• 下面一个祷词。几年越过那条线成为上帝朋友时候我曾用它祷告过

    Below is a prayer I prayed years ago when I stepped across the line and became a friend of God's.


  • 一天家人朋友经常在一起顿丰盛的晚餐他们得到的一切感谢上帝

    On that day, families and friends often get together to have a big dinner, giving their thanks to God for what they have got.


  • 朋友上帝透露的想法,想要分享,与你聊天

    God, your friend, wants to reveal His will to you. He wants to speak to you.


  • 所以上帝接通电话帮到什么时,朋友准备好了。

    So when God came on the line asking how he could help, my friend was ready.


  • 需要不仅仅一个一起针织朋友,我需要上帝帮助,我需要奇迹发生。

    I needed more than a knitting friend, I needed God to help me, I needed a miracle.


  • 最后在心里祈祷:上帝保佑朋友被捕

    In the end I said: 'I beg you God, don't let them arrest my friends.


  • 上帝不会多少朋友问你多少朋友

    God won't ask how many friends you had, He'll ask how many people to whom you were a friend.


  • 亲爱的朋友离开悉尼之际,我请求上帝眷顾这个城市、这个国家以及这个国家里所有居民

    Dear friends, as I depart from Sydney I ask God to look down lovingly on this city, this country and all its inhabitants.


  • 但是我们不能期待朋友填补我们生活中的空虚只有上帝做到。

    But we can't ever expect a friend to fill a void in our life that only God can.


  • 所以尽管选择一个美丽的感恩节礼物朋友家人亲戚爱人分享上帝祝福

    So go ahead select a beautiful Thanksgiving gift and share the blessings of God with your friends, family, relatives and loved ones.


  • 即使这个人身上出任何缺点,你仍然需要认识到承诺重要性,就是在你的配偶朋友也可能是你的家人或是上帝面前的承诺。

    Even if you can't find anything wrong with that person, you need to recognize the importance of the promise you made before your mate, your friends, probably before your family, and before God.


  • 哈姆雷特朋友们很担心安危就寻找他,他们发现哈姆雷特跪在地上,望着黑暗天空上帝祈祷

    Hamlet's friends were anxious about him and came to look for him. They found Hamlet kneeling down and looking up at the dark sky praying to God.


  • 哈姆雷特朋友们很担心安危就寻找他,他们发现哈姆雷特跪在地上,望着黑暗天空上帝祈祷

    Hamlet 's friends were anxious about him and came to look for him. They found Hamlet kneeling down and looking up at the dark sky praying to God.


  • 我们决定我们蜜月礼物时,一个教堂牧师未知的朋友听到上帝指示帮助了我们。

    The pastor of a small church, coupled with an unknown friend, listened to God as they decided their holiday giving.


  • 朋友不仅仅治疗师或者安慰着即使有时朋友能够治愈我们的伤口我们从上帝而来宽恕

    A friend is more than a therapist or confessor, even though a friend can sometimes heal us and offer us God's forgiveness.


  • 朋友如果就是要的,你为此去向上帝祷告,那就是要的。

    Friend, if that is what you want and you go and pray to the Lord about it and give your heart to Him, that is what he wants.


  • 罪恶根源驱除,然后放入一个不仅无私而且充满了上帝朋友的心。

    He wants to take out the root of sin and put in your heart not just unselfishness but love for God and for your fellowmen.


  • 我们朋友家人邻居聚首欢庆的日子里,我们抛开日常烦恼上帝对我们的眷顾感恩

    As we come together with friends, family, and neighbors to celebrate, let us set aside our daily concerns and give thanks for the providence bestowed upon us.


  • 噢,明智虔诚朋友难道相信虚伪表现比起上帝自己的真理能够上帝荣光人类的福扯好处吗?

    Wouldst thou have me to believe, O wise and pious friend, that a false show can be better- can be more for God's glory, or man's welfare- than God's own truth?


  • 上帝当然可以开始就别让Ostrander溺水省下朋友家人痛苦担心(更不用说药片了)。

    Surely God could have simply prevented Ostrander from drowning in the first place, saving his friends and family untold grief and worry (not to mention medical bills).


  • 有些认为,有可能是个虚构的人物,因为提阿非这个词,源自希腊theos,意思上帝philos,意思是亲爱的朋友

    It's also, though, possible, some people have said, maybe he's a fiction because Theophilus comes from two Greek words meaning theos which is God, and philos beloved or friend.


  • 感谢上帝这样的朋友生日里你快快活活!

    Thank God for giving me a friend like you! In your birthday, I wish you to be alive!


  • 有一种上帝祈祷感谢上帝赐予了我那么多美好的东西冲动(健康,那么好的父母很棒的朋友。)

    I felt the urge to pray and thank God for all the wonderful gifts that I had in my life (health, wonderful parents, and great friends.)


  • 很快同学们都意识喜欢他们,在上帝眷顾下交到了许多朋友

    Soon the students realized that I was just like them, and starting there God kept on blessing me with new friends.


  • 很快同学们都意识喜欢他们,在上帝眷顾下交到了许多朋友

    Soon the students realized that I was just like them, and starting there God kept on blessing me with new friends.


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