• 如果没有同事搭档帮助任何人都可能事业取得成功

    Hardly can anyone achieve success in his career without the assistance of his colleagues and partners.


  • 通过不同波长进行测试研究小组发现这些水平细胞感光性方面它们的“搭档状细胞要弱数千

    Testing light at different wavelengths, the team found that these fish horizontal cells are thousands of times less light sensitive than their partner cone cells.


  • 联赛第二弗格森更情愿使用维尔·贝克搭档鲁尼而且换人时候赛季引进埃尔南德斯

    For the second week running Ferguson preferred to partner Rooney with Welbeck and this time, when the substitutions were made, it was Javier hernandez who was introduced.


  • 我认为可以胜任单前锋,像他世界杯墨西哥队的位置一样,当然,他可能鲁尼或者其他人搭档打双前锋。

    He did it in the World Cup for Mexico. But there are big possibilities of a partnership with Wayne Rooney and other players.


  • 迈克尔·卡里克——这样个和伦·霍德尔相似的中场放在了中卫的位置,与青年学院才刚过19岁11的依齐基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half. He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • 迈克尔·卡里克——这样个和伦·霍德尔相似的中场被放在了准中卫的位置,与青年学院才刚过19岁11的依齐基尔·弗莱·尔斯搭档,而且弗莱·尔斯只是一个左后卫。

    Michael Carrick, a midfielder once likened to Glenn Hoddle, made an unorthodox centre-half.He was partnered by Ezekiel Fryers, a youth-academy graduate making his debut 11 days after turning 19.


  • 我踏着水向前走着尽量不去想我脚下那些污水,尽力不看任何东西。 库更搭档克里斯多夫.洛尔特将手电筒照裂缝,然后在手提电脑记录下破损管道位置

    Quignon and his partner, Christophe Rollot, shine flashlights into crevices and record the locations of leaking pipes on a handheld computer.


  • 很多人异国的工作搭档联姻(事实已与一名异国配偶离婚)。

    Many are married to partners from another country (and divorced from a spouse from still another country, come to that).


  • 试验当天每位被试者都配对给了一位研究搭档,被试者告知研究搭档也是学生试验参加者当然实际研究搭档博士同伙。

    On the day of the experiment, each participant was introduced to a study partner, whom he was told was another student participant but who was in fact an accomplice of the two researchers.


  • 之后游戏分配阶段,负责分配这个孩子会获得他的搭档这项任务花费时间以及他们获得的积分奖励。

    Afterward, in the distribution phase of the game, the dictator was given information about his or her partner's time spent on the task and the number of points that were collected.


  • 如果找到文案搭档也许你增加额外收入增加用户满意度的一种方式,但翻倍你的销售额的话你还需要从根本改变你的销售流程

    If you find a copywriting partner, it might be a good way to achieve some extra revenue and client satisfaction.But, you must fundamentally change your sales process to double your sales.


  • 如果找到文案搭档也许你增加额外收入增加用户满意度的一种方式你要翻倍销售额的话你还需要从根本改变你的销售流程

    If you find a copywriting partner, it might be a good way to achieve some extra revenue and client satisfaction. But, you must fundamentally change your sales process to double your sales.


  • 社会功能定义至少一个情感支持你的人,比如朋友配偶搭档其他血缘个体

    Social functioning was defined as having at least one emotionally sustainable relationship with a friend, spouse, partner, or other non-blood-related individual.


  • 搭档不错志同道合,无论在经济、财产还是安全感的看法非常一致

    This is not a bad alliance, as you both have the same interests where money, possessions and security are concerned.


  • 他们递交散文时,浑身战栗垂头丧气地他们如何自己的长期搭档抛弃忘记散文了(事实,他们交的正及时)。

    They approach the lecture trembling and weeping, saying how they have just been dumped by their long-term partner and forgot to hand in the essay (they had done it in time, honestly!).


  • 帕丁森并未亲吻女友,而是观众席亲吻明星搭档泰勒·洛特

    However, instead of kissing on stage, Pattinson ran into the audience and kissed co-star Taylor Lautner instead.


  • 莫拓森搭档宋如迪,按照办案的例行程序,当时VICAP查询过。

    As a matter ofroutine, Moore and his partner at the time, Rusty Stivack, had initiated a search on VICAP.


  • 然而赛季开始之际,雷德·特纳普用了赛季的首发搭档杰梅恩·迪福彼特·克劳奇,中介在第67分钟时候基恩替补声。

    But when push came to shove, Redknapp struck with Jermain Defoe and Peter Crouch, his first-choice partnership from last season, and only introduced Keane as a 67 th minute substitute.


  • 剧本罗根埃文高伯共同撰写他们搭档,曾影片《男孩儿不坏》中有过合作)。 罗根出演《男孩儿不坏》时瘦了很多,不过表演疯癫了。

    Mr. Rogen, who wrote the screenplay with Evan Goldberg, his collaborator on “Superbad,” is slimmer than he was in “Knocked Upbut, if anything, more manic in his goofiness.


  • 亚亚·图雷科特迪瓦-事实图雷中场搭档迪迪尔·科拉之间很难做抉择

    Yaya Toure, Ivory CoastIn reality, there's not a great deal to choose between Toure and his central midfield colleague, Didier Zokora.


  • 最近金牌2007年3月举行Yonex全英羽毛球公开赛与郑波搭档在三轮的决赛击败了英国组合克洛AnthonyClark

    Her most recent medal was in March 2007 at the Yonex All England Open Badminton Championships where she partnered Zheng Bo and defeated British pair Donna Kellogg and Anthony Clark in a 3 game final.


  • 婚礼彩排整个过程中,戏弄开玩笑方式桑尼·科利调情,她认为这种方式允许的,因为最好男人并且婚礼搭档

    All through the marriage rehearsals she had flirted with Sonny Corleone in a teasing, joking way she thought was permitted because he was the best man and her wedding partner.


  • 搭档应用心理学期刊》共同发表的文章中提到了这些观点

    These insights are informed by work that my coauthors and I published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.


  • 就是训练用场的时候了基本就像搭档一起记住你的步法

    That's where my training came in handy, basically like remembering your steps with your partner.


  • 金牛-摩羯:搭档不错志同道合,无论在经济、财产还是安全感的看法非常一致

    This is not a bad alliance, as you both have the same interests where money, possessions and security are concerned.


  • 世界具创造力人们是非常有好奇心的,乐于他人合作的,而且还会常常寻找新的搭档,即使度假的时候也不例外。

    The world's most productive people are deeply curious and collaborative and constantly seek out new acquaintances and Allies -even when they're on vacation.


  • 不要团队里任何人讨论这些创意,除非那个恰好这个项目搭档

    Don't discuss them with anyone on your team, unless that person happens to be your partner on the project.


  • 所以这个研究意味着什么?如果生育能力达到最优,要坚持白班搭档重物

    So what does this study mean? If trying to optimise fertility, stick to the day job and leave the lifting to their partner.


  • 如果因为个人理由真的旅行搭档愿意跟你一起,如果现在没有那个人,你可能会很快遇到那个一个周末的旅行

    If you do feel like taking a trip for personal reasons, your partner will want to come along. If you don't have someone now, you may meet that person soon, on a weekend trip.


  • 如果因为个人理由真的旅行搭档愿意跟你一起,如果现在没有那个人,你可能会很快遇到那个一个周末的旅行

    If you do feel like taking a trip for personal reasons, your partner will want to come along. If you don't have someone now, you may meet that person soon, on a weekend trip.


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