• 他们都不至少一个调查显示英国公众已经准备好一致予以大力支持了。

    No fools they: at least one poll suggests the British public is ready to go all the way.


  • 纽约大学医学院一个调查显示接近13%的人支持通过基因选择聪明孩子。

    Nearly 13% backed the approach to select for superior intelligence, according to the survey conducted by researchers at the New York University School of Medicine.


  • 调查显示,79%受访用户只是在浏览一个页面只有16%的用户会逐字逐句去读一个页面。

    One study showed that 79% of test users scanned any new page they visited, while only 16% read the page word-for-word.


  • 去年的一个调查显示相反的结果,事实上更多财富使得人们他们生活更加满意即使他们依然每天受到挫折

    Last year brought contrary research showing that more wealth did, in fact, make people more satisfied with their lives, even if they still had day-to-day frustrations.


  • 事实上最近一个调查显示2009年相比这个信息技术使用翻番,有一半以上的车队曾经对这个系统质疑过,但是他们现在开始使用这项技术。

    In fact, one recent survey suggested that market penetration of such systems doubled from 2009, with more than half of fleets questioned indicating that they now use the technology.


  • 今天(英国)双胞胎胞胎协会调查显示,生双胞胎或者三胞胎母亲产后抑郁症风险几乎是生一个小孩的母亲患产后抑郁症风险的一

    Mothers of twins or triplets have almost twice the average risk of postnatal depression, a survey by the twins and Multiple Births Association showed today.


  • 纽约路透健康新闻)——根据美国调查显示超过1/10的父母选择了另外疫苗接种计划他们小孩接种疫苗其中有些父母拒绝疫苗的接种。

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - More than one in ten parents uses an "alternative" vaccination schedule for their young children, including refusing vaccines altogether, according to a U.S. survey.


  • 德勤(Deloitte)发布份名为《全球人力资本趋势》(Global Human Capital Trends)的报告显示团队合作流行已经达到了一个新的高度。该报告的调查结果基于130多个国家的7000高管

    But a new report by Deloitte, "Global Human Capital Trends", based on a survey of more than 7,000 executives in over 130 countries, suggests that the fashion for teamwork has reached a new high.


  • 但是调查显示所有血管疾病一个普遍症状有关,即粘度

    But research suggests that all such vascular conditions are linked by one common symptom - high blood viscosity.


  • 一个研究组织icesi调查显示,尽管联邦区相对于墨西哥州更高犯罪发生率后者毒贩更为猖獗。

    Surveys by ICESI, a research organisation, suggest that whereas the Federal District still has a higher incidence of crime than Mexico State, the latter has been hit harder by drug MOBS.


  • 调查报告显示我们资助一个项目纯粹浪费钱。

    An investigative reporter discovered that one of the projects we funded was a boondoggle.


  • 女性31岁时候最有魅力——一个精确岁数调查显示,女人这个岁数认为是漂亮的时候。

    Women are at their attractive bets when they are 31that’s the precise age when, according to a survey, they are considered most beautiful.


  • 但是普通选民对其并不十分看好:一个民调机构BVA调查结果显示,约有53%的民众并不看好竞选纲领。

    Yet the ordinary voters may not be so sure: according to a survey by BVA, a polling group, 53% did not find her speech convincing.


  • 一个国家100个知名餐馆调查显示领带不再该国高档餐厅要求着装

    A survey of the country's 100 leading restaurants has revealed that a tie is no longer required dress code in the country's most upmarket dining rooms.


  • 调查显示症状出现曾去过一个贩卖家禽的菜市场。

    The investigation indicated that she visited a wet market where live poultry are sold three days prior to symptom onset.


  • 电台援引调查显示一百名工作人员中,就有员工从“无限休闲时间”政策受益

    The radio station cited a survey showing that for every 100 individuals at work, one person is reaping the benefits of the unlimited policy.


  • 他们受过更好的教育,倾向一个公司职位上工作更长的时间(调查显示平均为7)。

    They are better educatedthan the average. They tend to stay in the same job and with the samecompany (an average of seven years, our survey found).


  • 对于银行的坏消息:根据一个美国市场调研公司BrandKeys开展调查显示客户完全、彻底不能区分银行品牌

    Bad news for Banks: a survey conducted by marketing research firm brand Keys found that consumers make no differentiation - none - between bank brands.


  • “全英受欢迎铃”调查显示清晨闹铃中,鸟鸣人们的最爱

    Birdsong is the best sound to wake up to in the morning, according to a survey of the nation's favourite alarm tones. Photo: alamy.


  • 这里可以看到我们KISSinsights调查一个抽样回复调查(不显示顾客电子信箱地址)。

    Here's you'll see our KISSinsights survey and a sampling of the responses (edited to remove customer email addresses).


  • 国际超自然研究协会捕获影片调查结果显示,似乎那维修一个服务生灵魂那些门。

    Investigations by the ISPR captured on film what appeared to be the spirits of a maintenance man and a waiter opening the doors.


  • 其中航空公司进行调查显示乘客们会乐意大方地外币零钱

    A survey conducted by one of the participating carriers showed that travelers are happy to generously donate their foreign change.


  • 一个韩国妇女调查显示丈夫抽烟的妇女得肺癌乳腺癌概率明显比其他人,而且很大可能是因为吸食二手

    A study of Korean women found significantly higher risks of lung cancer and breast cancer among those whose husbands smoked, most likely from the effects of secondhand smoke.


  • 一个问卷调查结果显示许多英国年轻人渴望成为作家

    A survey of Britain's youth found that many aspire to become writers.


  • 调查结果显示一个非常有趣的现象就是简单工具敏捷项目管理工具软件常常混合使用

    The results showed an interesting mix of use of simple tools along with the software Agile project management tools.


  • 感染调查显示病例居住在一个贩卖家禽的菜市场旁边

    Investigations into the source of his infection indicate that the case lived next door to a wet market where live poultry are sold.


  • 调查显示,每五人中就会有一个尝试在一个之中开始节食减肥有超过三分之一的人会在购物的时候选择低卡路里的食物

    Around one in five of us start a diet at least once a month and more than a third shop for low-calorie food, according to a study.


  • 调查显示停车便宜的地方印度,钦奈的车位一天仅需96美分

    The cheapest parking in the survey is in India, where a spot in Chennai costs 96 cents a day.


  • 调查显示停车便宜的地方印度,钦奈的车位一天仅需96美分

    The cheapest parking in the survey is in India, where a spot in Chennai costs 96 cents a day.


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