• 目前我国共有3000多个电视频道48套节目“千台一面”、“专业频道专业”现象普遍存在

    Now, there are more than 3000 TV channels, 48 satellite programs in our country, but it widely exist that many programs are in the same pattern, "specialized channels are not specialized".


  • 报告澳大利亚超过美国成为地球国家最近一项美国研究却表明有34%的美国超重肥胖

    While the report said Australia had overtaken the United States as the fattest nation on the planet, recent us studies show around 34 percent of Americans are overweight or obese.


  • 快乐大本营就是湖南电视台1997年7月11开办一档综艺性娱乐节目,这湖南卫视以来一直保持品牌节目之一。

    "Happy camp" is a television station in Hunan opened in July 11, 1997a variety of entertainment programs, Hunan satellite TV stars have been maintained since the brand program.


  • 实际有了定位更有意义了;他们可以观察而不是试图猜测他们何时升起。

    Actually it makes more sense with setting stars; they can be watched instead of trying to guess when they'll rise.


  • 如今任何东西都会要求评级基础该公司服务作出评分。

    Nowadays you can't buy anything without then being asked to provide a rating of a company's performance on a five-star scale.


  • 灰色的月球表面,五红旗映衬着黑暗的天空,这一幕是由嫦娥机器人探测器的着陆器的相机拍摄的,然后发送到地面控制中心。

    The scene of the Five Starred Red Flag against the dark sky on the grey lunar surface was taken by a camera on the Chang'e s robotic probe's lander and then sent to the ground control.


  • 事实因为(财运)海王(创造力)的运行轨道十分贴近整个的销售幸运月。

    Actually, the whole month will be lucky for you, as Jupiter (financial luck) and Neptune (creativity) will be orbiting close enough to help you.


  • 然而我们需要时间模式优化器支持XPS一个分支

    However, we want to spend a bit more time on star schema optimizer support, which is an offshoot of XPS.


  • 此刻看着它们熊果树今年最后花朵采集回最后的零花蜜

    I watch them now as they haul in the last gleanings of nectar from the final manzanita blooms of the year.


  • 这些地球陨石火成岩- - -因此相信灶神地幔

    Such meteorites look like igneous rocks from earth-hence the belief that Vesta has a mantle.


  • 不想潘多拉主要是因为那里空气不好通过电影我彷佛身临其境,这种感受还是很不错的。

    I wouldn't want to live on Pandora, mainly because of the bad air, but I'm glad to have paid it a visit.


  • 各种测量方法重新测量后,冥王轻了、变小,这时候天文学家才意识到冥王实际不如月球大,并且密度很小

    With each new measurement, Pluto got lighter and tinier, until astronomers realized that the object is in fact smaller than Earth's moon and has a very low density.


  • 你们主要起源实际就是来自宿天狼,尽管有不可否认证据然而却认为是人类幻想而直接忽略。

    Your primary origin is in fact from the Pleades and Sirius, yet despite overwhelming evidence, it is largely dismissed as delusion by mankind.


  • 但是如果证明这个世界强悍的寻机器的话,毫无疑问,会头版头条新闻在那儿等着。

    But given that the satellite has proved it's the world's most powerful planet-finding machine, it will undoubtedly make a few headlines.


  • 你们所谓太阳光盘实际天狼—昴宿—大角水晶设备,最初是用来平衡稳定能量

    That which you term Sun Discs are in truth Crystalline devices of Sirian-Pleiadean-Arcturian origin used to balance and stabilize planetary energies.


  • 实际老旧蓝色手机不好用时,可能购买先进的机型。

    In fact, when my old, true blue Samsung model dies, I'll probably upgrade to something a little more advanced.


  • 步行者急需一位卫自由球员,这个愿望已经实现,现在就轮到科里森证明赛季熠熠不会只是昙花一现了。

    The Pacers, in dire need of a franchise point guard, made that happen but now Collison has to show that his flashes of brilliance last season weren't flashes in the pan.


  • 然后回到无穷大达到那个速度如果无穷远处,这个速度落到中子,很明显。

    If you were here, and you go back to infinity, you reach exactly that speed, so if you fall in from infinity that is exactly the speed at which you reach the neutron star.


  • 揭示了冥王地球一样的季节性变化

    It also revealed seasonal changes just like on Earth.


  • 鉴于这种模式国旗每行数目排列交替出现,称之为“交替模式”。

    I've termed this the "alternate" pattern, since the flag alternates rows with an odd number of stars and rows with an even number of stars.


  • 使用长焦镜头拍摄远离北极增加相片移动轨迹。

    Using a longer focal length and photographing stars far from the north star increase the distance stars will move across the image.


  • 供体概念然后物体旋转旋转终止于中子这里你看到的是。

    And this is another view that gives you an idea of the donor and then the swirl of matter, and then it swirls in and ends up here on the neutron star.


  • 本身环绕着部分前景所掩盖了NGC 1893,这是一个年轻的,它给发光气体提供能量。

    Partly obscured by foreground dust, the nebula itself surrounds NGC 1893, a young galactic cluster of stars that energizes the glowing gas.


  • 茶匙中子物质重达十亿

    One teaspoonful of material from a neutron star would weigh a billion tonnes.


  • 哈勃望远镜拍到泡泡实际是由于日换移而产生错综复杂的发光壳体

    Here, it's captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in the act of 'blowing bubbles' - actually intricate glowing shells of gas created by the lifecycles of generations of stars.


  • 旗帜13代表美国的13个

    The 13 stars of the flag represented the 13 new states.


  • 旗帜13代表美国的13个

    The 13 stars of the flag represented the 13 new states.


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