• 子只是一个微小的改变,但它们仍然可以带来积极的影响。

    The covers are a small change, but they can still have a positive effect.


  • 足智多谋勇气来说只是一个微小挑战

    This is simply a challenge to your resourcefulness and courage - it does not reveal the outcome.


  • 混沌状态一个微小角落喜欢电影事物之一

    It's a tiny corner of order among the chaos, and that's one of the things I like about movies.


  • 市场达到如此幻境基础面或是投资者态度一个微小改变就足以引发系统崩溃

    When markets reach this fantasy land, a small change in the fundamentals or in investor attitudes can be enough to cause the system to unravel.


  • 股票投资者那么兴奋的反弹只是这个更长期低迷市中的一个微小周期。

    He says the rally that has been so enjoyable for stock investors is just a mini-cycle in that longer swoon.


  • 只要两种化合物矿物之间交换电子它们就是能量一个微小电池

    As long as you can find two chemicals or minerals that can transfer an electron between them, you've got an energy source, a microscopic battery of sorts.


  • 一个微小电子衬垫放置单侧眼睛视网膜上,这样电极就可以神经节细胞直接接触了。

    A tiny electronic pad is placed onto the retina of one eye, so that the electrodes are in direct contact with the ganglion cells.


  • 我们把努力水滴看做是微小点上时,滴入的或许不是海洋而是块石头上

    But think of those same drops of effort dripping onto one tiny spot, perhaps not in the ocean but on a rock.


  • 但是只是微小改变也反映了目前ubuntu一个奇怪重要问题

    While this is just a minor, minor adjustment, I think it says something strangely important about Ubuntu currently.


  • 麻省理工学院化学工程师团队第一观察到离子通过一个微小的碳纳米管渠道进行运输。

    For the first time, a team of MIT chemical engineers has observed single ions marching through a tiny carbon-nanotube channel.


  • 当时便觉得摄影记者微小又不可缺少的角色一心希望成为一个摄影记者。

    I was then think photographer is a small but indispensable role, wish with all my heart to become a photographer.


  • 论文索引仅仅出版物在明白无误地参考源头时才有用,它们数字世界形成一个微小星云

    Citation indices, which work only where publications refer to their sources explicitly, form a tiny nebula in the digital universe.


  • 工程师所面临问题修改软件会引起系统混乱,特别是个微小错误就能导致系统崩溃

    The problem for engineers is that change translates into chaos, especially when a single error can potentially bring down an entire system.


  • 这种情况下一连串步骤称为信号联放大,通常一个微小刺激引发,由大量反应而告终。

    In such cases the chain of steps is referred to as a "signaling cascade" and often results in a small stimulus eliciting a large response.


  • 粒子第二层次创建自定义使用特殊设计精灵,是为了看起来一个微小有机体

    The Second Level of particles is created using Particular with a custom designed sprite, and is meant to look like a microscopic organism.


  • 复制完美性:纸板一个微小颗粒构成发泡波纹的每一个细节,必须使用雕刻

    It's perfection in replication: every wave of corrugation in the cardboard and every tiny pellet that makes up the styrofoam, had to be carved.


  • 一个微小愿望能够实现或者饿了的时候的食物,或者你需要的时候有人来爱。

    It's about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.


  • 讨论了非模块化调用调用者之间必须知道彼此,因此通常一个微小修改都会导致大规模的代码变化

    He also argues that both are non-modular as the caller and callee must know about each other and often a small change can require wide-scale code change.


  • 和平时期改变整个国家,和平武器生产成为了战时武器生产的战争的基础,这不是一个微小任务

    To change a whole nation from a basis of peacetime production of implements of peace to a basis of wartime production of implements of war is no small task.


  • SQL优化器选择扫描一个索引不是因为索引通常但是只是一个微小改进

    An SQL optimizer may choose to scan an index rather than a table because indexes are usually smaller than tables, but this is a marginal improvement.


  • 因着内心纷乱的身体好象四分五裂了,忽然微小声音深处说:“你安静,要知道”。

    For a little while it seemed as if I must fly to pieces with the inward turmoil, when suddenly the still small voice whispered in the depths of my soul, "Be still, and know that I am God."


  • 理论可以解释通过假定亚原子粒子共振其实只是一个微小振动的亚原子物理学神秘量子法则

    The superstring theory can explain the mysterious quantum laws of sub-atomic physics by postulating that sub-atomic particles are really just resonances or vibrations of a tiny string.


  • 设计人员通常时序分析上花大量时间精力因为一个微小时序问题导致整个设计的逻辑功能错误

    Designers have to spend most of time and energy on timing analysis, because a slight mismatch would lead whole failure of entire logic function.


  • 不过,它仍然存在一个微小机会可能2036年2068撞击地球取决于这颗小行星未来经过地球时确切路线

    However, there's still a tiny chance it will hit in 2036 or 2068-depending on the exact route the asteroid follows during its next pass near Earth.


  • 如此平滑说明它们表面非常年轻——可能不到1000万,和卫星40亿年龄相比,只是一个微小的分子。

    Such a smooth complexion implies that the surface is very young - probably less than 10 million years old, a tiny fraction of the moon's 4-billion-year age.


  • 举例而言,2阐明了示例架构微小违背这个例子里data至少调用business层。

    For example, Figure 2 illustrates a subtle violation to this example architecture; in this case, the data layer is now making at least one call to the business layer.


  • 举例而言,2阐明了示例架构微小违背这个例子里data至少调用business层。

    For example, Figure 2 illustrates a subtle violation to this example architecture; in this case, the data layer is now making at least one call to the business layer.


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