• 最后… “一定压力很大一杯带咖啡上奶油节日饮料吗?我们讨论学校的事儿。”

    And finally… "You must be so stressed out. Want to go grab a caffeinated sugary holiday drink with whipped cream and not talk about school?""


  • 加拿大东部儿童过生日时会在鼻子奶油奶油可以孩子滑溜溜的,如此一来,厄运不会沾他们

    In eastern Canada, children get their noses greased2 with butter on their birthdays. The butter is supposed to make children too slippery3 for bad luck to stick to them.


  • 烹调时,雷哲毕先是将海螯虾在铁板稍加炙烤,然后上奶油牡蛎酱,再撒点海藻,最后点缀入厚重粗犷岩石盘子就可以桌了。

    They are cooked only briefly on a plancha, then served amid dabs of emulsified oyster purée and drifts of seaweed powder on hefty, craggy rocks instead of plates.


  • 告诉过奶油不适合用在手表的部件

    I told you butter wouldn't suit the works!


  • 如果这位圣人今天信息更加甜蜜的奶油霜冻心形蛋糕

    If this saint was still around today, his message would be even sweeter written in buttercream frosting on a heart-shape cake.


  • 而且方法一点调整配方建议全功能于一身的方法,更喜欢黄油奶油

    And I did tweak the method a wee bit: the recipe card included suggests an all-in-one method, while I prefer to cream my butter and sugar first.


  • 桌子摆着一道餐后甜点,竟然做成了整个王国的样子:冰淇淋做的山峰城堡,城堡顶端镶着钻石,城堡下面,金子做的城市闪闪发光,水晶碗般的沼泽地,里面装满奶油、布丁和米饭国王盯着一幕目瞪口呆

    The king gaped at its ice-cream peaks topped with diamond castles, its cake lowlands shining with gold cities, its crystal-bowled marshes of creamy rice pudding.


  • 奶油动过,”,“。”

    "But the cream has not been touched," he said. "Please do not charge me for it."


  • 奶油干酪松子仁把它们满,裹炸粉,要么简单地金黄色花瓣切碎——得细细的——洒在意大利面条或者份的蔬菜调味

    Stuff them with cream cheese and pine nuts, and dip them in batter, or just shred their golden petals - like saffron - over pasta or a baby vegetable risotto.


  • 奶油培根牛肉全脂牛奶,基本所有动物含有丰富的饱和脂肪还有两种蔬菜椰子棕榈

    Butter, bacon, beef, whole milk, virtually any food of animal origin is high in saturated fat; so are two vegetable oils: coconut and palm.


  • 奶油柜子里,放了以后味道就像具尸首脚趾

    The butter, too, is hidden away in the commode; after three days it tastes like the big toe of a cadaver.


  • 实际非常不错,颜色橙黄可人,尝起来有点奶油蛋糕杏仁一点没有氧化或者

    The wine was actually pretty good goldish in color and tasting a bit like brioche and almonds not the least bit oxidized or over the hill.


  • 塔楼底部铺满堆堆坚果甲虫奶油色的菌类植物把沾着闪闪发光露珠毛毛虫粪便花环,挂在比较低矮的枝条

    At its base he has stacked piles of nuts, beetles, and cream-colored fungi; from its lower branches he has strung garlands of caterpillar feces glistening with dew.


  • 这个忍耐力基础训练看做蛋糕稍后长达12-16个礼拜马拉松训练计划视为加在蛋糕奶油

    See this endurance-based training as your 'cake', on which you will later put the 'icing' of a specific 12-16 week marathon programme.


  • 只要一下豌豆,一小块奶油一点香草大功告成了。

    Just cook the peas, add a pat of butter and sprinkle on some herbs that you already have on hand.


  • 严格意义奶油垃圾食品市面很多品牌食品有无糖(蔗糖乳糖)热量可供选择

    Technically, whipped cream is junk, but there are lots of brands of the good stuff out there that offer sugar free, lactose free, and low calorie options.


  • 后来小心翼翼地婚纱内衬。 在婚礼每天,当希特法诺为婚纱内衬外加奶油酥时,维克多亚都要小时的时间来作婚纱模特

    Then, he carefully attached the puffs to a wedding dress frame, and Viktoriya spent a couple hours each night before the wedding modeling the dress as Shtefano added more puffs.


  • 一定意义算法就是软件的核心,蛋糕奶油一样重要

    In a sense, algorithms up until very recently have had the same relationship to software implementation as software previously had to hardware: icing on the cake.


  • 饮品泡沫糖屑、巧克力糖浆咖啡片。

    Pour steamed milk slowly into the glass, stirring to combine. The drink can then be topped with whipped cream, and decorated with sprinkles, chocolate syrup, coffee grounds, or coconut flakes.


  • 蛋糕的糖霜一个搅拌棒,使冰冻原料成为奶油状,直到光滑为止。

    THE ICING ON THE CAKE: With an electric mixer, cream the frosting ingredients together until smooth.


  • 星巴克外面基本没有牛奶,百分之二的纯牛奶,脱脂牛奶,一半牛奶一半奶油不切实际的

    Very few restaurants outside Starbucks carry whole milk, 2 percent milk, skim milk, and half-and-half; it's just not practical.


  • 10月17日,墨西哥城郊区烹调出世界最大的墨西哥卷肉玉米面饼(enchilada),它17(230英尺),面涂满厚厚的奶油奶酪

    SEVENTY metres (230 feet) long and slathered with cream and cheese, the world's biggest enchilada was cooked up in a suburb of Mexico City on October 17th.


  • 这种带有奶油色泡沫,麦芽焦糖黑色液体(事实红宝石颜色不是纯黑色)值得我们如此用心倾倒。

    But the malt-and-caramel flavoured dark body (actually ruby coloured, rather than black) with a creamy head is worth getting right.


  • 锅预热400度,里面涂6盎司的不粘锅泡沫,撒汤匙糖,把四盎司巧克力碎,掺奶油,放进微波炉加热分钟搅拌至巧克力和奶油充分混合

    Chop four ounces of semisweet chocolate and combine with a half-cup heavy whipping cream in a microwave safe bowl. Heat on high for one minute and stir until chocolate and cream are full incorporated.


  • 野餐菜单鸡肉其他的一些菜式呈现。可以享用鸡肉沙拉奶油时你甚至可以野餐保温瓶带一瓶鸡汤

    Chicken also appears on picnic menus in other forms. You could enjoy a chicken salad, creamed chicken, or even chicken soup in a thermos for picnics on colder days.


  • 我们可面粉添加一些乳制品脱脂奶油的酸乳、乳清酪蛋白结合添加一些我们提到原料添加剂

    Dairy products such AS skim milk, buttermilk, whey and cASein are added to flour in combination with the ingredients or additives mentioned so far.


  • 我们可面粉添加一些乳制品脱脂奶油的酸乳、乳清酪蛋白结合添加一些我们提到原料添加剂

    Dairy products such AS skim milk, buttermilk, whey and cASein are added to flour in combination with the ingredients or additives mentioned so far.


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