• 所以一次发射我们要耗费大量燃料火箭达到所谓的“逃逸速度”。

    So we are burning up an enormous amount of fuel at every launch just to get the rocket up to what's known as escape velocity.


  • 汤普森航空公司表示,如果抛开燃料谈,就是一次普通飞行乘客应该感觉不到不同

    Thomson Airways said that in every other respect it would be a normal flight and passengers should not notice a difference.


  • 1908年,波斯境内再次开采出石油,一次石油的质量保证英国数十重要燃料资源供应。

    Oilwas struck in Persia again in 1908, and this time in such quantities asto ensure Britain decades' worth of access to a vital fuel resource.


  • 最后3个月他们居住地区只有废弃的燃料库可供他们安家可住进15 -20

    In the last three months inside the zone they had lived in bunkers that were home to between 15 and 20 people at a time.


  • 本田最新燃料电池汽车FCX Clarity一次充电行驶640千米,再充电也只需要34分钟

    Honda's latest fuel cell car, the FCX Clarity, has a cruising distance of 400 miles per charge, and takes just three or four minutes to recharge.


  • 开始技术人员发现氢气泄漏后来外部燃料发现一些裂缝当时11月5发现号前往国际空间站的发射前的几小时,这是最后一次飞行。

    Discovery was hours from launching on it final voyage to the ISS on November 5 when technicians found a hydrogen leak and later a series of long cracks on the shuttle's external fuel tank.


  • 竞争者所设计出来燃料电动混合不同,尼桑LEAF叶子运行动力完全来自于电池这个电池充能够推动汽车行驶100英里(约合160千米)。

    Unlike the fuel-electric hybrids made by its competitors, Nissan’s Leaf runs solely on a battery that can power the car for up to 100 miles (160km) on a single charge.


  • 人类历史国家考虑接受一个有约束力的协议开采化石燃料

    For the first time in history, a nation would seriously consider accepting a binding agreement not to extract fossil fuels.


  • 我们充足的理由相信燃烧化石燃料使当前的人类正在沿着相似的轨迹前进——只不过动作快得多

    There is every reason to believe that, by burning fossil fuels, humans are charting a similar course today-only this time in fast motion.


  • 2005年哥伦比亚号遇难发射中,太空梭受到另一飞行威胁:在起飞过程中一秃鹫燃料

    In 2005, during the first launch after the Space shuttle Columbia disaster, a shuttle was threatened by another flying menace: a vulture that smacked into the external tank during takeoff.


  • 批评人士地下一次二氧化碳泄漏燃料泄漏一样危险

    A large leak of underground carbon dioxide could be as dangerous as a leak of nuclear fuel, critics say.


  • 有生以来可以——面对现实,钱燃料要便宜呢

    For the first time in my life, I've got money to burn — and let's face it, it's cheaper than fuel.


  • 4号反应堆起火就伴随着之前报告更高剂量辐射,人们怀疑燃料泄漏引起的。

    When the first fire at unit 4 was accompanied by radiation levels much higher than had been reported previously it raised the suspicion that the spent fuel had been involved.


  • 一些证据证明,缅号爆炸由于军舰燃料一次偶然事故引起

    There was some evidence the explosion was caused by an accident in the ship's fuel tanks. Yet some people in the United States blamed Spain anyway.


  • 这个Westminster一次讲话中说道:美国生物燃料需求全球农业带来了震撼了,引起全球食品价格上涨

    At a speech in Westminster this month he said demand for biofuels from the US had delivered a "major shock" to world agriculture, which was raising food prices globally.


  • 非常巧合,1996年Wakata进行航空飞行时,发射之前,也发现有蝙蝠附着在航天飞机燃料

    Coincidentally, the last time a bat perched itself on a space shuttle tank, right before liftoff, was Wakata's first flight in 1996.


  • 日本1999年就发生过4事故(又“东海村核事故”——译注),当时在日本燃料转换公司(Japan NuclearFuel Conversion)的一个燃料厂内,名正在反应堆准备燃料工人引发了一次链式核反应,使反应堆达到临界状态。

    Japan itself had a Level 4 accident in 1999, when three workers preparing fuel for a reactor at a Japan Nuclear Fuel Conversion plant triggered a nuclear chain reaction, called a criticality.


  • 美国西格纳化学SiGNa Chemistry公司的电动自行车燃料电池燃料作为动力充电行使了约90公里

    SiGNa’s fuel-cell powered electric bike will run for 60 miles on a single charge.


  • 反对生物燃料一次后退后退

    A backlash against biofuels?


  • 今年6月,霍尼韦尔公司拥有架Gulfstream G450飞机进行了使用生物燃料的跨大西洋飞行飞机新泽西起飞,巴黎着陆,其中一台引擎使用的燃料50%为绿色航空燃油。

    In June, a Gulfstream G450 owned by Honeywell made the first biofuel-powered transatlantic flight when it flew from New Jersey to Paris using a 50-50 blend of Green Jet fuel in one of its engine.


  • 石油主要被用来作为燃油汽油燃料油和汽油组成世界重要能源之一。

    Oil is primarily used as fuel oil and gasoline, which make up one of the world's most important primary energy.


  • 其次银行认为通货膨胀是被一次因素推高例如城市公交车票大幅度上涨乙醇短缺巴西广泛用于汽车燃料)。

    Second, the bank argues that inflation was boosted by one-off factors, such as big rises in municipal bus fares and a shortage of ethanol (widely used as vehicle fuel in Brazil).


  • 部分驱动架波音747生物燃料航空业未来还是一次危害环境公关特技

    Is the biofuel partly powering this Boeing 747, the future of aviation, or an environmentally damaging publicity stunt?


  • 一次(恒星门进入增长了为地球持续进化而提供燃料光子数量速度

    More or less each entry point increases the amount and pace of photonic energy available to fuel earth's continued ascent forth.


  • 是这架载货飞船最后一次轨道站对接的机会因为飞船上燃料有限

    This will be the last chance for this cargo spaceship to dock with the orbital station because the fuel on the spaceship is already very limited.


  • 离子助推非传统火箭燃料黎明号”在7月15日进入灶神星轨道之前已进行了一次17亿英里的巡航

    Powered by ion propulsion instead of conventional rocket fuel, Dawn slid around Vesta on July 15 after a 1.7 billion-mile cruise.


  • 燃料一次引爆型FAE武器基础

    The fuel is the basis of the single-event FAE or the thermobaric weapons.


  • 燃料一次引爆型FAE武器基础

    The fuel is the basis of the single-event FAE or the thermobaric weapons.


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