• 他汀用于心血管疾病一级预防时机尚未成熟?

    Statins Being a Choice of Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, the Time is Not Ripe?


  • 研究过程组患者一级预防均显著增加

    During the course of study there was a significant and equivalent increase in primary medical prevention in both groups.


  • 结果居家环境卫生改善,适宜的体能锻炼一级预防策略;

    RESULTS The old cadres were divided into common prevention group and important prevention group by evaluating their body condition.


  • 加强孕期保健宣传仍旧是先天性心脏病一级预防主要任务

    Strengthening and promoting health care during pregnancy remains the main task of primary prevention for CHD.


  • 中青年中开展慢性病一级预防工作寻求健康教育有效方法

    In order to search for the effective method of health education on chronic disease for primary prevention in middle-age people.


  • 探讨小剂量阿司匹林缓释片对高血压患者心脑血管事件一级预防作用

    To evaluate the effect of aspirin time-release on the incidence of cerebro-cardiovascular accidents in hypertensive patients.


  • 《国际肝病》:联合应用乳果糖利福应该成为肝性脑病一级预防吗?

    Hepatology Digest: Should both lactulose and rifaximin be combined for the primary prevention of he?


  • 目的:系统评价乳酸菌益生菌对婴幼儿湿疹特应性湿疹一级预防作用。

    OBJECTIVE: to determine whether lactic acid bacteria as probiotics is efficacious in the primary prevention of infantile eczema or atopic eczema.


  • 美国全球各地区指南一级预防二级预防临床试验很好的分析总结

    There are guidelines both in the US and in other areas of the world where the clinical trials for primary prevention and secondary prevention have been well analyzed and well considered.


  • 结论“脑卒中高危险人群筛检重点干预一项成本-效果良好一级预防策略。

    Conclusion "Stroke preventing-strengthen intervention" primary intervention activity seems to be good and effective.


  • 一级预防使早期粥样硬化消退特效降脂可使晚期粥样硬化患者明显受益。

    Primary treatment makes early as regression. Cholesterol-lowering agents also decrease morbidity of acute events in advanced as.


  • 世卫组织国家工作涵盖一系列方面,一级预防方面工作道路交通事故人员康复

    Who works across the spectrum in countries, from primary prevention work through to rehabilitation of those who have been involved in road traffic crashes.


  • 结论文化程度较低职工有患高血压危险因素的人群高血压一级预防的重点人群;

    Conclusion For first-degree prevention from hypertension, more attention must be paid on those with low literacy degree and high risk of sick.


  • 虽然一级预防心力衰竭诊断并不准确,很好的证据基础进行干预提高诊断。

    There is however, a good evidence base for interventions to improve prognosis although the diagnosis of heart failure in primary care is often inaccurate.


  • 专家宣称指南推荐他汀治疗用于妇女65岁以上人群一级预防没有证据基础的。

    Guidelines recommending statin therapy for primary prevention in women or people over the age of 65 years are not evidence-based, experts claim.


  • 正确识别因素间联合作用模式对于疾病一级预防公共卫生决策的制订具有重要意义。

    Correct recognition of the combined effects of the risk factors is of important significance for the primary prevention and making up the public health policies.


  • 第二:他一级预防群体治疗效果二级预防群体治疗效果之间是否显著的区别?

    And, secondly: Is there significant heterogeneity between the statin treatment effect in primary prevention subgroups compared with that in secondary prevention subgroups?


  • 高血压一级预防全球健康处于优先地位因为全世界600百万人口患有高血压。

    The primary prevention of hypertension remains a global health priority, as 600 million people worldwide have hypertension.


  • 然而,这种疗法一级预防方面好处有限研究表明服用阿司匹林必须权衡利弊防止出血危险

    However, evidence in primary prevention is limited, with studies suggesting that any benefit of aspirin must be weighed against the risk of bleeding.


  • 目的评价上海市南汇区脑卒中高危人群筛检与重点干预一级预防策略成本效果和效益。

    Objective To analyze cost-effectiveness of "Stroke predict-strengthen intervention" primary intervention activity in Nanhui County of Shanghai.


  • 行动4.2:宣传加强初级卫生保健(包括一级预防)服务支持当地社区适应气候相关健康风险能力

    Action 4.2: Advocate for the strengthening of primary health care (including primary prevention) services to support capacity of local communities to become resilient to climate-related health risks.


  • 目前,国内外对于哮喘一级预防处于起步探索阶段普遍认为哮喘预防应从出生时开始

    So far the primary prevention is still in an initial exploratory phase worldwide, it's generally agreed that to step down the prevalence of asthma should begin at birth and neonatal period.


  • 通过临床环境导致疾病危险因素进行评价预防,即在临床环境一级预防二级预防

    It evaluates and prevent the risk factors of disease resulted in by clinic environment, that is primary prevention and secondary prevention under clinic environment.


  • 血小板治疗带来好处阿斯匹林建立预防心血管事件在中学设定还有问题一级预防

    While the benefits of antiplatelet therapies such as aspirin are well established in prevention of cardiovascular events in the secondary setting, there are still questions in primary prevention.


  • 因此高血压一级预防应该成为国家医疗战略的一个重要组成部分,”报告《柳叶刀》杂志在网上公布发表

    Therefore, primary prevention of hypertension should be an important component of any national strategy, " says the paper, published online by The Lancet.


  • 如何及时发现动脉粥样硬化血栓形成高危患者,氯格雷这些患者二级一级预防究竟有哪些作用是值得研究问题

    How to identify the high-risk patients with atherothrombosis in time, and what roles on earth clopidogrel plays in patients primary and secondary prevention are all the problems to be investigated.


  • Belch同事在文中写道:“我们并没有寻找阿司匹林或者抗氧剂可以作为糖尿病患者心血管事件死亡一级预防证据。”

    "We found no evidence to support the use of either aspirin or antioxidants in the primary prevention of cardiovascular events and mortality in people with diabetes," Belch and colleagues wrote.


  • Bilou教授根据我们现有数据就像今天汇报那样,还不能坎地沙坦(Candesatan)对微量白蛋白尿一级预防是有用的。

    Prof. R. W. Bilou: Well, at the moment from our data as presented today we can't say that Candesatan has a role for the primary prevention of microalbuminuria.


  • Bilou教授根据我们现有数据就像今天汇报那样,还不能坎地沙坦(Candesatan)对微量白蛋白尿一级预防是有用的。

    Prof. R. W. Bilou: Well, at the moment from our data as presented today we can't say that Candesatan has a role for the primary prevention of microalbuminuria.


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