• 这家公司成千花费在大摆酒宴款待潜在客户

    The firm spent thousands wining and dining potential clients.


  • 埃洛普执掌诺基亚一天公司市值都缩水了2300美元,从数据看,是史糟糕的首席执政官之一

    Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia, the company's market value declined by $23 million, making him, by the numbers, one of the worst CEOs in history.


  • 埃洛普执掌诺基亚一天公司市值都缩水了2300美元,使得数据是史糟糕的CEO之一

    Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia, the company's market value declined $23 million, making him, by the numbers, one of the worst CEOs in history.


  • 事实这家公司2009年12月起,经历18累计470欧元损失

    The company posted a net loss of 4.7 million euros for the 18 months through December 2009.


  • DigitalSpy通过诸多被称为广告网络其他公司论坛销售广告空间,论坛每个月有300访问者

    Digital Spy sells the AD space on its forums section, visited by three million unique visitors a month, through a number of other companies, called AD networks.


  • COM这家公司30专业球队所有去年,约50球迷MLB.COM观看付费棒球比赛视频直播,费用为120美元。

    Half a million baseball fans paid $120 last year to watch live video of pro baseball games on the Web, according to MLB.com, a company owned by all 30 pro teams.


  • 本书阐述的理念,已经世界各地举行现场培训班会议工厂静修班千千人们、与诸多夫妇和公司分享

    I have Shared the principles in this book with thousands of people, with couples and companies, in live seminars, conferences, workshops, and retreats all over the world.


  • 这些拥护者允许公司歧视失业(无业)人员从根本不公平的,而且也会迫使成千美国人于永久的下层阶级的不幸境遇。

    These advocates also say that allowing companies to discriminate against the jobless is fundamentally unfair and threatens to condemn millions of Americans to permanent underclass status.


  • 公司使用一个细胞几个成份之间成千的相互作用,并通过这些作用的数据库声称道,他们已经研究出世界快捷的药物分析系统

    Using databases of tens of thousands of interactions between the components of a cell, his company claims to have developed the world's fastest drug-profiling system.


  • 许多其它旅游品牌豪酒店喜达屋酒店赫兹租车公司社交媒体建立强大地位。

    Many other travel brands, including Marriott, Starwood and Hertz also have strong social media presences.


  • 若果真如此营销人员不免错失良机因为有200Facebook参与投票,且大部分不是公司现有顾客

    If so, its marketing staff are missing a trick, given that around 2m people signed up to vote on Facebook, many of whom were not existing Chase customers.


  • Flipboard投资者包括美国人迷阿什顿·库彻Twitter联合创办人JackDorsey,后者公司的“Flip”的白板写作

    Flipboard's investors include American heartthrob Ashton Kutcher and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey - who have both written on the company's 'Flip fans' white board.


  • Expedia旗下TripAdvisor罗列家酒店企业名录业务可能成为公司一个重要收入来源

    With the tens of thousands of hotels displayed on TripAdvisor, Business Listings could be a significant new revenue stream for the company, which is a unit of Expedia Inc.


  • 1984年,位于印度尔的农药厂联合碳化物公司发生事故,40甲基异氰酸盐泄漏造成多人丧生。世界后果最严重化学灾难

    More than 40 tons of methyl isocyanate spilled from a Union Carbide-owned pesticide factory in Bhopal, India, in 1984, killing more than 20, 000 people in the world’s worst chemical disaster.


  • 全球最大化妆品集团之一欧莱雅公司介绍,他们的顾客2006年护肤品花费了385欧元一年增长了12%。

    L'Oreal, one of the world's largest cosmetics group, said its customers spent 3.85 million euros on skincare products in 2006, up nearly 12 percent on the previous year.


  • 所有DHL公司运行Informix日常核心应用程序都是基于Informix的,在墨西哥马来群岛6600检查点都可以操作

    All the DHL companies run Informix; the daily core applications, which operate across the company's 66 million checkpoints from Mexico to Malaysia, are based on Informix.


  • 有的几天队也去不公司次提现不能超过1美金,个人不能超过300美金。

    Some queued for days and were denied their cash, or were allowed a limit of $10, 000 for corporate accounts and $300 for individuals.


  • 从壳牌石油公司倒塌钻井平台照片可以看出损失的严重性。这座平台每天生产4石油1亿5千立方英尺天然气

    One indication of how bad things may be is a photograph of a toppled Shell oil platform, which produced 40,000 barrels of oil a day and about 150 million cubic feet of natural gas.


  • 大约40%甲骨文商业软件运行惠普电脑,两公司共同客户14

    About 40 percent of Oracle's business software runs on computing systems sold by H.P., and the companies have 140, 000 customers in common.


  • 大约40%甲骨文商业软件运行惠普电脑,两公司共同客户14

    About 40 percent of Oracle's business software runs on computing systems sold by H.P., and the companies have 140,000 customers in common.


  • 脱离破产保护的首份正式账单通用公司7月10日12月31日期间损失430美元。

    In its first official accounts since leaving bankruptcy protection, General Motors reported a net loss of $4.3 billion for the period between July 10th and December 31st.


  • 微软惠普摩托罗拉爱立信公司爱特信网页刊登广告。 爱特信公司网页已成为中国受欢迎的网页之一每日访问者达28人次

    Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Motorola, and Ericsson, for instance, all advertise on ITC’s Web site, one of the most popular in China with 280, 000 hits per day.


  • 我们挑选这些公司(今年初选入围的企业超过1.5)基本都是经历2008年以来经济动荡洗礼的佼佼者。

    Essentially these are our picks of the companies (from an initial field this year of over 15, 000) that have best managed through the economic volatility that began in 2008.


  • 这些公司2010年花了16亿澳元用于整合提升设施IDC数据地板容纳了约大约63服务器

    These companies spent about AU$1.6bn in 2010 on integrating and upgrading facilities, which IDC says hold about 630, 000 servers on data center floors.


  • 事实一个印度软件工程师印度只能得到2美金工资,但相同工作美国7.5美金,这使得英特尔这样公司不断业务转到国外进行。

    It's true that an Indian software engineer accepts $20, 000 for the same job that would pay $75, 000 in the United, prompting compaines such as Intel to move more work overseas.


  • 戴尔公司依然是世界最大PC销售商去年全球卖了3700台机器,占整个市场20%(占美国市场的32%)。

    Dell remains the largest PC vendor in the world, shipping 37m machines worldwide last year and commanding nearly 20% of the market (32% in America).


  • 戴尔公司依然是世界最大PC销售商去年全球卖了3700台机器,占整个市场20%(占美国市场的32%)。

    Dell remains the largest PC vendor in the world, shipping 37m machines worldwide last year and commanding nearly 20% of the market (32% in America).


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