• 一个问题没有IT背景有时候面试问到一些技术性难题,我无法回答

    One problem is I don't have a background in IT and sometimes I get asked difficult technical questions during interviews which I just can't answer.


  • 一个记者问到私生活问题时,很多夫妻一样和希拉里有过一些问题但是我们忠于对方我们婚姻非常牢固。

    When a reporter asked the question, I said that, like a lot of couples, we’d had problems, but we were committed to each other and our marriage was strong.


  • 下面一些男人问到婚姻珍贵瞬间时都有感触的。

    Here's what a few men Shared when asked to describe their most cherished marriage moments.


  • 所以,在这里公开一并回复,尽量回答一些大家经常问到问题

    I'll try to answer some of the questions that are commonly asked.


  • 第三部分学习中,这些参与者问到一些关于她们身边普通人诚实道德规范方面的问题。

    In a third part of the study, the participants were asked questions about the honesty and ethics of people they knew and people in general.


  • I有时一些了解更多关于回顾问到这样的问题,“举例说明回顾产生巨大的成果吗?”

    I am sometimes asked, by people wanting to understand more about retrospectives, "Can you tell me a story that demonstrates a powerful outcome that resulted from a retrospective?"


  • 然而我们问到一些年轻人对于讨论自己问题时的内心感受时,男生并未女生表现得更不安忧虑。

    However, when we asked young people how talking about their problems would make them feel, boys didn't express angst or distress about discussing problems any more than girls.


  • 他们马上提出的情况高度重视,并专门安排了一名工作人员陪同全面测试,还了我一些之前维修工从未问到问题

    They escalated my call immediately. They gave me a specialist who ran me through tests and asked questions no TimeWarner Cable agent has ever asked me.


  • 解答高中生经常问到一些关于抑郁症的问题。

    Answers to students' frequently asked questions about depression.


  • 以前一样有关WebSphereApplicationServer不敢问题没有讨论过,只是提一些反复问到的问题。

    As before, this is not a discussion of things you're afraid to ask about WebSphere Application Server, but rather a look at some of the questions I am asked repeatedly.


  • 不是首先问到是不是真的下载这个文件,打算放在电脑什么地方其他一些烦人琐碎问题GoogleChrome直接就去下载没有任何问题。

    Instead of being asked if I truly want to download the file, the location from my computer and other pesky details, Google Chrome just downloads it without opening any dialog.


  • 下面会见工作面试中可能会问到一些典型问题一些典型的回答

    Following are some typical questions that an interviewer may ask during a job interview, and some typical responses.


  • 问到男人节”应该怎么过时,陈先生:“可以一些只有人才做的事情比如拳击俱乐部展现男人血性阳刚一面。”

    When asked what men could do on Men’s Day, Mr Chan says, “We can do things only for men, like going to a boxing club to bring out the bloody and hooligan side of ourselves.”


  • 问到是否意味着我们可以期待一些新的点式触控空能来感受台式机的体验时,苹果公司不予置评。

    I asked if this meant we could expect some new multi-touch functionality for the desktop experience, but Apple refused to comment on that.


  • 偶尔一些旅游团经过有人问到国家致力于全球变暖问题时,树木充当什么样角色

    Yet occasionally, when tour groups come through, someone will ask what role the trees might play as the nation addresses global warming.


  • 问到较为敏感的问题他们容易按住自己嘴唇更容易拨弄自己的头发,或者一些其他自我修饰性的动作

    They are more likely to press their lips when asked a sensitive question and are more likely to play with their hair or engage in other “grooming” behaviors.


  • 团队必须找到一些方式确保他们输出能够随时其他团队成员访问到

    The team has to find ways to ensure that their outputs are accessible by any other member of the team at all times.


  • 当被问到是否感觉利物浦队本季赛事中运气一直很差时,回答说:“是的,在一些比赛中运气很差。”

    Asked whether he felt Liverpool had been unlucky this season, he replied: "Yes, in some games."


  • 工作广告提出了一些可能问到问题

    The job advertisement also suggested possible questions.


  • 理发师他们的胡子问到不要在脸上抹上一些刮胡子后所使用的香水。

    After the barbers had finished, each man was asked if he would like some after-shave applied to his skin.


  • 我们由于这个案例的经验,10gen是否开发重点一些改变Merriman回答他们尽快完成后台压缩功能

    We asked what changes in development priorities resulted from the experience, to which Merriman replied that they will be working on background compaction features sooner.


  • 可能准备所有可能问到问题但是你需要一些准备。

    You can't be prepared for any and every question you may be asked, but prepare a little.


  • 聚敛多少金钱,有一小时间,我看到暴雪一些家伙们了自己角色一百万金币去买物品坐骑

    I didn't ask how much you can amass, but a few times I saw some of the Blizzard guys give their characters a million gold so that they could buy items or mounts.


  • 每个参与者问到他们记忆是否正在经历一些问题

    Each participant was also asked if they are experiencing any issues in their memory.


  • 面试前考虑一下如何激怒情况下应对可能被问到个人问题一些面试官也许意识不到哪些问题该问哪些问题不该

    Anticipate how you will handle personal questions without blowing your cool. Some interviewers may not be aware of what they can and cannot legally ask you.


  • 知道赛季很多传言,有一些俱乐部有兴趣但是我被问到自己将来时,我已经表达的很清楚的。

    "I knew there were a lot of rumours earlier in the season about other clubs being interested, but I always made my feelings clear when I was asked about the future, " said Crouch.


  • 一个朋友练习一些面试中最有可能问到问题得到肢体语言眼神交流声调回答内容反馈。

    Recruit a friend to help you practice some commonly asked interview questions and ask for feedback on your body language, eye contact, tone of voice, and the content of your answers.


  • 准备一些明天面试可能会问到问题

    I am preparing some questions which I may be asked in tomorrow's interview.


  • 在被问到最近是否更多捐赠没有联邦选举委员会记录时,霍夫曼一封邮件措辞隐晦回应道正在一些PAC之类的。

    Asked if there was more recent giving that had not shown up in federal election records, Mr Hoffman cryptically responded in an email, Looking at some PACs, etc.


  • 在被问到最近是否更多捐赠没有联邦选举委员会记录时,霍夫曼一封邮件措辞隐晦回应道正在一些PAC之类的。

    Asked if there was more recent giving that had not shown up in federal election records, Mr Hoffman cryptically responded in an email, Looking at some PACs, etc.


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