• 激光发明科学家们提供强大光源,同时也是地球的一种能够产生有效推力

    The invention of the laser provided scientists with a stronger source of light and a push that could do useful work on Earth.


  • 星期猎鹰号运载火箭发射升空:伊隆麝香私人资助了猎鹰9号大推力运载火箭。

    THE week before last, a falcon was launched into space: Elon Musk's privately financed falcon 9 heavy-lifting rocket.


  • 500英尺位置调节发动机的推力完全加力的状态下以400450节之间的速度准备水平360转向的动作。

    At 500-feet altitude, I modulate the power to arrive at show center in full AB at right around 400 to 450 knots for a level 360-degree turn.


  • 霍尔推力流中的离子能量分布情况对于评估推力器羽流影响优化推力航天器布局具有重要意义。

    The ion energy distribution in the plasma exhaust plume of a hall thruster is important to evaluate the influence of the hall thruster plume and optimize the thruster position on the spacecraft.


  • '内容'推力研究领域始终实际没有多大后果

    The 'dream content' which has been the thrust area of research always, is in fact not of much consequence.


  • 这个行为虽然看起来很诡异事实使电子反抗外加电场磁场推力”,道理却相当简单

    Although this behavior might seem paradoxical, it is actually quite a simple matter to make electrons oppose the "push" of the applied electric and magnetic fields.


  • 国内RBCC研究首次从理论获得具有较高推力增强RBCC引态方案,对开展RBCC引射模态研究有重要意义。

    It is in the first time in domestic RBCC researches that the RBCC configuration with relatively higher thrust augmentation in ejecting mode is obtained.


  • 本文利用推力推进装置将卫星低地轨道转移静地轨道可行性技术经济重新作了评价

    This paper makes an undated assessment of the technical and economic feasibility of transferring satellites from low Earth Orbit to Geostationary Orbit using low thrust propulsion.


  • 从理论分析了离心推力平衡装置产生磨损原因,并提出可行的解决办法。

    The wear reason of trust balance device of Centrifugal pump is analyzed theoretically. A workable Solvent is put forward.


  • 那么即便游泳者是从往左移动也是移动,所以浮力就叠加推力()。

    So, even though the swimmer is moving from right to left, his hand is moving from top to bottom and the lift force adds to the thrust (see figure).


  • 在考虑力矩平衡剩余推力基础,提出了种三极限平衡分析方法

    Based on the two-dimensional residual thrust method considering moment equilibrium, a new three-dimensional limit equilibrium method was proposed.


  • 第一使用液氧碳氢推进剂国产液体燃料火箭发动机安装了火箭的E,它可以提供5.6推力

    The first native liquid-fueled rocket engine used a liquid oxygen and carbon-hydrogen propellant, provided 5.6 tons of thrust, and was installed in unit e.


  • 接触推力轴承高速运转作用离心力旋转力矩可能会导致钢球道内滑动

    When angular contact thrust ball bearings operate at high speeds, the centrifugal forces and gyratory moments acting on the balls may cause them to slide on the raceways.


  • 地质勘探基础采用传递系数计算滑坡推力从而确定滑坡体滑塌稳定性

    Based on the geological survey, the stability of landslide and slump were determined in terms of slip force calculated by using transfer coefficient method.


  • 本文理论计算分析试验研究基础提出了提高无控火箭密集度个途径,阶梯推力方案

    On the basis of theoretical calculation analysis and experiment research, the paper proposes a new raising non-con-control rocket distrubution way. which is a step propulsion plan.


  • 探讨推力矢量描述参数计算基础提出一种推力矢量测量方案

    After introducing and calculating the describing parameters of the thrust vector, this article puts forward a measurement scheme.


  • 就连充当探测器电池大块钚散发热量,也产生少量推力照射到探测器太阳光产生少量压力也一样。

    Even the heat from the chunk of plutonium that ACTS as the spacecraft's battery produces a smidgen of thrust, and so does the small pressure of sunlight hitting the spacecraft.


  • 这些子级安装瓦·彼·格鲁什科设计的四推力发动机谢·帕·科罗廖夫设计用来控制推力矢量新型姿态控制发动机。

    The main four-chamber engines designed by V. P. Glushko and new control engines from s. P. Korolev for controlling the thrust vector were installed in these units.


  • 脉冲推力发动机工作特性使得许多需要发动机提供连续推力制导规律工程无法实现

    The operating characteristics of the engines make many guidance laws, which need the engines provide continuous thrust, be not realizable in the engineering.


  • 轴承套圈垫圈相对旋转时(向心推力轴承)或当滚动元件滚动方向运动时(直线轴承),作用轴承负荷

    When the bearing rings or washers relative rotation (radial or thrust bearings) or when the rolling elements in rolling direction of movement (linear bearings), the role of the load on the bearings.


  • 世界第一台可提供7推力闭合回路液氧碳氢推进剂发动机安装L助推器

    The world's first closed-loop engine, with thrust of about 7 tons and using liquid oxygen and carbon-hydrogen propellant, was installed in booster L.


  • 动力定位系统一种闭环控制系统,采用推力来提供抵抗等作用环境力,从而尽可能使船舶保持海平面要求的位置

    The dynamic positioning system is a closed loop control system which resists against the disturbance by wind, wave, and current with the help of thrusters on the vessel.


  • 可以控制油液如液压其中一端活塞杆产生拉力产生一个推力

    Flow into the cylinder can be directed to either end, producing either a pushing or pulling force at the piston rod end.


  • 今年些时候,团队开始考虑如何将迷你推力集成飞行硬件

    Later this year, the team will begin looking at how to integrate mini-thrusters to flight hardware.


  • 固体燃料冲压发动机性能分析基础推导某发动机推力入口流量温度之间的关系式

    The relations of thrust and specific impulse to inlet air flow and temperature are derived from theoretical analysis of solid fuel ramjet (SFRJ) performance.


  • 线圈通电时,先导关闭活塞节流孔增压复位弹簧推力电磁阀关闭。

    Normally Open: When the coil is energized, the pilot hole closed, the valve chamber and pressurized by the piston return spring throttle thrust, the electromagnetic valve is closed.


  • 挡墙在土石坝堆石强大推力作用如何斜坡保持稳定,一直各方所关注

    How to maintain the safety of the high concrete gravity retaining wall on the slope under the great thrust caused by the rockfill of the dam is a hot issue.


  • 地震学家BGS观测暗示件事:在接近震源中心部位西南方向大的推力东北方向的传播方位有更大的碰撞滑动

    The observations of seismologists at the BGS suggest both things: more thrust in the SW, nearer the epicentre, and more strike-slip toward its direction of propagation, the NE.


  • 地震学家BGS观测暗示件事:在接近震源中心部位西南方向大的推力东北方向的传播方位有更大的碰撞滑动

    The observations of seismologists at the BGS suggest both things: more thrust in the SW, nearer the epicentre, and more strike-slip toward its direction of propagation, the NE.


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