• 继续了的“体育事业4D拳击原始三杀棒球电子艺术

    He continued his "sports career" with 4d Boxing and the original Triple Play Baseball for Electronic Arts.


  • 士兵使冲突中减少敌人,而一名士兵却会减少敌人:伤兵运送伤兵撤离战场名士兵。

    KILLING a soldier removes one enemy from the fray. Wounding him removes three: the victim and the two who have to carry him from the battlefield.


  • 真的是因为,星期一开枪打了他,星期他因伤去世就是为什么是真的,我什么时候的他?

    What makes it true that I killed him is that on Monday I shot him and on Wednesday he died from the wound that's what makes it true? But when did I kill him?


  • 棋类游戏市场一个里程碑

    The Killers of Three Kingdoms represents a milestone in the market.


  • 人努力成果一整套化学过程广泛应用于很多药物制作中,抗癌泰克索、真菌剂复杂化合物

    The result is a set of chemical processes that are used regularly to make a host of drugs, such as Taxol, an anticancer agent, and other complex chemicals, like fungicides.


  • 所以计划除掉他们绝后患的时候,齐相晏婴提出了“”的建议

    So when Jing Gong planed to remove them to avoid any future troubles, the prime minister, Yan Ying suggested killing the three warriors with two peaches.


  • 马腾急拨回时,两下喊声又起:左边右边夏侯渊来,后面又是徐晃领兵至,截断西凉军马,将马腾父子人困垓心。

    On the left Xu Chu came forth for the kill; on the right came Xiahou Yuan. To the rear Xu Huang cut off the Xiliang army, leaving Ma Teng and his 2 sons surrounded.


  • 警察家门时儿子是不是他的。”

    When a policeman came to her door one day, she said her 3-year-old son "asked him if he was going to kill him."


  • 大约有50万伊拉克人在统治下丧生,分之二的伊拉克人陷入莫须有的战争之中其他分之一的伊拉克人则成了公民的“敌人”,常常都行刑队围

    His rule cost the lives of perhaps half a million Iraqis. Two-thirds fell in unnecessary wars; the rest were civilianenemies”, rounded up and shot, usually by firing squad.


  • 自从我们增加了五子棋这样棋类游戏之后,便多人前来加入了社团。

    But since we added other board games, like Five-in-a-Row and Three Kingdoms Kill (sanguosha), more members have joined.


  • 士兵使冲突中减少敌人,而一名士兵却会减少敌人:伤兵运送伤兵撤离战场名士兵。

    KILLING a soldier removes one enemy from the fray. Wounding him removes three: the victim and the two who have to carry him from the battlefield. T.


  • 卓别林的在电影作品中陈述到:可以令你丧命然而如果一千人就是英雄

    Charlie Chaplin showed us through his cinema that for killing three people you'll be hanged, whereas you'll be a hero if you kill ten thousand.


  • 牌九绝招自己做庄不用任何道具保证把牌不管大小但是

    Pai Gow trick three own power without any props can guarantee that each hand regardless of size, but can kill two door firm.


  • 利用这项技术可望解决两系化学杂交稻制种过程出现纯度问题,且有利于杂交稻组合选育

    Using this technology, the purity problem during seed production in three-line, two-line or chemical-emasculated hybrid rice breeding system could be solved and some new combinations could be bred.


  • 没有天后还是动物、就想摧毁。他把当动物了。

    But he didn't get better. Three days later the still wanted to kill and destroy every animal that he saw. He thought I was an animal too.


  • 425:有不少,例如著名的“”,消磨时间的群居利器。

    Photo 425: Lots of table games can kill customers' time.


  • 就在威布尔·莱特写下这些年后兄弟欧尔·威尔在北卡罗莱纳州测试他们飞行信念

    Three years after Wilbur Wright wrote those words, he and his brother Orville put their belief in flight to the test in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina.


  • 模拟(即对角线传球),一本垒垒,进行传接球。

    The catchers at first base and third base simulate proper footwork and throwing fundamentals while throwing to each other, just as the catchers do at home plate and second base.


  • 土壤滴滴涕残留量偏高,由于防治红蜘蛛施用螨醇螨醇原药中含有滴滴涕所致。

    The residue of DDT in soil is rather high due to the application of the pesticide Kelthane to prevent and kill red spider on the wheat field and the pesticide Kelthane contains DDT.


  • ,一支英国巡逻队只犀牛得抱头鼠窜;又有次,被一狒狒怒冲冲得落荒而逃。

    On one occasion, a British patrol was routed by three rhinoceroses, and on another by a troop of enraged baboons.


  • 其实就是款五子棋手机游戏款游戏背景设在时期玩家可以众多国名将中选取一个进行

    In fact, backgammon is a cell phone game, the game in the background of the Three Kingdoms period, players from many countries who choose to carry out a Sisha!


  • 果真渔夫而是到了座山片大海的地方。

    He indeed as expected didn't kill a fisherman, but the place which took him to have three mountain and one ocean.


  • 含有咪唑2.5-二氢呋喃衍生物,其制备方法作为真菌剂用途

    Derivates of 2.5-dihydrofurane containing triazole and imidazole group, preparation and use as fungicides thereof.


  • 方法现场试验模拟试验霉菌培养物熏蒸方法测定不同剂量谷保防霉剂霉菌效果

    Methods: the effects of dry crop food preservative on paddy mould at different concentration were measured by on-the-spot experiment, mimic experiment and suffocation to mould pure culture.


  • 方法现场试验模拟试验霉菌培养物熏蒸方法测定不同剂量谷保防霉剂霉菌效果

    Methods: the effects of dry crop food preservative on paddy mould at different concentration were measured by on-the-spot experiment, mimic experiment and suffocation to mould pure culture.


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