• 巴马先生有着许多选择,这其中就包括克林顿夫人拥护者比方说,俄骇俄州州长泰德斯·特里·克兰以及印第安那州参议员依万贝

    Mr Obama has many choices, including supporters of Mrs Clinton such as TedStrickland, the Governor of Ohio, and Evan Bayh, the Indiana's Senator.


  • 第三个主张提出了成千移民普遍存在两种模式种是契约仆役另一种为了获得土地

    Bailyn's third proposition suggests two general patterns prevailing among the many thousands of migrants: one group came as indentured servants, another came to acquire land.


  • 据悉,就在“人迷”克汉姆妻子维多利亚的千金降生之际,已经“四次当”的小当然要为女儿准备“育婴房”,只是该育婴房非彼育婴房,豪宅虽然属于租借性质,但是价格却是相当惊人,而且来头也不简单,据悉,该豪宅的前户主为著名的好莱坞奥斯卡导演奖获得者:斯蒂文·斯皮尔伯格先生。

    Mummy and daddy Beckham have rented out the luxurious, and quite frankly gargantuan, Malibu mansion from Oscar-winning director Steven Spielberg.


  • 虽然没有什么文化知识可是她却能够事情开始的时候,就让先生了解一些情况,这样不会最后闪电似地使分惊愕。

    And, perhaps, unlearned as she was, she could have brought a dawning knowledge home to Mr Dombey at that early day, which would not then have struck him in the end like lightning.


  • 吉拉伊先生穆加先生每周一内阁一室,彼此怨恨事实,也标志戏剧性的转折

    The very fact that Mr Tsvangirai and Mr Mugabe sit down together in cabinet every Monday, apparently without rancour, marks a dramatic turnaround.


  • 即使格拉一次打败竞争对手,也可能指望穆加会温文地躬身而退

    But even if Mr Tsvangirai once again defeats his opponent, Mr Mugabe is not expected to bow out gracefully.


  • 议会210个席位组织将获得10个席位,从而在穆加集团吉拉伊集团之间进行平衡

    The ten seats his faction has in the 210-member Parliament could hold the balance of power between Mr Mugabe’s lot and Mr Tsvangirai’s.


  • 拉伊和解姿态招致了批评不单是从地位上来说已经表面上团结穆加作出了太多退让

    Tsvangirai's conciliatory attitude has led to criticism, not least from within his own ranks, that he has conceded too much ground to Mugabe, sacrificing change for the facade of unity.


  • 吉拉伊这个一边倒的协议说不,正确的。而穆加表示单方面执行协议。

    Mr Tsvangirai is right to reject the one-sided conditions under which Mr Mugabe says he will implement it.


  • 穆加吉拉伊表示一些国家津巴布韦制裁是不公正的,希望早日解除

    Mugabe and Tsvangirai also hoped for the early lifting of unfair sanctions on Zimbabwe by certain countries.


  • 一旦穆加加入正规谈判再也可能那么容易随心所欲;如果舞弊从中作梗,那么茨拉伊只能退出

    Once Mr Mugabe is locked into proper talks, it may no longer be so easy for him to have his way. And if he cheats and filibusters, Mr Tsvangirai should simply walk out.


  • 星期一埃及举行非首脑会议前夕,非外长举行会议。各国外长呼吁世界各国领导人推动穆加吉拉伊举行对话

    African Union Foreign Ministers meeting in Egypt ahead of Monday's summit, said international leaders should push for Mr. Mugabe and Tsvangirai to talk to each other.


  • 再次让姆穆加吉拉伊之间斡旋去年曾在双方代表间进行了调解。

    Mr Mbeki, who mediated talks last year between representatives of Messrs Mugabe and Tsvangirai, was asked to resume his efforts.


  • 迄今为止,茨拉伊还是低头不语,尽管穆加属反复暗中破坏没有公开场合发表过任何抱怨

    So far Mr Tsvangirai has kept his head down. Despite the many attempts of Mr Mugabe's old guard to humiliate and undermine him, he has made no public complaint.


  • 穆加拉伊表示感谢中国津巴布韦争取民族解放斗争给予的宝贵支持

    Mugabe and Tsvangirai said Zimbabwe thanked for China's precious support of Zimbabwe's struggle for national liberation.


  • 那时起成千上残疾退伍军人母亲一样承担起照顾儿子主要任务。

    Since then, Becky, like thousands of mothers of disabled vets, has been her son's main caregiver.


  • 现在似乎为了彰显拉伊弱势地位,穆加单方面剥夺MDC几个部长职权,由来自ZANU - PF的部长们代行其职。

    Now, as if to underline Mr Tsvangirai's impotence, Mr Mugabe has unilaterally stripped several MDC ministers of their powers, transferring them to ZANU-PF ministers.


  • 如今,穆塔马拉先生拉伊先生的各自派系议会席位相当对于如何结束穆加的统治发生激烈分歧。

    Today, Mr. Mutambara and Mr. Tsvangirai each head factions with a roughly equal number of seats in parliament.


  • 2001年简短自传“意大利故事发给1500家庭

    In 2001 "an Italian Story", a short hagiography of Mr Berlusconi, was distributed to 15m homes.


  • 这些吉莱(Tsvangirai)的攻击提升了公众中的地位-正如穆加(Mugabe)许多年前努力提升自己的地位一样:他结束白人统治的斗争中了监狱

    The attacks on Mr Tsvangirai have improved his public standingjust as Mr Mugabe burnished his, long ago, by going to prison while fighting for an end to white rule.


  • 作为03年环球小姐获得7美元的奖金。她还将进行周游世界公众事务,其中包括筹措基金以及艾滋病研究宣传活动。

    As Miss Universe 2003, Vega will take home an estimated, 000 in prizes and hold public engagements around the world that will include fund-raising and campaigning for AIDS research and awareness.


  • 吉斯·斯先生目标是2020年100“货壳”用于海上铁路公路货运,相当于市场总量的4%。

    Mr Giesbers aims to have 1m Cargoshells plying the seas, rails and roads by 2020, equivalent to 4% of the market.


  • 公诉人作为提供内部信息回报,斯特工那里获得了1.5美元的现金

    Mr. Sebbag received $15,000 in cash from the agents for sharing the inside information, the prosecutors said.


  • 中国每年2,000人出生,这个市场亲公司的吸引力显而易见的。

    "The China market — with about 20 million births annually — has obvious appeal to Pigeon," he said.


  • 本周一大约2.3德国学者加入要求古滕辞职行列,默克尔寄去了一封联名信,抗议其留任古滕格的决定

    On Monday, some 23,000 German academics joined the rising chorus of people demanding his resignation, sending Merkel a joint letter protesting her decision to keep Guttenberg on.


  • 多特蒙德西格纳尔-伊杜纳公园球场的8观众刚刚目睹了里为拜仁踢进第三一个灵巧任意球打进了球门上

    The 80, 000 people in the Signal Iduna Park had just watched Ribéry score Bayern Munich's third goal with a deft free-kick into the top corner.


  • 多特蒙德西格纳尔-伊杜纳公园球场的8观众刚刚目睹了里为拜仁踢进第三一个灵巧任意球打进了球门上

    The 80, 000 people in the Signal Iduna Park had just watched Ribéry score Bayern Munich's third goal with a deft free-kick into the top corner.


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