• 大同市医院门诊规模较大,质量要求较高项目

    The clinic building of the third hospital in Datong is a large scale engineering item which its quality demands are rather high.


  • 本文成都市三医院1995年开始建设管理信息系统进行了描述

    This thesis describes the management information system building from 1995 of Chengdu No.


  • 方法回顾性调查中南大学湘雅三医院近五年间新生儿败血症血培养分离细菌

    Method A retrospective study of bacterial isolates from neonatal septicemia was conducted over a period of 5 years (1999~2004) at the Xiangya III Hospital of Central South University.


  • 方法瘢痕疙瘩正常皮肤(作为阴性对照来自北京大学医院成形手术患者各6例。

    METHODS: Keloids and normal skins(negative controls) were obtained from 6 patients and 6 normal people who operated in the Department of Plastic Surgery, Peking University Third Hospital.


  • 单位所有患者均为中山大学附属医院风湿科门诊或住院患者,超声检查也均该院超声科进行

    SETTING:All patients recruited in this study were from department of rheumatology of the Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University.


  • 这些医院关闭年期间逐步进行的。

    Closure of the hospitals was phased over a three-year period.


  • 许多消防队员接触这些植物后出现了皮肤问题至少名消防队员因为皮肤问题不得不医院治疗

    Many firefighters have got skin problems after touching the plants, and at least three have had to go to the hospital for treatment for their skin problems.


  • 汉一只狗不知道它的主人2020年2月死于新冠肺炎,已经在医院等了个多月。

    Not knowing that its owner died of COVID-19 in February, 2020, a dog in Wuhan has been waiting at the hospital for over three months.


  • 过去的年里,坎贝尔自学了如何为医院里的孩子们制作动物玩具。

    Over the past three years, Campbell has taught himself how to make animal toys for children in the hospital.


  • 他们个月暑假因此他们可以医院志愿者因为以后医学院

    They have three months for summer vacation so they work as volunteers in hospitals because they want to go to medical school later.


  • 问题只有通过医院养老院家庭方的共同努力才能解决。

    There is no single answer: hospitals, nursing homes and family care will all play a role.


  • 医院董事会倡议为期无烟计划中,这些规定将被执行年。

    The policy was implemented in year two of a three-year no-smoking plan championed by the hospital’s board of trustees.


  • 去过医院抱怨背部疼痛呼吸困难高烧,但最终还是在拿到处方要求回家

    She had gone to hospital three times complaining of back pain, respiratory trouble and high fever only to be sent home with a prescription.


  • 可是最近年来一直要求医院的。

    For the last three years, that's what I've been asking the hospital to do.


  • 66、身患高血压老板清水正孝3月30日医院过去基本上都没有公司。

    Their 66-year-old boss, Masataka Shimizu, went into hospital on March 30th, suffering from hypertension;he has been absent for much of the past three weeks.


  • 一连坐镇al - Shifa医院主持加沙地带医院管理工作。我每天大多只能回家呆半个一个小时。

    A: I led the management of the hospitals in the Gaza Strip from Al-Shifa hospital for three weeks; I went home for 30 to 60 minutes most days.


  • 但是外婆却得了重病小马收到医院给她封病危通知书。

    However, her grandma fell seriously ill, and ma three times received the hospital's written notice of the old woman's critical condition. Chic clothes.


  • 决定在哪里进行康复治疗之前比卡SantaCorona医院

    Kubica is expected to stay at the Santa Corona Hospital for the next two to three weeks, before it's decided where he will continue his rehabilitation.


  • 日本市民医院频率美国拥有超过倍的磁共振成像扫描仪花费更多药品以及更多医院的治疗时间。

    The Japanese go to the doctor three times as often as Americans, have more than twice as many MRI scans, use more drugs, and spend more days in the hospital.


  • 因为上班那家医院附近,我每周晚上要在那个住着一个78的老人的家里度过得了肺气肿病。

    B ecause he lives near the hospital where I work, I spend every Wednesday evening at the apartment of a 78-year-old man who has emphysema.


  • 因此虽然计划24会议开了头医院管理层就通知医务人员不必参加

    So after only three of the scheduled 24 meetings, hospital management informed the healthcare professionals that they no longer needed to attend.


  • 机构包括学校医院疗养院教堂慈善机构

    The third category, institutions, includes schools, hospitals and nursing homes, churches and charities.


  • 中国卫生部发出一个通知要求所有医院加强监测来自欧洲可能大肠杆菌感染

    Here on China, the Ministry of Health issued a notice on Wednesday, requiring all hospitals to strengthen monitoring possible e-coli infections from Europe.


  • 关闭当地分之二医院减少一半急救流动站,并且告诉那些年老病患,为了身体健康,他们应该走路医院

    He closed down two-thirds of the hospital, cut the number of ambulances in half and told his elderly patients they should walk to hospital because it was good for them.


  • 我们需要提高医院服务质量

    Third, we need to improve quality of services at the hospitals.


  • 医院安全指数用于衡量医院145处关键点,然后安全程度医院分为大类。

    The hospital safety index measures 145 crucial spots in hospitals that will allow their safety classification according to three main levels.


  • 受灾严重伊洛瓦底江角洲大约75%的医院卫生所摧毁严重损坏

    About 75 percent of hospitals and clinics in the hard-hit Irawaddy Delta were destroyed or badly damaged.


  • 然而按照无战火一家临时医院医生所述,地区被空前密集的火力洗礼,同时大批平民死亡。

    According to a doctor working in a makeshift hospital in the no-fire zone, however, it saw unprecedentedly heavy shellfire and civilian casualties on Wednesday.


  • 然而按照无战火一家临时医院医生所述,地区被空前密集的火力洗礼,同时大批平民死亡。

    According to a doctor working in a makeshift hospital in the no-fire zone, however, it saw unprecedentedly heavy shellfire and civilian casualties on Wednesday.


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