• 好莱坞准备未来几个月发行一些新的电影

    Hollywood is set to release a slew of new 3d flicks in the coming months.


  • 索尼公司数据,09年底七千三维电影

    There will be around 7, 000 3-D movie screens by the end of 2009, according to Sony.


  • 观众愿意他们剧院三维电影佩戴可笑难受眼镜

    Viewers will need to wear those goofy, ill-fitting glasses, just as they have to when watching 3-d movies in a theater.


  • 电影工作室现在极大的热情贩卖蓝光光盘三维电影

    Studios are now eager to sell 3-D films on Blu-ray discs, too.


  • 另外一轮立体三维电影,他们需要观众佩戴红绿眼镜观看70年代上映

    Another round of stereoscopic 3-d films that had viewers wearing red-and-green glasses hit screens in the 1970s.


  • 50年代一些早期三维电影黑暗中的男人”就已经发布了

    In the 1950s, a flurry of 3-d films like "Man in the Dark" and "House of Wax" were released.


  • 同时,电视台希望工作室着手制作更多电影节目

    In the meantime, broadcasters are hoping that studios will start producing more films and programmes in 3d.


  • 与此同时生长激素缺乏症电影游戏效果支持越来越大来源

    Meanwhile, GHD iron, support for 3d effects in films and games is also growing source.


  • 历史被当作正在播放电影的幕布呈现观众面前时尚亦被当作巴掌大的秀场娱乐

    The history is presenting right in front every audience like a screen pulled down showing a 3 D movie. And fashion is no more than a palm-size showplace where people got entertained.


  • 电影《阿达》可能正在地球创造票房纪录但是另外一个三维事件正在太阳系之外引起轰动。

    Avatar may be breaking box office records here on Earth, but another 3-d event is creating a stir beyond our solar system.


  • 技术包括6 -10正交偏振的分别捕获幅图片加以重叠,同样方法用于三维电影的制作。

    The technique involves capturing two images 6 to 10 degrees apart that are cross-polarized and then superimposed, in much the same way as two images are used to create 3-d movies.


  • 电影通常拍摄手法——两个角色并排站着用很简单或者模糊背景作衬——维电影常用。

    Typical shots that have been used a lot in 2D filmmaking--two characters standing side-by-side, against a plain or a blurry background--really don't offer that much in 3D.


  • 这部卡梅隆泰坦尼克号》以来首次执导的大型故事片标志着三维电影时代到来——这种三维具有长宽的影像。

    Instead, Cameron's first full-length dramatic feature since Titanic comes billed as the shape of films to come - and that shape has height and width and depth.


  • 不管是IMAX电影还是IMAX3D三维电影异常清晰明亮图像水晶般清澈环绕音效观众带来身心娱乐

    Whether two-dimensional IMAX film, or three-dimensional IMAX 3D film, its very clear and bright images and crystal clear surround sound entertainment to the audience physically and mentally.


  • 《阿达》能够拥有如此表现,应归功于昂贵的电影票价通常平均每张电影票要高出3美元),实际上,如今即便是普通的平面电影要比过去昂贵很多

    Avatar has the advantage of showing in 3-D (which usually commands an average $3 extra per ticket) and coming out when even 2-D movie tickets are more expensive than ever.


  • 纪录或许不会保持太下月,一部充满特效三维立体电影“降世神通即将上映

    The record may not stand for long: next monthAvatar”, a three-dimensional action movie thick with special effects, will be released (see picture).


  • 现如今我们认为电脑三维动画理所当然几乎所有现代电影视频游戏都蕴含奇妙效果和丰富的动画。

    These days we take CGI for granted, with almost every modern movie and video game full of spectacular effects and animation.


  • 事实上我们最后检查唯一一部全高清蓝光电影《大战外星人》——甚至《阿达》也只是使用2d碟片

    In fact, the last time we checked, the only full-HD 3d Blu-ray movie on the market was Monsters Vs. aliens-even Avatar was released as a 2d-only disc.


  • 当然还有很多障碍包括增加电影播出三维影象预算。

    Many stumbling blocks remain, however, including the added costs of filming and broadcasting 3-d images.


  • 梦工厂使用英特尔i7核心微处理器来制作《怪兽大战外星人》,电影三维画设备和动画制作者的工作设备里都配置了英特尔的微处理器。

    Dreamworks used Intel's Core i7 microprocessor (just recently released to the public) on Monsters vs Aliens.


  • 在家观看额外维度(鳄鱼注:第三维电视节目一样可以使用副眼镜电影观看3D电影或者你的3D笔记本电脑上玩儿游戏

    As well as handling any kind of extra-dimensional content from your TV, you'll also be able to take then along to the cinema or use for 3D gaming on your laptop.


  • 3ds能够呈现三维图像,但3d电视3d电影不同,3ds并不需要佩戴特定眼睛

    It provides three-dimensional images without the need to wear special glasses, as required with 3d television and films.


  • 电影制作者内部软件Maya动画软件结合,通过它们来组合画面实时立体预览窗口观看场景拍摄效果。

    In-house tools, in conjunction with Maya 3d animating software, allow filmmakers to compose-and see how the scene will play out-in real time in the stereo-preview window.


  • 三维立体电影引起很多乐趣

    It also leads to a lot of fun at 3-d movies.


  • 我们时装发布会中,我们试图分钟之内讲述故事,拍电影就是上升另一个层面维的会时髦些。

    I think in our fashion shows, we always try to tell a story even though it's nine or ten minutes, and to take it to another level with 3 dimension or 4 dimension is kinda groovy.


  • 这个电影太空冒险哈勃IMAX电影一部分今天世界范围部分IMAX电影院首映。

    The cinematic space odysseys are part of the new IMAX film Hubble 3d, which opens today at select IMAX theaters worldwide.


  • 电影工业技术最大鼓吹者电视制造商希望这种热情说服消费者使家中同样三维体验。

    The movie industry has been the biggest cheerleader of 3-D technology, and television makers are hoping that enthusiasm will help persuade consumers to replicate the 3-D experience at home.


  • 电影届时将结合真人动画2010年立体上映

    The film, which is due for release in 2010, will mix live action with animation and will be in 3D.


  • 新西兰维塔数码莱特瑞是这部电影总监他的团队制造了雕像,然后激光对雕像进行扫描从而创造了一个数码的三维模型

    The film's visual effects supervisor, Joe Letteri at Weta Digital, in New Zealand, and his team created a sculpture which was scanned using lasers to create a digital, three-dimensional model.


  • 物体模型重建CAD逆向工程模式识别文物艺术品的重建、数字娱乐(游戏、动画、电影)等领域有着广泛的应用。

    The three-dimensional reconstruction model is widely used in the fields of CAD, reverse engineering, pattern identify, the artwork reconstruction, digital amusement (game, animation and film).


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