• 我们经济相互依存度高,一场冲突从财务上来讲我们双方是毁灭性

    Our economies are hugely interdependent and a conflict would be financially ruinous for both of us.


  • 由于太多恶意隔阂久时间,在两个巨人之间场冲突看来已经难以避免。

    A clash between the two titans, divided for so long by so much bad blood, is widely supposed to be inevitable.


  • 冲突成为头条新闻之时,读者观众们会紧抓住记者们书写播报字眼

    When a conflict commands headlines, readers and viewers cling to every word a correspondent writes or broadcasts.


  • 主流理论认为冲突中被敌对部落成员弓箭射中逃离那里冻死

    The leading theory holds that he had fled there and froze to death after being shot with a bow and arrow during a skirmish with members of a rival tribe.


  • 世界大战只是帝国主义大国之间争夺资源领土一场冲突第二次世界大战(的原因)比较复杂

    World war II was, however, more complex than the preceding world war, which was a collision among the imperialist powers over the spoils of markets, resources, and territories.


  • 另外,所有伊拉克军事人员平民百姓都应该仔细听好下述警告:任何场冲突当中你们命运都将取决于你们的行动

    And all Iraqi military and civilian personnel should listen carefully to this warning: in any conflict, your fate will depend on your actions.


  • 毕竟直到近期,在西方记者帮助下,苏丹南部一场甚至比我们所知道的更加漫长残酷冲突中的受害者证言才开始出现

    Itis only recently, after all, that the personal testimony of victimsof the even longer-lasting and more brutal conflict in south Sudanhas begun to emerge, with the help of Western writers.


  • 令人感到沮丧的共识冲突饥荒疾病所包围非洲又被一场新的联合灾难侵袭——虽然非洲制造了全球二氧化碳排放量2%。

    That's the gloomy consensus: Africa, beset by conflict, hunger and disease, is being hit by a new disaster that combines them all - though Africa produces just 2% of global emissions.


  • 到了7月卡斯特罗承认冲突世界杯结束时发生预测确实草率了认为一场原子大战已经迫在眉睫。

    By July, Castro admitted that he had jumped the gun a bit by predicting nuclear conflict by the end of the World Cup, but said he still felt that an atomic Armaggedon was imminent.


  • 并非美国挑起的冲突包括挪威在内的42国家我们共同努力为的是保护我们其他所有国家不再遭受攻击。

    The other is a conflict that America did not seek; one in which we are joined by 42 other countries -- including Norway -- in an effort to defend ourselves and all nations from further attacks.


  • 结果却是我们经历代人冲突

    It turns out we're having a clash of generations.


  • 他们或许天生的对手他们明白冲突一场灾难他们对抗必须得到处理,不能放任逐步升级

    They may be inherent rivals, but they also know that conflict would be adisaster and that their rivalry needs to be managed rather than being allowedto escalate.


  • 试图完全混乱冲突”寻找“合理解释”,拒绝回到约瑟夫·康拉德黑暗》中所描述的恣意的野蛮这般简单答案

    He seeks "a rational explanation for a truly chaotic conflict" and refuses to fall back on easy answers like the wanton savagery of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness".


  • 遥远冲突中,他们士兵生命昂贵军事资源冒险呢?

    Who will risk their soldiers' lives, and their valuable military assets, in a faraway conflict?


  • 感谢麦凯恩搁置策略共和党似乎赢得劳工冲突的胜利。

    But thanks to Mr McCain's "hold" tactic, the Republicans seem to have won the first Labour skirmish.


  • 例如龙卷风撕裂整个家,是个外部冲突龙卷风造成损失妥协,这是个内部的冲突

    A tornado that RIPS apart the family home is an example of an external conflict, while coming to terms with the loss caused by the tornado is an internal conflict.


  • 将军意识克里斯蒂娜的计划开始进行了:为了拉”中获利制造了一场事故企图煽动全球性冲突

    Krantz realizes that this is Christina's plan in motion: to profit from Scylla, she's caused an incident designed to provoke global warfare.


  • 他们担心利比亚冲突引发更大外出浪潮希望欧盟采取全面措施应对

    But they worry that the Libyan conflict could unleash a bigger exodus, and want the EU to work on a comprehensive approach.


  • 游戏定义利益冲突,游戏各方都试图预测其他举动,并采取系列的步骤,以解决冲突

    He defined a game as a conflict of interests resolved by the accumulative choices players make while trying to anticipate each other.


  • 这个日本次发生的变故,引发支持者——主要家长医师——日本的动漫产业间激烈冲突

    The move, the first in Japan, has resulted in a fierce ongoing battle between supporters mainly parents and some medical doctors and Japan s lucrative comics industry.


  • 尽管许多郊区武装冲突横行肆虐哥伦比亚正在进行旅游宣传活动旨在提升安全旅行目的地形象

    Colombia is running a slick tourist campaign promoting the country as a safe destination but armed conflict still plagues many rural areas.


  • 尽管许多郊区武装冲突横行肆虐哥伦比亚正在进行旅游宣传活动旨在提升安全旅行目的地形象

    Colombia is running a slick tourist campaign promoting the country as a safe destination but armed conflict still plagues many rural areas.


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