• 扫视了一埃尔

    She glanced at Pierre.


  • 兴趣的话,不妨读一《身体语言密码》。

    For an interesting read on this, check out the Pease's book: "the Definitive book of Body Language".


  • 研究认为,角质层电子密集物可下皮细胞外部伤害细胞。

    It was suggested that the epidermal and hypodermal cells were damaged by EDM in the cuticle from outside of the cells.


  • 突变体节细胞下皮细胞形态异常,而且管束排列也与野生型不一样。

    Internodes of the mutants had abnormal-shaped epidermal and hypodermal cells and showed an unusual arrangement of small vascular bundles.


  • 结果:世锦赛后。 无论男划组还是女组,比赛前后三头肌肩胛厚度均显著差异P>0.05):体重、腰围臀围明显变化(P>0.05)。

    Results: No significant differences were found in skin fold of upper arm and scapular (P>0.05). Also no changes were found in body weight, perimeter of hip and waist (P>0.05).


  • 西斜着眼看了

    Piercey glanced sideways at her.


  • 大家掀开被单都非常震惊他们发现诺乔泪如雨

    Think how surprised everyone was when, on raising the sheets, they discovered Pinocchio half melted in tears!


  • 诺乔吓得望望,知道句话是从的,可是一个人也没看见

    Pinocchio, greatly frightened, looked about him to see whence the words had come, but he saw no one.


  • 诺乔回敬了他就是开始战斗信号

    Pinocchio answered with another blow, and that was the signal for the beginning of the fray.


  • 化学家路易斯·德比尔内帮助实现的,而他是埃尔·居里学生之一

    This was achieved with the help of the chemist Louis Debierne, one of Pierre Curie's pupils.


  • 里克·吉莱斯带领车队准备旅途太平洋加德纳寻找失踪美国航空传奇阿米莉·亚尔·哈特线索

    Led by ric Gillespie, the team are preparing to journey next month to Gardner Island in the Pacific to find clues of missing American aviation legend Amelia Earhart.


  • 贝多芬没有继承莫扎特海顿风格前两部作品首次公演时,大提琴埃尔·迪波尔协奏,衬托得钢琴部分更加精巧华丽。

    Beethoven, who had no precedents in the genre by Mozart or Haydn to emulate, performed the premieres of the two works, whose piano parts are more virtuosic, with the cellist Jean-Pierre Duport.


  • 英国每日电讯报》报道,英国最大制造商推动,土豆可能很快再次利用成为制作薯片包装袋的原材料。

    Potato chip bags may soon be made from recycled potato peelings in a move by the UK's largest potato chip manufacturer, the Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  • 吧,稍微转换一,的,他们正要亚斯,雅典

    Right. Let me put it a slightly yes, they are walking back to Athens from the Piraeus.


  • 假如认为英国媒体自己国家队刻薄,那么考虑吧。

    If you think the English press is hard on our national side, spare a thought for Lippi.


  • 答应了妻子请求,于是100位亲友的见证于八月份再一次了婚。

    He agreed and the couple tied the knot again in front of 100 friends and loved-ones in August.


  • 许多艺术作品,奇尼尼高度写实主义雕塑家罗恩·穆克作品,在没有背景的情况很容易以为怪诞的神秘现象

    Many artworks, such as those by Piccinini and hyperrealist sculptor Ron Mueck, could easily be mistaken for a bizarre, seemingly mysterious phenomenon when seen out of context.


  • 中路横传挡了一,丹普西门前6拉莫斯铲射得分一进球锁定了胜局。

    Dempsey sealed the victory, scoring from 6 yards when he pounced on Landon Donovan's cross, which had bounced off Gerard Pique and the foot of Sergio Ramos.


  • 哈维左侧开出角球,亨利前点头球后蹭点接应克在蒂亚戈-莫塔的拉拽,完成了跳跃和进球

    Xavi Hernández's corner was headed on by Thierry Henry at the near post and Piqué wriggled free of Thiago Motta's grappling hands to leap and volley home.


  • 苹果确保线然后身后

    Peel an apple, making sure the peeling comes off in one long strand and then throw it over your shoulder.


  • 生活教练特·阔恩:“目前经济环境许多考虑跳槽不足为奇。”

    Life Coach Pete Cohen said: "in the current economic climate, it's hardly surprising that so many people are considering a career switch."


  • 广角红外线探测望远镜(WISE)策太空望远镜使研究人员能够从RCW86灰尘组成测量温度 -325氏度200摄氏度。

    Observations from Wise and Spitzer allowed the researchers to measure the temperature of the dust making up RCW 86 – approximately minus 325 degrees Fahrenheit, or minus 200 degrees Celsius.


  • 尽管灌输不是一切的思想,梅西法布雷加斯经常打进8个9个10个比赛

    Despite being taught that winning was not everything, Gerard Pique, Lionel Messi and Cesc Fabregas would routinely win games by eight, nine or 10 goals.


  • 精确度超过0.1%,或者说纳米尺度空间分辨率在0.5米。

    Precision exceeds 0.1%, or 0.5 picometers (2) and spatial resolution is on the nanometer scale.


  • 液态冷却剂2009年5月完了所以张假彩色图像来自在目前较温暖操作温度红外光仍然敏感两个

    Spitzer's liquid helium coolant ran out in May 2009, so this false color view is from two channels that still remain sensitive to infrared light at warmer operating temperatures.


  • 凯莉·米洛去年第26位跃至今年的首位从去年的第一到了今年的第四摩丝的“摇滚男友·多赫蒂则登上了“年度最差穿着男星”排行榜。

    Minogue jumped from No. 26 on the list in 2006, while Moss slipped to fourth this year from first in 2006--and her British rocker boyfriend Pete Doherty was named one of the worst dressed males.


  • 4月切萨能源公司宾州一个天然气外溢,致使有毒液体流入附近小河,该公司的破裂法采气被叫停。

    In late April a big company, Chesapeake Energy, suspended its fracking in Pennsylvania after one of its natural-gas Wells blew out and spilled toxic drilling fluid into a nearby creek.


  • 实际上种植者通常他们的南瓜喷洒混合肥料“brew”,这种肥料混合蠕虫糖浆液体的褐,而喷洒了该肥料的南瓜一天可以50

    In fact, growers typically feed their pumpkins a compost "brew" so rich - the water is mixed with worm castings, molasses and liquid kelp - that the fruits can gain as much as 50 pounds a day.


  • 雷斯曾是阿森纳王牌,帮助球队赢英超奖杯以及三个足总杯,他英超一共效力了198场。

    Pires was part of Arsenal's Invincibles, winning two Premier League titles and three FA Cups with the Gunners.


  • 雷斯曾是阿森纳王牌,帮助球队赢英超奖杯以及三个足总杯,他英超一共效力了198场。

    Pires was part of Arsenal's Invincibles, winning two Premier League titles and three FA Cups with the Gunners.


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