• 人们认为一旦感染感冒就能终身免疫错误

    People think that once you get infected one time you develop immunity for the rest of your life. This is wrong.


  • 例如一旦感染病毒MokaFive用户可以直接重启虚拟

    Users of MokaFive, for instance, can relaunch their virtual machine should a computer virus infect it.


  • 一旦感染强烈激光就会通过通道进一步瞄准一小部分

    The sharp laser beam further zeros in on a small portion of the brain.


  • 易感人群包括一旦感染死亡率极高老人免疫系统完全发育婴儿

    Such vulnerable types include the elderly (who are the most likely to die if infected) and infants (whose immune systems are not fully developed).


  • 一旦感染艾滋病毒,轻易成为艾滋病城镇农村传播桥梁

    Once infected with HIV, but also easy to become AIDS transmission from urban to rural Bridges.


  • 一旦感染个或多个恶意程序它们就会下载安装更多恶意程序。

    Once you are infected with even one of these malicious programs they can download and install even more.


  • 此外,非酒精脂肪肝肝癌发病率观察肝炎患者一旦感染C -肝硬化建立

    Furthermore, hepatocellular carcinoma incidence in NAFLD is comparable with that observed in hepatitis C-infected patients once cirrhosis is established.


  • 孕妇不仅因为免疫力降低而使容易感染,而且一旦感染上,病情其他人来得更重。

    Not only are we more susceptible because of our compromised immunity, we're likely to become sicker than others if we do contract the virus.


  • 一旦感染第二代病毒神不知鬼不觉地被病毒程序转到所建立的其他帐户上了。

    Once infected, your money will be transferred to an additional account opened by the virus program without anybody knowing it.


  • 一旦感染开始病毒三种微生物最难对付一种因为杀死病毒药物一样杀死细胞

    Viruses are the hardest of the three microbes to fight once an infection starts, because the drug that kills the virus can also harm the cells.


  • 然而一旦感染已经存在几个星期以后,几乎不可能自动接种病毒身体其他任何部位上。

    However, once the infection has been present a few weeks, it is almost impossible to auto-inoculate the virus to another part of the body.


  • 一方面,一旦感染艾滋病病毒,免疫细胞就会攻击组织相容性抗原结合的艾滋病病毒。

    On the other hand, once infected with HIV, the human immune cells will attack and human histocompatibility antigen-binding HIV.


  • 一旦感染运行木马系统文件夹释放文件名随机恶意dllSYS文件普通用户很难察觉

    Once infection moves, the Trojan can release file name to systematic folder DLL of random ill will and sys file, average user is aware of very hard.


  • 免疫缺陷的患者一旦感染,就应使用抗生素治疗,否则无法清除感染通常抗生素治疗结束感染复发

    Patients who hae immunodeficiency hae infections that usually do not go away without using antibiotics and often recur within one or two weeks after antibiotic treatment is completed.


  • 同时虽说年轻人流感易感人群,但一旦感染可能需要住院治疗生命危险的,主要还是幼儿孕妇病人老人

    Also, although the flu infects younger people, the ones most likely to need hospitalization or die if they do get infected are the very young, pregnant women, the sick and the aged.


  • 会议同时指出100多名现在墨西哥泰国已到泰国驻墨西哥大使馆登记,申请一旦感染情况严重返回泰国

    The meeting also acknowledged that around 100 Thais, who are currently staying in Mexico, will register with the Thai embassy in Mexico to return to Thailand, if the swine flu outbreak there worsens.


  • 一种持续病毒如果一旦感染看起来似乎不会自动痊愈,慢性疲劳综合(CFS)不可解决感染一样。

    This is a persistent virus, and once caught, it does not seem to resolve, just like the unresolved infections found in chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).


  • JosephWood及其同事表示致病性禽流感病毒(H5N1),人类不易感染但是一旦感染危险死亡率为60%。

    Joseph Wood and colleagues note that the highly pathogenic (H5N1) avian influenza virus so far has been rare but dangerous in humans, with mortality rates of about 60 percent.


  • 发病时免疫细胞只有40多个现在只有26个,正常人水平都在500个以上虽然现在看上去都健康一旦感染非常危险

    Incidence of immune cells, he is only more than 40, now only 26, while the normal level at 500 or more, although it is now looks very healthy, but once the infection is very dangerous.


  • 同时那些共用非法药剂师购买注射器的青少年冒着感染令人绝望艾滋病的极大风险一旦感染上,不管是打针还是吃药没法保证他们的生存了。

    Meanwhile, those who share needles bought from illegal chemists are at great risk of being infected with desperate AIDS. If so, neither injecting nor taking pills can guarantee their survival.


  • 一旦毛虫摄入晶体会溶解释放病毒感染昆虫细胞

    Once ingested by a caterpillar, the crystals dissolve, releasing the virus to infect the insect's cells.


  • 何人一旦被检测出感染H7N9禽流感病毒,都将得到政府资助的免费治疗。

    Anyone, once tested positive for H7N9 flu virus, will receive free medical treatment from our government.


  • 一旦找到正确密码,它感染下一台电脑加入攻击行列中

    Once it finds the right password, it infects the next computer, which joins the attacking ranks.


  • 我们可以确定的是,一旦大部分人群感染流感获得免疫力,疾病的变种打破目前免疫性成为当下的压力

    We can also say that once most people have been infected by swine flu and become immune, a variant that can beat that immunity will replace the current strain.


  • 一旦这些微管放置完成,大脑不再暴露外界因而阻断了感染的危险。

    Once the tubes are in place, the brain is not exposed to the outside environment, thus preventing infection.


  • 人手一旦接触这些细菌,便有很大机会感染因为人手经常会自然触碰脸面

    Once on someone's hands, they stand a good chance of infecting them, since it is human nature to frequently touch our faces.


  • 一个一旦染上恰加斯这种感染可能潜伏数十年。

    Once a person has contracted Chagas disease, the infection may remain dormant for decades.


  • 一旦发生恶意软件感染恶意软件通常会拥有登录相同权限

    If a malware infection occurs, the malware generally has the same rights as the person who is logged in.


  • 一旦发生恶意软件感染恶意软件通常会拥有登录相同权限

    If a malware infection occurs, the malware generally has the same rights as the person who is logged in.


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