• 密植种植把大当作一年生作物处理收获一次)。

    The high population approach treats plantation as an annual crop (one harvest only).


  • 一种一年生欧洲藜,粗疏齿牙;已广泛分布美国加拿大南部

    European annual with coarsely dentate leaves; widespread in United States and southern Canada.


  • 不像一年生的玉米多年生草本植物柳枝稷细叶芒可以增加土壤中的储量。

    Unlike corn, which must be replanted every year, perennial grasses such as switchgrass and Miscanthus preserve and increase carbon stores in the soil.


  • 叫做非洲黄瓜果冻瓜,是非洲本土一年生藤本植物加洲澳洲新西兰智利有人种植

    The horned melon, also known as African cucumber or jelly melon, is an annual vine native to Africa, but can now be found grown in California, Australia, New Zealand and Chile as well.


  • 印度稀疏多刺一年生药草多年生的灌木由于的被果馅饼中和果冻中的花萼以及树的内皮光纤而被广泛种植

    East Indian sparsely prickly annual herb or perennial subshrub widely cultivated for its fleshy calyxes used in tarts and jelly and for its bast fiber.


  • 如果小院里不是想要或者宁愿出些地方种蔬菜,那就考虑在你消磨大部分时间室外位置一些花盆,在里面种些一年生的花卉。

    If gardens aren't your thing or if you'd rather save the space for vegetables consider a few flower POTS filled with annuals placed where you spend most of your time outside.


  • 不要很多急切热爱种植者一样,急匆匆地种植西红柿辣椒马铃薯或者牵牛花等等那些一年生植物,因为一场晚霜随时可以要了它们的命,晚霜在的地方非常普通的,过了纪念日(一般是5月30)再种吧。

    Rush to plant heat-lovers like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, or annuals like petunias if you live where late frosts are common. Wait until after Memorial Day.


  • 那时起,开始捕虾挣钱,每天都要工作很长时间,累的精疲力竭,只有这样才能挣到足够支持一年

    Ever since, he's earned his living during shrimping season - working long, grueling days so that he could earn enough money to support himself year round.


  • 该国100千克浓缩铀但是正在中国人支持下加速扩张自己设施

    The country produces about 100 kilograms of that a year, but is rapidly expanding its nuclear infrastructure with Chinese help.


  • 这项发表科学》上研究,检验了1980年到2008年间,气温上升是如何影响主要粮食生产国家一年生作物产量的。

    The study, published in the journal Science, examined how rising temperatures affected the annual crop yields of all major producer nations between 1980 and 2008.


  • 相较一年生植物、乔木灌木进入市场多年生植物品种相对一点。

    When you look at perennials versus annuals, trees and shrubs, there are more varieties coming into the perennials market.


  • 活顺心顺意,认识小镇上的每一个人周末就在家整理院子或者邻居哥们一起出去厮混。

    For the first year, it was great. I knew everyone in town. I spent weekends doing yard work or hanging out with the neighborhood guys.


  • 同时问题可考虑哄骗植物分配更多根系简颂指出多年生一年生植物关键差异是一个良好起动点。

    Meanwhile, regarding the problem of coaxing plants to allocate more carbon to their root systems, Jansson says an important difference between perennial and annual plants is a good place to start.


  • 1940到1955当时制片厂100部正片,电影业称为国家第六产业但是产量墨西哥电影业黄金时代相匹配

    Production does not yet match the golden age of Mexican cinema between 1940 and 1955, when studios turned out 100 features a year and film was reckoned to be the country’s sixth-biggest industry.


  • 丰田千万辆汽车同时他们通过现场也就是车间1百万次改善来完善他们工序

    Toyota produces almost 10 million automobiles a year, and at the same time, they improve their process by nearly 1 million Kaizen proposals in the Gemba (i.e., in the workplace).


  • 撇开这个不说,萨博科尼赛克几乎没有共同点,科尼赛克不到20辆跑车,平均价格超过120万美元,员工只有45人——大约为萨博1%。

    That apart, Saab has little in common with a firm that makes fewer than 20 cars a year, at a price of more than $1.2m apiece, and has a workforce of 45about 1% of Saab’s.


  • 它们引入了全球经验需求概念,比如密歇根大学罗斯商学院就要求所有MBA一年生至少7周时间在海外工作

    Schools are also introducing "global experience requirements". The University of Michigan's Ross School of Business requires all first-year MBA students to spend seven weeks working abroad.


  • 它们引入了全球经验需求概念,比如密歇根大学罗斯商学院就要求所有MBA一年生至少7周时间在海外工作

    Schools are also introducingglobal experience requirements”. The University of Michigan's Ross School of Business requires all first-year MBA students to spend seven weeks working abroad.


  • 正常情况下该厂6000名工人产24万辆车,占本田全球产量二十分之一。

    Normally 6, 000 workers churn out 240, 000 cars a year, a twentieth of Honda's global output.


  • 实际上谷物一样的一年生植物。

    This is an annual, which to all intents and purposes behaves like a cereal.


  • 一年生多年生草本,或木质竹子

    Annual or perennial herbs, or tall woody bamboos.


  • 一年生二年生对比而言的。

    This is compared with the annual and biennial purposes.


  • 直立一年生两年生植物广泛栽培尤其用于干草土壤改良

    Erect annual or biennial plant grown extensively especially for hay and soil improvement.


  • 这些一年生植株依着时令怒放最耀眼花朵:紫色的,有橘黄色的,有桃红色的

    Pulling out all the annuals which nature has allowed to erupt in overpowering purple, orange and pink, a final cry of joy.


  • 北美一年生,野生植物,黄色花朵中央呈紫红色褐色;有时其划分为波斯菊

    North American annual widely cultivated for its yellow flowers with purple-red to brownish centers; in some classifications placed in a subgenus Calliopsis.


  • 蚕豆一种东半球豆科一年生植物(蚕豆野豌豆属),有状复叶,开白花侧面带紫色斑点豆荚而厚

    An annual Old World plant (Vicia faba) in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves, white flowers with lateral purplish blotches, and long, thick pods.


  • 蚕豆一种东半球豆科一年生植物(蚕豆野豌豆属),有状复叶,开白花侧面带紫色斑点豆荚而厚

    An annual Old World plant (Vicia faba) in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves, white flowers with lateral purplish blotches, and long, thick pods.


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