• 将是继2008年9月的神舟七号任务和2012年3月的神舟九号任务之后,海鹏的第次太空飞行。

    It will be Jing's third spaceflight following his Shenzhou-7 mission in September 2008 and Shenzhou-9 mission in March 2012.


  • 然而这种存在突出问题,而且全都集中于美国

    There are three glaring problems with this vision, however, all centred on the US.


  • 为了享受好的地点摄影师长途步行至拉戈阿根廷一个湖泊上方400米处一个多风地点角架上架相机攀登进入画面

    To enjoy a good vantage point, the photographer hiked to a windy spot about 400 meters above a lake, Lago Argentino, climbing into the picture after setting up his camera on a tripod.


  • 小节将讨论USBD(基于统一场设计)的概念,在后面的小节中,我们描述如何通过前面所提到规范来刻画这些概念。

    The next section discusses the concepts in USBD, and the following section Outlines how these concepts can be characterized by means of the three profiles mentioned previously.


  • 小贝说到:“很明显个小天使男孩,通过这个纹身,表明意思是,当有一天我需要他们照顾的时候,而这个纹身便描绘了这一场

    He said: "Obviously the cherubs are boys so mythought behind it is that at some point my boys are going to need to look afterme and that's what they're doing in the picture.


  • 那位首席执行官突然离世的时候,这个参与容纳过程有助于保持战略活力:“我们百人都参与了。”

    It helped keep the strategic vision alive when the CEO died unexpectedly: "Two or three hundred of us had worked on this."


  • 硬件厂商中,只有IBM具有单一整合技术

    Among these three hardware vendors, IBM clearly is the only vendor that has a single consolidated technology and vision.


  • 所以计划除掉他们绝后患的时候,齐相晏婴提出了“”的建议

    So when Jing Gong planed to remove them to avoid any future troubles, the prime minister, Yan Ying suggested killing the three warriors with two peaches.


  • 小额信贷就是穷人小额贷款,让他们些小本生意这种理想状态下的贷款模式,四分之人均消费不足美元印度人而言,已经成为他们的最美好的生活之一

    Microcredit—small loans to the poor, ideally to start a tiny business—has until recently been seen as one of best hopes for the three-quarters of Indians who still live on less than $2 a day.


  • 建议件事朴素共同依据与规范的一个母亲孩子安全感他们代表

    I wanted to suggest these three things in the homely and common vision of a mother with her child and the security that they represent.


  • 翟志刚其他两名队友海鹏刘伯明都是42,将会在下出席记者招待会

    Zhai and fellow astronauts and fighter pilots Jing Haipeng and Liu Boming - all age 42 - were introduced to journalists at news conference late Wednesday.


  • 齐格蒙特·鲍曼꧐ (2002)。《流动的现代性》(欧阳译)。上海:上海书店。

    Bauman, , Z. (2002). Liquid modernity (Trans. ). Shanghai: Shanghai SDX Joint Publishing Company.


  • 整个建筑群组合在一起体量,它们面向南部波特兰并且西北一个宽广院落

    It is made up of three joined blocks facing lake Baltezers to the south and framing a wide courtyard to the north west.


  • 物体识别阶段模型匹配分成部分进行,扫描部件、的匹配部件匹配检验部件

    In object recognition stage, the approach divides the matching between scene and model into three parts, i. e. the Scanner, the Graph matcher and the Matching Verifier.


  • 的工位层面对停车场的“角落隔间移到能看到片树林的“隔间”。

    I was moved from a third floor 'corner cube' facing the parking deck to a tenth floor viewbicle facing the woods.


  • 高层单元拥有完美的方向包括城市河道观,住户们可以家中尽情的享受日落日出

    High-rise units look out to the city and the river beyond in three directions, letting residents watch both the sunrise and sunset.


  • 现在我们严冬般的宿怨……给约克红日照耀成为(莎士比亚戏剧理查第一)笼罩我们王室愁云……海洋深处

    We now winter like feud...... the sun of York become Xia Jing (Shakespeare drama "Richard Sans" the first field) that covers our royal melancholy...... are buried in the depths of the ocean.


  • 现在我们严冬般的宿怨……给约克红日照耀成为莎士比亚戏剧理查第一笼罩我们王室愁云……海洋深处

    We now winter like feudThe sun of York become Xia Jing (Shakespeare drama "Richard Sans" the first field) that covers our royal melancholyAre buried in the depths of the ocean.


  • 画作,具有显著特点:即立意清新笔法工致风格典雅

    There are three notable features in Zeng Jingxiang's paintings: fresh conception, neat and refined strokes, elegant style.


  • 豪宅,高高上的滨江居住模式极少数人的平台,对江资源的浪费。

    The luxurious houses at Sanjiangkou, with its superior Binjiang living style and its wonderful view that is accessible to only few, are a waste of riverside scenery.


  • 这里海如玉,沙若脂,似虹,如画,使赢得了Ꞥ”不是夏威夷胜过夏威夷“的美誉

    Indeed, Sanya has gained the reputation of "Not Hawaii, but overshadows Hawaii", for its jade-like azure waters, silky beaches, rainbow-shaped bays and picturesque scenes.


  • 房间类型蜜月房,房,豪华房,豪华商务房,豪华棋牌房。

    The room types are: Garden View Room, Honeymoon Room, Sea View Room, Deluxe Triple Room, Deluxe Business Room and Deluxe Chess Room.


  • 我们所做东西就是这些看起来不起眼,但是每个细节都需要有很高的质量,细部的建设施工处理中,在对视线的引导中。

    What we do is the things like here, two or three points, you wouldn't see it probably, but every detail is really good made, in construction, in guiding on the various sights as well.


  • 学术论文提要性提性提元和返评性提元部分构成。

    Abstract: the author thinks that a research paper consists of three parts: the background elements, the front ground elements and the adversely-evaluated elements.


  • 学术论文提要性提性提元和返评性提元部分构成。

    Abstract: the author thinks that a research paper consists of three parts: the background elements, the front ground elements and the adversely-evaluated elements.


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