• 什么意思啊足够?我一样一文

    What do you mean, I've got enough money? I'm as broke as you are.


  • 如果发现花这么少取得这么浅的景深——足以把对象相片中突出,为什么马上配备个呢。

    If you can get that level of depth of field for that cheap in order to single out your subjects in your photos, why not go for it?


  • 如果一点债券囤积行为可以使债券回购市场付出较少得到资金为什么呢?

    If a little market-cornering gets you funds in the repo market for a small fraction of that, why not?


  • 这笔需要若干年可是投资者希望他们占用好几

    You need the loan for years, but investors don't want to tie up their money for years.


  • 如果事先分析一家筹资机构情况,怎么可能判断得出这家机构是否花在了刀刃上呢?

    If you do not first analyse a fund-raiser's results, how is it possible to judge whether what it spent was justified?


  • 家主回答其中的朋友亏负讲定银子吗。

    But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny?


  • 医院里,看到他们伤者缝合完伤口,缝线扯开——因为发现病人

    You will see hospitals where they give patients stitches—and when they find the patients don’t have any money, they pull the stitches out.


  • 一部状况良好的自行车,值四十呢,”马丁争辩过,“当给到七块

    "But it's a forty-dollar wheel, in good condition," Martin had argued. "And you've only let me have seven dollars on it.


  • 《女性谈判指南》的作者算了笔账:如果指导年轻同事,公司雇佣专业顾问多少

    The authors recommend you do the math: What would the company have had to pay a coach if you hadn't acted as a mentor?


  • 会把借给的,已经借过了!

    No, I won’t lend you the money, you’ve had it!


  • 猜错了,我没有头彩——拿到——也未曾在太平洋南岸海滨吊床上消磨时光。

    No, haven't been lounging in a seaside hammock on the coast of the South Pacific lately either.


  • 如果大学好歹也吉隆坡或者槟城哪怕怡保那里工作好得多而且也能更多

    If you won't go to university, at least go to Kuala Lumpur, or Penang, or even Ipoh, where the jobs are better and you can make more money.


  • 我们已经见过艺术家们美元折出各种造型,也许也已经注意到了最近的与相关的艺术品

    We've already seen artists using money to create Cool Dollar Bill Origami, and you've probably already noticed that lately there has been an increase in innovative currency-related artworks.


  • 做事有条紊,学会避免入敷出,发现想到的时候感觉那么焦虑

    Get organized, learn how not to spend more than you earn, and you'll soon find thinking about money makes you a lot less anxious.


  • 如果任何人担心滞纳金利率或者超额费用

    If you don't owe anyone money, you won't have to worry about late fees, interest, annual fees or over-the-limit fees.


  • 如果家庭其实富裕想让记住这个国家有许多包含丈夫我们开始的时候也没有多少

    If your family doesn't have much money, I want you to remember that in this country, plenty of folks, including me and my husband, we started out with very little.


  • 甚至可以收看电视节目受欢迎英雄最近出现的,内务失落越狱-所有

    You can even get watch latest episodes for popular TV shows like Heroes, House, Lost and Prison Breakall without paying a dime.


  • 哪!这儿附近有没有便宜点的?因为知道实在80

    Oh, my Gosh. Is there somewhere cheaper nearby, because you know I really can't afford 80 yuan.


  • 更多日本制造零食选产自其他地方吗?

    Would you pay more for snacks that are made in Japan as opposed to anywhere else?


  • 任何人甚至配偶尤其是如果财务状况岌岌可危

    You don't owe anyone, even your spouse, your money, especially if they are putting your financial future at risk.


  • 也许甚至可以通过出售CD攥一些额外的一些严重收藏家(可能永远整理)想法的堆栈支付

    Maybe you can even make some extra money by selling your CDs. There are some serious collectors (who'll probably never get the idea of decluttering) who can pay you to get ahold of your stack.


  • 做到以上运气的,能省下许多更多好货,件件精选,后悔

    If you can do above with luck, you can definitely save a lot and purchase many more brilliant stuff without regrets. - strangejoanne.


  • 肯定是个贼,他想高兴捉住了。

    No! He must be a thief. He wanted to steal my money. I glad that you have caught him.


  • 好吧如果女主人侄女过路从路卡通过,”守卡人回答

    'Well, if she doesn't pay the toll, your mistress's niece can't pass through the gate,' replied the gatekeeper.


  • 这样吸尘器完蛋的时候从这些一次性的、环保袋子剩下的购买一个新的了。

    By the time the machine wears out, you will have saved enough on disposable and environmentally unfriendly bags to pay for a new vacuum cleaner.


  • 想象一下所有一生思考就购买的东西来一次的机会,现在多少

    Imagine how much cash you'd have right now if you could get a do-over on all the thoughtless purchases you've made in your lifetime.


  • 想象一下所有一生思考就购买的东西来一次的机会,现在多少

    Imagine how much cash you'd have right now if you could get a do-over on all the thoughtless purchases you've made in your lifetime.


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