• 甚至知道一个父亲该怎么直到展示给

    He didn't even know how a father does till I showed him.


  • 相信女儿需要一个父亲般的人物

    She believed her daughter needed a father-figure.


  • 也是关于父亲如何祖父小提琴创造了一份遗产指挥棒传给了儿子儿子实现梦想故事

    It's also a story of how a father created a legacy with his grandfather's fiddle, and passed a baton to his son, so that his son could fulfill his dreams.


  • 他们意识什么一个父亲养育一家人

    They taught me about what it means to be a father and to raise a family.


  • 一个父亲这么说:“韩国稳定就是一切。”

    In Korea, stability is everything, ” says one such parent.


  • 一个父亲无力养育自己子女时他们的关系往往会变得疏远

    When a father can't provide monetarily for his offspring, he often becomes estranged.


  • 认为我不需要这样做因为已经是这方面的专家了-作为一个父亲

    I didn't think I needed to do that since I was already a domain experta parent.


  • 我希望父亲永远不用注视儿子,把当成自己永远无法弥补的过失

    That a father will never look at his son like he's an error that can never be corrected.


  • 每当赫莉有所表示,法厄总是以他们是一个父亲为由将赫莉挡在门外。

    Whenever Hayley expressed her affection to him, he always refused her with the excuse of having the same father.


  • 可以深深改变一个父亲生活父亲深深地影响孩子的生活。

    Fatherhood changes one's life in very deep ways, and fathers can do the same for their children.


  • 也许某天一个父亲听到爸爸小孩的时候什么“推”(tweet)?

    Perhaps someday a father will hear, “Daddy, what was a tweet when you were a kid?”


  • 知道身边没有一个父亲的苦处,当然处境没有今天许多年轻人的处境那么不幸

    I know what it means to have an absent father, although my circumstances weren't as tough as they are for many young people today.


  • 他们海滩答案立即明了了父亲大概认识陆军上校走过来他们行礼致意。

    The answer came quickly enough, once they got to the beach. A colonel that Father knew slightly came to meet them, saluting them.


  • 父亲了,明天——一两天之内将只有这一个父亲——你还有的是罪要受呢。

    I shall be your father, tomorrow — all the father you'll have in a few days — and you shall have plenty of that.


  • 最近信用卡广告节目描述一个父亲一个儿子挪威寻找他们家族起源

    A recent credit card commercial depicts a father and son traveling to Norway to trace their family's origins.


  • 很多报道大都具体例子,报道上他们自己家庭像是一个父亲什么的

    I've seen lots of reports, most of them are really concrete. They said they are just family members, like a father in a family and stuff.


  • 我们弟兄十二人,都是父亲儿子,有一个没有了,顶小如今我们父亲迦南地

    We were twelve brothers, sons of one father. One is no more, and the youngest is now with our father in Canaan.


  • 我们弟兄十二人,都父亲儿子,有一个没有,顶小如今我们父亲南地。

    We be twelve brethren, sons of our father; one is not, and the youngest is this day with our father in the land of Canaan.


  • 独特图景里,父亲里放一张他早夭未受洗的孩子图片夜里在路旁踩踏着。

    In one extraordinary image, a father has a vision of his unbaptised dead child, buried in a shoe, bumping and tumbling in the shoe along a road at night.


  • 四分之三认为,与其说自己的主要角色一个父亲不如说是养家糊口的那个人。

    Three quarters of those questioned said they saw themselves more as a breadwinner than they did as a father.


  • 他们开始认识的时候,,她独力抚养两个孩子但是并不打算他们物色一个父亲角色

    When they met, she said, she was raising two children on her own and not looking for a father figure for them.


  • 鳄鱼偷了一个父亲儿子保证如果这个父亲猜出它要做什么,它就会将儿子还给父亲

    A crocodile steals a son from his father, and promises to return the child if the father can correctly guess what the crocodile will do.


  • 突然墓碑后头,跳出这么怪物,简直就是一个父亲可怕版,当然家伙还是一个逃犯

    Then suddenly, from behind the gravestone, leaps this monstrous figure who is a grotesque parody of a father figure -an escaped convict of course.


  • 对于这位从小就没有父亲,并且困惑自己身份来说,赖特俨然扮演着一个父亲般的角色。

    Mr Wright was clearly a father-figure to a fatherless man who was confused about his identity.


  • 但是现代遗传学技术表明许多物种雌性很明显是处于种单配关系中,但所生育的后代却有着不止一个父亲

    But modern genetic techniques have shown that in many species females in apparently monogamous relationships often produce families that have more than one father.


  • 不幸既然一个父亲陪伴不仅仅推迟了女儿生育总的来说他的孩子们人生机遇很大影响

    That is unfortunate, since a father's involvement not only delays his daughter's reproduction but also has a big impact generally on the life chances of his children.


  • 孩子需要父亲任何不能孩子保证个父亲妇女如果怀上孩子,那么她一个任性自私选择

    A child is owed a father, and any woman who is unable or unwilling to provide one is making a self indulgent, selfish choice to conceive a child.


  • 记得许多年前年轻男子新娘结婚那天许下的誓言,我记得一个父亲女儿之间无言承诺

    I remember a promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day, and I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter.


  • 记得许多年前年轻男子新娘结婚那天许下的誓言,我记得一个父亲女儿之间无言承诺

    I remember a promise that was made many years ago between a young man and his bride on their wedding day, and I remember the unspoken promise that was made between a father and his daughter.


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