• 一个士兵指挥官缴械等待指令一样的画面会使用身体部位去向发动战争

    The picture is of a soldier presenting his weapons to his commander and awaiting his instructions. Sin USES the members of your body to wage war against you.


  • 后来自己,恨我自己投降;恨我自己因那些对待女性对待一样画面而感到兴奋。

    Afterwards I just hated myself for giving in and getting off on images that treated women like pieces of meat.


  • 在画布上纤细的狼毫一笔笔织出布纹一样的画面每天这样的几小时仿佛禅师打坐体验流水般的人生

    Ma Yanling used the thinnest golden hook weasel hair brush to paint. She like a Buddhist monk sitting in meditation and experience like flowing water her life everyday.


  • 韦伯,对相应演员画面重现即使再逼真,也永远可能与其一模一样

    A recreation, however lifelike, will never be indistinguishable from a real actor, says Webber.


  • 画面中,建筑工人像蚊子一样到处吵吵嚷嚷,屏幕角落里时钟则标记时间

    It shows construction workers buzzing around like gnats while a clock in the corner of the screen marks the time.


  • 从截图的对比中可以看出,两段画面中的火焰烟雾甚至碎片飞散方向都完全一样

    Looking at the screenshots juxtaposition, one cannot fail to find that even flame, smoke and the way the splinters fly look the same.


  • 尽管如此,还是一点和现实不一样,我们看到的画面很细心剪辑过,所有1950年后建成建筑画面都被删除。

    There's a twist, though, to the picture's emphasis on architecture: It has been carefully edited to excise virtually all shots of buildings finished after about 1950.


  • 拍照小技巧拍摄对象大小不容易看出来的时候——例如拍摄座山,一片水域,一处雪景——画面加入一样可以确知大小的对象,例如一个人,一辆车,一只动物等。

    Photo Tip: When your subject is of indeterminate size-a mountain, a body of water, a snowscape-add a sense of scale by including something of known size, such as a person, a car, a tree, or an animal.


  • 这个画面,彼特大帅哥拿着条大虾,鸡尾酒然后神奇的变一个完全一样盘子里。

    In this scene, Pitt goes from holding a giant shrimp cocktail to an entirely different dish in a matter of seconds.


  • 至今无法忘怀的画面,人身体糖果一样空中坠落大厦受损纸片飘扬,都是从办公桌出来的。

    It's an image I can't shake to this day, bodies falling through a maze of what looked like confetti, but was paper flying out from desks inside the damaged building.


  • 索尼的产品可以为卡通游戏提供杰出的3D画面表现测试者说:“身临其境一样。”)

    Sony’s set had standout performance in rendering 3D animation (“just like theaters, ” one tester said) and games.


  • 玩家视频中的画面添加标签两个人输入标签一样时,双方各得一

    As it plays, participants enter tags that correspond to the various parts of the video. When two players agree on a tag (that is, they enter the same tag), they each get points.


  • “720p电视画面质量“1080p”的电视一样吗?

    Do TVs rated at '720p' provide the same quality picture as those rated at '1080p'?


  • D2一样更加流畅,华丽的画面精彩的音效

    Flux: it feels like d2. a bit smoother, much better graphics, better sound.


  • 之前FO一样即使游戏最后做出的选择仍旧呈现在结局画面中。

    Even in the last moments of the game, you are making important choices that will be recounted to you during the ending scene, similar to the endings in the previous Fallout games.


  • 新闻画面中,靶机被战机发射空空导弹击中爆炸场面好莱坞影片《壮志凌云》中的镜头简直一模一样

    In the newscast, the way a target was hit by the air-to-air missile fired by a J-10 fighter aircraft and exploded looks almost identical to a cinema scene from the Hollywood film Top Gun.


  • 正如画面处理充斥颠倒倾斜的意向一样

    That just like his disposition of the painting filled with reversion and descent.


  • 记忆如同一管陈旧老式铁皮牙膏管里的牙膏一样,带着锈味带着发霉的清香作者一点一点地挤了出来通过画面呈现给了大家

    Like the old metal-wrapped tooth paste with the rusty and moldy fragrance, the memory is squeezed out bit by bit and presented to us in the form of paintings.


  • 过去训练日子电影画面一样脑海里掠过——儿子失误画面努力去做在继续努力着。

    The days flashed in my mind like a movie. All were about the failures of my beloved son. He had tried his best and he was still trying.


  • 画面不停回荡,贺宸精神力没有丝毫放松,逐渐地终于发现画面一样地方

    The arrival doesn't stop to resound, the mentality of He Chen didn't the slightest loosen, UGG Classic Tall, and mini at little he finally discovers a differ location of appearance.


  • 不少小时候的照片里,经常看到爸爸一起玩的画面,照片得那么纯真满足,就和刚才一样

    I had many photos about my father and me when I was little. I could see an innocent and satisfying smile on my face in these photos just as the one I worn now.


  • 往常一样小心但是要干脆的上色,这样画面才能感觉鲜亮生动不是死板拘束的。

    As always, be careful, yet quick when applying your marker so that the sketch feels fresh and lively and not dead and deliberated.


  • 比如下一“蛋”,而第二个特征物是“丈母娘的照片”。好,这点知道怎么……程序都是一样只要保持头脑中的画面联想直到搞定所有记的项目。

    Well, at this point you already know what to do… The process is always the same, so just keep mentally associating images until there are no items left to memorize.


  • 大多情况下,我们希望图片给定图片风格一样这样我们账户能够画面干净外观独特

    Bascially, we want picture in exactly the same style as the picture given, so that our account will look clean and unique for all pictures.


  • 大多情况下,我们希望图片给定图片风格一样这样我们账户能够画面干净外观独特

    Bascially, we want picture in exactly the same style as the picture given, so that our account will look clean and unique for all pictures.


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