• 目的探讨严重多发诊断急救一体化模式

    Objective To evaluate the effect of the integrative mode of emergency diagnosis and treatment of severe multiple trauma.


  • 目前,在机械加工生产线多数采用液相结合一体化模式

    Currently, mechanical processing production line is the most used electricity, gas, liquid phase is the integration of models.


  • 本文针对柔性战略的这一特点,提出基于全面风险管理柔性战略一体化模式

    Therefore it has not yet been discussed comprehensively and systematically that how to control the enterprise risk about the flexible strategy.


  • 全球商品内在动力机制、外部结构均衡传统垂直一体化模式具有很大的不同

    There is much difference in dynamics and structure mechanism of equilibrium to compare global commodity chains mode with standard vertical integration mode.


  • 军民一体化模式军工企业整合资源降低成本、提升企业效益产品竞争力有效途径

    The mode of civil-military integration is an effective approach to economize resource, improve benefit and competition ability in military enterprises.


  • 银行“优选法”乐于同效益良好企业结为信贷一体化美国日本银企关系就是较为典型的信贷一体化模式

    By optimum method, Banks tend to combine with well-performed enterprises to credit integration, among which the bank-enterprise relationships of America and Japan are typical examples.


  • 本文认为正是共同签证政策俱乐部产品性质说明了差异一体化模式欧洲一体化进程中所起积极推动作用

    It also argues that the common visa policy, as club goods, well demonstrates the huge driving effect of the differentiated integration model in the cause of European integration.


  • 国家305项目组织科技攻关推行以“地质科研—普查勘探矿产开发一体化”为特色科技经济一体化模式

    National project 305 is using integrative mode of science, technology and economy characterized as" integration of geological scientific research, prospecting and development of mineral resources".


  • 垂直一体化模式带来更好的质量控制更高的转换效率有助于持续不断地改进生产流程确保客户提供具有成本优势的优质产品

    The control and efficiency achieved from this integrated value chain helps to continuously improve the production process as well as ensure high quality and cost-effective products to our customers.


  • 还有就是移民者行为文化解读会同一体化模式信仰相矛盾,也就意味着所有来到这个国家的人要融入法国并不是与之排斥而孤立起来。

    But cultural explanations of immigrant behavior also collide with belief in the integration model. This assumes that all newcomers adapt to France, not the other way round.


  • 事后再看欧洲模式问题,却是在于起初进展缓慢经济一体化目标逐渐成为主流。

    The problem with the European model, in hindsight, is that the initial aim of limited economic integration developed its own momentum.


  • 欧盟不应掩盖分歧而是需要采用一种模式,让行驶快车道成员国充当先锋,为整个欧洲一体化项目赋予新的目标

    Rather than hiding this division, the EU now needs a model in which fast-lane nations act as pioneers who endow the whole project with new purpose.


  • 页面应用聚合模式:作为访问一体化应用程序的模式,它提供了定制的通用接口来访问多个应用程序。

    Page aggregation application pattern, an access integration application pattern that provides a structure for giving access to multiple applications through a common interface that can be customized.


  • 这种模式起效,但是全球一体化逼迫适应新的全球环境。

    The Mittelstand model works well, but globalisation is forcing it to adapt.


  • 然后欧盟央行欧洲委员会坚决反对欧元一体化模式即使门的内罗(黑山)和科索沃这两个巴尔干国家已经使用欧元了。

    Yet the European Central Bank and the European Commission firmly oppose this form of “euroisation”, even though two Balkan countries, Montenegro and Kosovo, use the euro already.


  • 垂直一体化垄断运营模式电力产业陷入电力短缺电价过高的两难困境中。

    Under the model of vertical integration's monopoly, the power industry falls into a dilemma of power-shortage and over-pricing.


  • 目的探讨中年男性糖尿病患者健康教育临床护理一体化最佳模式

    Objective: To probe the best integrated mode between middle aged male diabetes patients health education and clinical nursing.


  • 文献检索问卷调查基础上,对高校体育课内外一体化教学模式进行研究

    Based on the literature and questionnaire, this paper made study on internal and external integrated mode of college physical education class.


  • 光纤通信技术课程教学一体化教学模式研究探讨教学改革的有益尝试

    The research and discussion on "Integration of teaching" of "Optical Fiber Communication Technology" teaching model is a good attempt.


  • 热工测量仪表课程教学中,采用一体化的教学模式指导思想

    In the thermal measurement and meter course teaching, integrated teaching mode and guide idea should be adopted.


  • 联合调试文件管理实行一体化的管理模式有助于提高管理效率服务质量

    File management in the Joint Commissioning Team has been exercising integrated management mode, which helps improve management efficiency and service quality.


  • 在供应链管理环境积极培育企业核心竞争力,实施企业业务外包策略架构横向一体化管理模式战略选择

    The strategic choice of horizontal integration management mode is to cultivate enterprise core competence under the environment of Supply China Management, and carry out outsourcing strategy.


  • 本文探讨石油钻井企业物资供应一体化管理模式建立与应用。

    In this paper material supplies "Integration" management model innovation Study of oil drilling companies are under discussion.


  • 本文根据《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》精神理论实践上探索大学体育“主从一体化”的全新教学模式

    According to the heart of guidance program, from theory and practice, the paper explores a new college physical educations teaching model of principal and subordinate integration.


  • 结合连锁餐饮品牌空间一体化设计实践,分析这种工作模式如何使品牌形象内涵各种形式下得到最大价值体现

    Combined with integration design of chain dining brand, it analyzed the greatest value of brand image reflected in various forms.


  • 急救中心实施多发一体化救治模式:急救中心设立创伤中心、建立成套的创伤急救体系培养高素质专业人员

    The mode to make integrated diagnosis and treatment includes the following parts: set up wound center in emergency center, build a united rescue system and train high quality professional personnel.


  • 急救中心实施多发一体化救治模式:急救中心设立创伤中心、建立成套的创伤急救体系培养高素质专业人员

    The mode to make integrated diagnosis and treatment includes the following parts: set up wound center in emergency center, build a united rescue system and train high quality professional personnel.


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