• 谈话对象包括参加过死刑医疗人员还有成为医疗事故上诉律师的。

    He has talked to medical men who have participated in executions and to others who have become prosecuting lawyers in malpractice suits.


  • 这位歌手律师上诉反驳这个判决批评法官坦白他们受到公众压力

    The singer's lawyer said he would appeal against the sentence and criticised the judges' admission that they were influenced by public pressure.


  • 麦道夫的律师艾拉·索金提交美国上诉法院的文件中当事人法官陈卓光周四押入监狱之前,对保释条款完全合作

    In a filing to the US appeals court, Madoff's lawyer, Ira Sorkin, says his client was fully co-operative with the terms of his release before judge Denny Chin jailed him on Thursday.


  • 英特尔不服掠夺性定价指控计划上诉法院律师大量理论支持为其辩护

    Intel rejects the charge of predatory pricing and plans a court appeal. Its lawyers have a block of theory on which to build a defence.


  • 根据张贴最高法院公告法官决定是否考虑舒吉的“特别上诉”,昂山舒吉律师基文如是说。

    The notice, which was posted at the Supreme Court, stated that the judges will decide whether to consider the "Special Appeal," according to Suu Kyi's lawyer Nyan Win.


  • 查德律师抓紧时间提出上诉要求推迟原定于晚上执行的死刑,但是由于电脑故障耽搁了。

    Lawyers for Richard raced to file an appeal that would put a stay on his execution, which was due to take place that evening, but they were delayed by computer glitches.


  • 布莱克上诉过程中,斯基律师辩解道,法院将诚信服务欺诈范围缩小寻求个人利益损害雇主利益的案件上来。

    In a submission on the Black case, Mr Skilling’s lawyers argue that the Court should limit honest-services fraud to cases in which the accused sought personal gain at the expense of his employers.


  • 布莱克上诉过程中,斯基律师辩解道,法院将诚信服务欺诈范围缩小寻求个人利益损害雇主利益的案件上来。

    In a submission on the Black case, Mr Skilling's lawyers argue that the Court should limit honest-services fraud to cases in which the accused sought personal gain at the expense of his employers.


  • 莱的律师德盖尔林记者表示判决提起上诉上诉肯定否决这个判决。

    DeLay's attorney, Dick DeGuerin, told reporters he would appeal the decision and that the verdict would never stand up on appeal.


  • 阿诺德第八上诉法院的首席法官,该法院总部在圣路易斯,司法权范围包括阿肯色州。 阿诺德曾经戴尔.邦珀斯助手,邦珀斯则是阿肯色州众多出名律师世家的后代。

    Arnold was a former aide to Dale Bumpers who came from a long line of distinguished Arkansas lawyers.


  • 麦金农律师他们继续裁决提出上诉同时母亲要求巴马介入

    McKinnon's lawyers said he would appeal against the decision while his mother asked Barack Obama to intervene.


  • 西迪基律师他们判决提出上诉

    Siddiqui's lawyers say they will appeal the verdict.


  • 琼斯律师们又将此案上诉联邦第八上诉法院判例清楚如果上诉法院按照其判决行事,就会赢得上诉

    Jones's lawyers had appealed her case to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, but the governing case law was clear: if the Court of Appeals followed its own decisions, I would win the appeal.


  • 美国首席检察官发言人帕斯金表示律师正在考虑是否上诉法院作出决定进行辩论

    A spokesman for the US Attorney General said lawyers were considering whether to contest the appeal court's decision.


  • 提出,由于正宗品牌公司警告如果拍卖成功便提起上诉律师正在着手处理。

    But he also said his lawyers were reviewing the matter as the Authentic Brands Group warned they would Sue him if the sale went through.


  • 麦金农事务律师凯伦·托德纳(Karen Todner)28天内裁决提出上诉如果可能,她将新的最高法院甚至欧洲最高法院提出上诉

    McKinnon's solicitor, Karen Todner, said she would lodge an appeal against the decision within 28 days and, if possible, take it to the new supreme court and even to Europe.


  • 现在,Markell先生律师提议博彩范围扩大所有体育赛事的单局博彩但是上诉法院裁定这样将与PASPA规定例外情形相冲突。

    Mr Markell's attorneys proposed an expansion of gambling to single-game bets on all sports; but an appeals court ruled that would fall foul of PASPA's exemption.


  • 上诉法庭注意到,Villanova似乎并未苦恼辩护律师而且没有出现“奥普拉脱口秀”上常看到的场景。

    The appellate court noticed, though, that he didn't seem to seek counsel for his distress. There was not even an appearance on "The Oprah Winfrey Show."


  • 他们不会上诉因为他们不是一个组织严密的机构,”顶尖体育律师杰拉德。埃里阿斯

    'they cannot appeal the decision because they weren't a party to it,' said Gerard Elias, a leading sports lawyer.


  • 2011年9月5日,意大利佩鲁贾法庭,上诉听证会过程中阿曼达·诺克斯律师达拉·维多瓦交谈

    Sept. 5, 2011: Amanda Knox talks to herlawyer Carlo dalla Vedova during a hearing of her appeals case at the Perugiacourt, Italy.


  • 酒店女服务员律师提出的上诉请求很快被否决卡恩现在自由了。

    An appeal by the chambermaid's lawyer was quickly rejected, and Mr Strauss-Kahn is now free.


  • 法官同意缓期执行,以便这个犯人的律师提出上诉

    The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal.


  • 法官同意缓期执行,以便这个犯人的律师提出上诉。 。

    The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal.


  • 这位前将军律师表示基于当事人健康状况不佳周一决定提起上诉

    The general's lawyer said he would appeal against the decision on Monday on the grounds of his client's poor health.


  • 辩护人律师判决进行上诉埃及检察官提起无罪

    The defenders' lawyers appeal sentences and Egypt's general prosecutor appeal the acquittals.


  • 律师非常,非常,非常昂贵谈论死囚十几年的上诉

    Lawyers get to be very, very, very expensive when you are talking about death row appeals.


  • 律师非常,非常,非常昂贵谈论死囚十几年的上诉

    Lawyers get to be very, very, very expensive when you are talking about death row appeals.


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