• 普通股股息 金额没有上下限

    No upper of lower limits of ordinary shares dividend.


  • 可以设计报警温湿度下限

    Temperature and humidity alarm can be designed to the limits.


  • 然而,人们血糖最佳上下限尚有争议

    However, there is debate about the optimal upper and lower limits of blood glucose.


  • 给出并证明了一个函数下限及其几个推论

    The paper gives the upper-lower limit of a function and draws several deductions by proving them.


  • 接收信噪比较大时,平均信道容量上下限基本接近实际

    And at high SNR, the upper and lower bounds on the ergodic capacity are close to its true value.


  • 并提出了弹性软化估算公式及屈服温度下限概念。

    An elastic thermo-softening equation is derived to estimate the Young's modulus of metals under high...


  • 最后讨论确定自由度体系系统动力可靠性下限问题。

    Finally, a new method to determine the upper and lower bounds of the system dynamical reliability for MDOF is proposed.


  • 当前多媒体发送速率能够调整粒度上下限都有要求

    Current multimedia source has the requirement of the granularity with which the sender can change its transmission rate.


  • 程序启动前后根据工艺要求随时物料温度进行下限设置

    Before and after the program is started, the upper and lower temperature limits of the material can be set at any time according to the technology requirements.


  • 第一定义设定测试项目下限方法提高测试程序的筛选能力

    First, define the methodology of setting the upper and low limit of test items and it could enhance the ability of screening out defects.


  • 分析结果表明线性系统最大位移大多数上下限范围内。

    The results of time history analysis show that the maximum displacements of the bilinear systems of different periods mostly fall between the proposed upper and lower bounds.


  • 同样地介于范围下限中间会将方块前缘置于卷轴中间

    Similarly, a value halfway between the bottom and top of the range places the leading edge of the scroll box in the middle of the scroll bar.


  • 第三十八商业银行应当按照中国人民银行规定贷款利率下限确定贷款利率

    Article 38 a commercial bank should decide the interest rates of loans in accordance with the upper and lower limits of loan interest set by the People's bank of China.


  • 给出方铅矿诱导浮选电位区域电位上下限,热力学计算表明了意义。

    The effective potential range of self-induced flotation of galena and its lower and upper limits have been determined.


  • 比较功能上下限偏差值自由设定绿指示灯蜂鸣器自动声光报警设置

    Compare function, free to set upper and lower deviation, red and green indicator light and buzzer sound and light alarm settings automatically;


  • 本质刻面通过规定字符串最大长度或者数字上下限进一步限制简单类型

    In a nutshell, facets further restrict a simple type by specifying the maximum length of a string or the upper and lower limits of a number.


  • 此外设计变量下限、各平移转动自由度行程要求等作为约束考虑

    In addition, the upper and lower bounds of the design variables, the moving ranges in single translation or rotation degrees of freedom are also considered as constraints.


  • 利率下限涉及购买限和出售下限限制利率在一定范围浮动选择权保护策略。

    The range of the right should be confined to the amount of indemnity the insurer has paid to the assured.


  • 利率下限涉及购买出售下限限制利率一定范围浮动选择权保护策略

    Interest rate CollarAn option hedging strategy involving the purchase of a cap and the sale of a floor to confine interest rate movements to a range.


  • 利率下限涉及购买出售下限限制利率在一定范围浮动选择权保护策略

    Interest rate Collar an option hedging strategy involving the purchase of a cap and the sale of a floor to confine interest rate movements to a range.


  • 第三十八商业银行应当按照中国人民银行规定贷款利率下限确定贷款利率

    Article 38 Commercial Banks shall determine loan interest rate in accordance with the upper and lower limits for loan interest rates prescribed by the People's bank of China.


  • 第三十一商业银行应当按照中国人民银行规定的存款利率下限确定存款利率予以公告。

    Article 31 a commercial bank should decide its own interest rates and announce them in accordance with the upper and lower limits for deposit interest set by the People's bank of China.


  • 第六首先介绍量子容量量子纠缠关系然后研究双边量子高斯纠缠上下限

    In chapter 6, we first discuss the relationship between quantum capacity and entanglement, then investigate the upper and lower bounds of the entanglements of bipartite Gaussian states.


  • 本篇论文主要通过DS18B20传感器测量温度以及通过设置温度上下限

    This paper DS18B20 done mainly through sensors to measure temperature, and through it to set the temperature of the upper and lower limits.


  • 专用电机带动卷帘中心转动达到卷帘开关转动到电机设定上下自动停止

    Use special motor to drive the rolling center shaft to rotate, to achieve the shutter switch, when the motor is set to the upper and lower limits automatically stop.


  • 本文提出一种计算系统可靠度方法,并给出了完全对偶的、实用下限计算公式

    A new method for calculating upper bounds of system reliability arid fully coupled practical calculation formulas for upper and lower bounds are presented in this paper.


  • 然后计算方法,将贷款组合优化问题归结一类上下限连续、多峰的特殊背包问题。

    Then, analyzed from calculation methods, this model is a type of Knapsack Problem with restrictions between lower-limit and upper-limit, which is a discontinuous and multi-maximum complicated problem.


  • 此外得到了严格单畴临界尺寸上下限的一个估计,以及特殊情况下这种临界尺寸的精确结果。

    In addition, we also obtained the lower and upper limits of the precise critical size of single-domain, and also its exact value in particular cases.


  • 此外得到了严格单畴临界尺寸上下限的一个估计,以及特殊情况下这种临界尺寸的精确结果。

    In addition, we also obtained the lower and upper limits of the precise critical size of single-domain, and also its exact value in particular cases.


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