• 如果认为以前观众熟悉威德曼写过的一部作品那就太自负了。

    To assume the former audience was familiar with every work Wideman ever penned would have been pretentious.


  • 歌剧魅影一定百老汇具代表一部作品原因的。不可思议。

    The Phantom of the Opera must be the most iconic Broadway musical ever, and it's for a good reason. It's so incredible.


  • 许多经典文本都在流传时可能有助于罗马文本传播外部证据中世纪一部作品

    One type of external evidence that may shed light on the transmission of Roman texts is the availability of a work in the Middle Ages, when many classical texts were circulated.


  • 现存手稿不论数量多么,也不能学者推断一部作品古代拉丁手稿有多少存活到了九、十二甚至十五世纪

    The number of extant manuscripts, however few, really does not allow scholars to infer how many ancient Latin manuscripts of a work survived to the ninth, the twelfth, or even the fifteenth century.


  • 呼啸山庄》英国文学原著经典非常重要一部作品

    'Wuthering Heights' is a central book in the canon of English literature.


  • 着《汽车总动员3》、《寻梦环游记》、《玩具总动员4》的发行,皮克斯的下一部作品将会更好。

    With the releases (发行) for Cars 3, Coco, Toy Story 4, Pixar's next work will be better.


  • 是否喜欢一部作品重要但是应该能够解释为什么喜欢某部作品并且能够谈论历史音乐背景

    Whether you like a piece or not is important, but you should be able to explain why you like a particular piece and be able to talk about its historical and musical context.


  • 我们真的目前为止最好一部作品

    We really do feel it is one of the best films we have made so far.


  • 当然有人质疑,那样谈论一部作品是否必要。

    Of course, it's contested whether or not there is really any merit in talking about texts that way.


  • 一部作品对象竟是主角母亲少女时代被禁锢鬼魂

    In one case, the love interest turns out to be the ghost of the hero’s mother, captured when she was a teenage girl.


  • 19发表一部作品十八首》(1934)。

    He published his first book, Eighteen Poems (1934) when he was 19 years old.


  • 一部作品体育主题影片《近在咫尺》中,他饰演一位专业拳击手

    In his last movie, Close to You, a sports story, Peng played a professional boxer.


  • 立誓封笔之后,1997年出版的《时成为最后一部作品

    He vowed several times he would never write another novel: "Timequake", published in 1997, proved to be his last.


  • 一部作品名为抚养x宝贝”,试图抚养孩子的过程转化成艺术形式

    Her next work called "Raising Baby x" will attempt to turn the act of bringing up a child into art.


  • 阅读一部作品每次都能读到不同道理,每个道理都不是详尽无遗的,不是更有根据的。

    The truth of a work changes with each reading, no one of which is exhaustive or more valid then another.


  • G大调协奏曲钢琴协奏曲10,而钢琴协奏曲目前普遍认为莫扎特的一部作品

    That is ten years earlier than the piano concerto that is currently recognised as being Mozart's first.


  • 一部作品离不开观众,”:“内涵需要他人认可,需要影响力。”

    "I think that a work has to have an audience," he said. "the meaning of a piece of work has to be acknowledged by other people."


  • 那年,肖邦创作出了人生一部作品充分展现了他与生俱来非凡音乐天赋

    By the age of six, Chopin was creating original pieces, showing innate prodigious musical ability.


  • 1981年,出版了一部作品。她的第二部小说《Gilead获得普利策文学奖

    Her first novel, Housekeeping, was published in 1981 and her following work, Gilead, won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction.


  • 这些时间我们本来可以我们家人在一起,或是去海滩、或是看看书、或是开始一部作品

    That time could have been spent with your family, on the beach, reading, or working on your first book.


  • 三十年前,库布里克28岁拍摄越战影片《金属外壳》立刻成为反战片中最为无情一部作品

    Thirty years before his half-brilliant Vietnam film Full Metal Jacket, the 28-year-old Kubrick made this most merciless and clinical of antiwar war movies.


  • 正如一部作品女巫中所指出的,适合儿童的书,管不着大人们是怎么想的”。

    As he pointed out about another work, "the Witches", it was "a book for children and I don't give a bugger what grown-ups think about it".


  • 的上一部作品5厘米》一样,奇妙探险搭配上惊人视觉效果,相当值得期待雄心之作。

    Like his previous film, 5 Centimeters per Second, it looks visually astonishing, with a touch of wonder & adventure. Quite an ambitious project to look forward!


  • 的上一部作品5厘米》一样,奇妙探险搭配上惊人视觉效果,相当值得期待雄心之作。

    Like his previous film, 5 Centimeters per Second, it looks visually astonishing, with a touch of wonder &adventure. Quite an ambitious project to look forward!


  • 这里重点一旦耳朵牢牢记住了这些进程,你音乐会时候开始分析一部作品和声了。

    So the point of this is: once you get these kind of progressions locked in your ears, you go to a concert and you can begin to chart what the piece is doing in terms of its harmony.


  • 1965年塞林格最后一部作品面世以来,公众对兴趣长久不褪。一直拒绝和其他作家导演记者合作

    Though intrigue has continued to swirl around Salinger since his last published work in 1965, he has consistently rejected approaches from writers, film-makers and journalists.


  • 正当《阿达》刷新票房之际,詹姆斯·卡梅隆将目光瞄准历史,考虑从历史截取片断拍摄下一部作品

    As "Avatar" continues to make box office history, James Cameron is eyeing a slice of history for a potential helming gig.


  • 正当《阿达》刷新票房之际,詹姆斯·卡梅隆将目光瞄准历史,考虑从历史截取片断拍摄下一部作品

    As "Avatar" continues to make box office history, James Cameron is eyeing a slice of history for a potential helming gig.


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