• 空军上士监视这项活动

    The chiefy monitored this activity.


  • 是在越战时期,它侦察上士杰西·门德斯共同执行完那次任务的。

    He made that jump with Sergeant First Class Jesse Mendez, a scout dog trainer during the Vietnam War.


  • 施密德符合上述所有标准并2008年晋升上士

    Schmid qualified on all counts and was promoted to the rank of staffsergeant in 2008.


  • 次,我们中午出去巡逻前不久来自佛罗里达州思想乐观上士ChristopherWhitman(克里斯托弗•惠特曼)详细描述了一次“错综复杂的”伏击

    Moments before we headed out for a mid-day patrol, Christopher Whitman, an upbeat staff sergeant from Florida, recounted a “complexambush.


  • 听到有人对自己努力做这样积极肯定疲惫崩溃边缘的托德上士做出了一个反应哭了

    Upon hearing such a positive affirmation of his work, Colour Sgt Todd, tired to the point of breaking, had just one response: he cried.


  • 半夜时候,已经精疲力竭了,于是不得不托德上士搬回到床上去

    He was so exhausted when he finished around midnight that Colour Sgt Todd had to carry him to his bed.


  • 即将离开英国的时候,托德上士跟腱撕裂不能跑步了。

    Colour Sgt Todd snapped his Achilles tendon just before leaving the UK, leaving him unable to run.


  • 意识到处境不妙,米勒上士立即跳进的汗马车炮塔里,抓起MK1940毫米自动榴弹发射器,向游击队展开猛烈轰击。

    Maintaining his situational awareness, Staff Sgt. Miller immediately jumped into his vehicle's turret and engaged the enemy with its mounted MK19 40mm automatic grenade launcher.


  • 14年前托德上士第一次这部电影时候就喜欢上这个主意这个看起来有些不切实际念头埋藏心底,留待将来的某个日子再去实现。

    Colour Sgt Todd liked the idea when he saw the film 14 years ago, and stashed the seemingly fanciful notion in the back of his mind for a later date.


  • “如果我们可以枪,我会高兴,”上士说到

    “Ifwe are here for a year and don't fire one round, I'm happy,” the sergeant said.


  • 我们上士麦达德身上的美国特质,负责伊拉克的一次埋伏拯救了同伴海军陆战队队员

    We see it in Staff Sergeant Aubrey McDade, who charged into an ambush in Iraq and rescued three of his fellow Marines.


  • 充分了解大难即将临头,在此千钧一发之际,米勒上士挺身而出,勇敢冲向游击队,用机枪的全部火力准确地压制住了游击队的火力

    Understanding the potential for catastrophe, Staff Sgt. Miller boldly charged the enemy and accurately engaged the entire force with his squad automatic weapon, thus eliminating the threat.


  • 感觉到需要伪军提供额外援助,特战分队指挥官命令米勒上士,去伙伪军当顾问。

    Sensing the need to provide the ANA additional assistance, the ODA commander charged Staff Sgt. Miller with the responsibility to lead the partnered ANA force in an advisory role.


  • 经历所有其他失败后,当卡特里娜飓风来临时,抑或伊拉克战场兵的死亡人数不断增加时,我们告知我们危机源自其他人错误

    And when all else fails, when Katrina happens, or the death toll in Iraq mounts, we've been told that our crises are somebody else's fault.


  • 詹姆斯·马佐尼·道尔顿上士不甘屈居于自己的美国队友之下,他在天内跑了86英里

    Refusing to be outdone by an American, Army Staff Sgt James Mazzoni-Dalton ran 86 miles.


  • 托德上士说,特地挑选了这些没有长跑经验的队员,这样才能使这场义举给人们留下深刻的印象。

    Colour Sgt Todd says he deliberately sought participants who weren't experienced runners to make the achievement even more impressive.


  • 阿姆·罗德这样肢残人士勇气力量深深地鼓舞托德上士又让他想起“阿甘马拉松”,他觉得可以把马拉松当做受伤退伍军人筹集捐款的办法

    Inspired by the courage and strength of amputees like Marine Ormrod, Colour Sgt Todd revived the idea of the Gumpathon as a way to raise money for wounded veterans.


  • 摩洛告诉调查人员战友上士凯文·吉布斯指使了发生去年一到五月谋杀

    Morlock has told investigators that the murders took place between January and May last year and were instigated by an officer in his unit, Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs.


  • 米勒上士立即转向名游击队员,开枪打死

    Staff Sgt. Miller immediately turned toward the enemy and shot and killed the insurgent who had wounded him.


  • 随后25分钟战斗里米勒上士左臂又中致命的第二

    During the ensuing 25-minute battle, Staff Sgt. Miller was mortally wounded by a second gunshot to his upper torso under his left arm.


  • 支队伍中,只有马佐尼·道尔顿上士在此前马拉松,而每个队员这次“阿甘马拉松”中要跑路程都相当于普通马拉松全程的34倍。

    Only Staff Sgt Mazzoni-Dalton had ever completed a marathon before the Gumpathon - which is the equivalent of 34 marathons for each runner.


  • 上士声音视频清晰可闻冷血评论更增视频恐怖感

    The voices of the helicopter crew were also audible, their cynical comments only adding to the horror of the images on the video.


  • 置个人安危于不顾,米勒上士继续勇敢地向游击队射击,故意把敌人的火力的战友身上引向自己。

    Miller continued to engage the enemy courageously drawing fire away from his team and onto his position.


  • 6月6日,坎大哈南部Rambazi巡逻时,印第安纳州富兰克林陆军上士约瑟夫·丹尼()名阿富汗男孩握手

    Sergeant First Class Joseph Denny of Franklin, Indiana (right) shakes hands with an Afghan boy during a patrol on June 6, 2010 in Rambazi, a village south of Kandahar, Afghanistan.


  • 上士MeghanMeade27岁,来自纽约,西Moriches地区,说:由于没有硕士学位,她很难找到个全职工作即使她目前的工作行政管理方面的。

    Staff Sgt. Meghan Meade, 27, of East Moriches, N.Y., said her lack of a bachelor's degree also seems to have kept her from getting a full-time job, even doing administrative work.


  • 上士MeghanMeade27岁,来自纽约,西Moriches地区,说:由于没有硕士学位,她很难找到个全职工作即使她目前的工作行政管理方面的。

    Staff Sgt. Meghan Meade, 27, of East Moriches, N. Y. , said her lack of a bachelor's degree also seems to have kept her from getting a full-time job, even doing administrative work.


  • 那个了解到阿甘马拉松背景之后转过身托德上士:“我见过的不平凡的人。”

    After hearing what the Gumpathon was about, the man turned to Colour Sgt Todd and told him: "You're the most remarkable man I've ever met."


  • 图38.2010年2月24星期三阿富汗赫尔曼德省的马尔扎,美国海军陆战队第63的安布罗加•卡AmbrogaCarson上士正在巡逻

    U.S. Marine 1st SGT Ambroga Carson from 3rd Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment patrols in Marjah in Afghanistan's Helmand province on Wednesday Feb. 24, 2010. (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)


  • “如果我们这的可以枪,我会高兴,”上士到。

    "Ifwe are here for a year and don't fire one round, I'm happy," the sergeant said. "I've."


  • 叫做许多其他的“第一个名字- - -士兵专家中士上士,或者一级上士

    I have been called by many other "first" namesprivate, specialist, sergeant, staff sergeant and sergeant 1st class.


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