• 所以所有信息一股脑儿过来

    Once I started thinking about this, all sorts of information came back to me. Here are a few things to keep in mind.


  • 孩子们抓起滑板一股脑儿地全部冲向了干了喷泉开始玩起了滑板。

    The children grabbed the boards and raced off to skate in the cracked bowl of the dried-up fountain.


  • 不是有意这样问,但是从嘴里说出的话似乎看穿心思,一股脑儿涌了出来。

    I hope this is not becoming a habit-my mouth's bypassing my conscious faculties, issuing statements and questions of its own accord.


  • 虽然那天球场想法一股脑说出来,经过不停反思我最终还是闭住了嘴巴。

    Although I really wanted to give him a piece of my mind that day on the field, I managed to keep my emotions in check and my mouth shut.


  • 也盛一点放入口中淡淡的味道,我一股脑儿了出来原来放盐

    I sung a little rice into the mouth, insidious, no taste, I peremptorily spit out the rice, the original no salt ah!


  • 知道感情刚开始的时候就会一股脑的扎进去知道十分重视明确直接交流

    He knows how infatuated you get early on, and how much you value clear and direct communication.


  • 尝试倾听,耐心把自己的不满愤怒一股脑儿出来其实就是释放情绪

    And try to listen, listen to his dissatisfaction and anger altogether speak out, is in fact to help him release the emotions.


  • 比如说管理人员应该通过项目整体愿景指导团队不是实现细节一股脑地扔给团队

    For example, management should help guide their teams with an overall vision for a project but not enforce the details of implementation on the team.


  • 教育背景相关课程不要为了拼凑篇幅所有的课程一股脑儿写上体育等

    Write as background in education-related courses, not to put together space, the children will fall in all courses are written, such as sports.


  • 我们不能这些习惯一股脑儿地归人类心理复杂性上面因为表现出这些习惯的只是人类

    But we can't trace these habits merely to the complexities of the human psyche, because it's not just humans who exhibit them.


  • 一些男性情绪心里,以致最后一股脑爆发出来(这很不健康),或是疏远自己伴侣朋友

    Some men keep their emotions so pent up that they eventually burst in an unhealthy fit of anger or alienate their partners or friends.


  • 有人一道厨师没有听时,中餐馆大厨厨房剩菜剩饭全都一股脑儿了个大杂烩。

    The chef in the Chinese restaurant may just scramble to put the leftover bits and pieces in kitchen together when someone had ordered a dish the chef knew nothing about.


  • 虽然事实上太阳几乎是处于沉睡状态,令人尴尬平静无恙,他们果然准备责任一股脑儿太阳身上。

    Despite the fact that the Sun has been virtually asleep, embarrassingly quiet, they are on cue getting ready to blame it all on the Sun.


  • 一些家长非医师指导下,把有关癫痫一股脑用上反而造成孩子损伤甚至出现昏迷状态

    Some parents, under the guidance of the non-physician, the child will fall on epilepsy have to spend, but the liver damage caused by children, and even coma.


  • 千万不能桌面计算机术语习惯不假思索地一股脑儿地扔相对简单设备比如照相机或者微波炉

    The last thing that you want to do is bring all the baggage-the idioms and terminology-of the desktop computer world with you to a "simple" device like a camera or microwave oven.


  • 加州大学伯克利分校校长罗伯特·达尔则担心说,学校一股脑地涌上互联网并不一定能实现办学初衷。

    Robert Berdahl, 2 Chancellor of the University of California at Berkeley, worries that schools jumping onto the Internet bandwagon may not like where it takes them.


  • 顷刻之间,滚滚浊水像堵墙一般压了下来,一股脑儿连人带车都冲走了情景,直到现在脑海里

    The image of a sudden wall of dark water carrying the man and his car away in an instant is still imprinted on my mind.


  • 与其所有信息一股脑儿放在互联网上,不如让警察保管这些名字,并仅仅学校这样需要知道的机构分享。

    Instead of Posting everything on the Internet, names could be held by the police, who would share them only with those, such as a school, who need to know.


  • 本想这些一股脑儿垃圾桶里,但是时候失了手,信件没落进银色垃圾桶里,而是厨房地板上

    He'd tossed the lot of them into the garbage, but his aim was off and several pieces of mail fell to the kitchen floor instead of into the silver garbage pail.


  • 有时候真的透了,我会用谷歌搜索文章标题然后复制所有材料一股脑儿地放进一个空白文档中再稍稍调整一下顺序

    Sometimes, when I am really fed up, I Google the essay title, copy and throw everything on to a blank word document and jiggle the order a bit.


  • 同事并不建议交易大楼或者K政客办公室里都一股脑儿地装上大灯使人们的行为更为高尚——至少到非要这样的地步。

    Zhong and his colleagues do not recommend flooding trading floors or K Street lobbyists' offices with light in order to enforce ethical behavior - at least not yet.


  • 同时轻视这样一个事实,即尽管科学力求做到客观,但科学家们却所有价值一股脑儿到了台面上来,对决定环境的价值更是如此。

    It also underplays the fact that, although science strives for objectivity, its practitioners necessarily bring all sorts of values to the table, perhaps especially in matters environmental.


  • 许多公司一股脑儿地扎Facebook社交媒体站点上,之前都清楚他们为何这些网站上广告,以及自己到底希望达成什么样的目标。

    Many companies jump onto social media sites like Facebook without looking at why they should be there or what they hope to accomplish.


  • 许多公司一股脑儿地扎Facebook社交媒体站点上,之前都清楚他们为何这些网站上广告,以及自己到底希望达成什么样的目标。

    Many companies jump onto social media sites like Facebook without looking at why they should be there or what they hope to accomplish.


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