断增大,材料的损伤特性

    Based on the damage mechanics and metallography analysis, the characteristics of plastics damage of steel wire under high strain deformation were researched.


  • 获得绘画基本原理使成长作为一个艺术家不断改进加强素描油画不是危机危机蹒跚

    Acquiring the fundamentals of drawing enables you to grow as an artist consistently improving and strengthening your drawings and paintings rather than lurching from crisis to crisis.


  • 学习最好的学习方法练习,练习,再练习,不断地操练基本原理直到精通也是学习的唯一方法。

    The best way to study is to practice, practice and practice the fundamentals until you master it, which is also the only way.


  • CRC校验技术基本原理是统一但是实现方法多种直到现在依然 的CRC实现方法不断出现

    Although all CRC technique work on the same principle, the implementations of CRC can be different and up to now there are still new algorithm appearing continually.


  • CRC校验技术基本原理是统一但是实现方法多种直到现在依然 的CRC实现方法不断出现

    Although all CRC technique work on the same principle, the implementations of CRC can be different and up to now there are still new algorithm appearing continually.


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