• 除非庞大市场饱和很多时间费用如果停止这里一个答案

    Unless it is a huge, unsaturated market, save yourself a lot of time and expense by stopping here if you don't have a good answer.


  • 约翰霍普金斯大学社会学家安德鲁·尔林,对于为什么不同国家的生育率不同,“没有人能给出一个答案”。

    "No one has a good answer" as to why fertility varies among countries, says sociologist Andrew Cherlin of The Johns Hopkins University.


  • 如何拯救报纸这个问题没有简单答案但是我们还是能够资助新闻业的,而且我们怀疑对在线内容收费一个可行的商业模式

    There are clearly no easy answers for how to save the newspapers and still be able to finance good journalism, and we have doubts that charging for online access is a viable model.


  • 现在科学家们也许找到了这个答案。当然,我们首先要感谢项最终揭开了“如何获得一个夜晚睡眠”存在了很长时间神秘问题谜底的研究

    Scientists may now have an answer to this riddle, thanks to a study that cracks open one of the long-standing mysteries of getting a good night's sleep.


  • 一个测试方法询问自己的主管,今年对于来说达成目标重要因素什么,比对一下看看你们答案是否相似

    A good test: If you and your manager were both asked what's most important for you to achieve this year, would your answers match?


  • 非常问题遗憾地是没有一个标准答案

    That's a very good question, and unfortunately, there is not a single answer. There are a number of different scenarios that you may have to deal with depending upon your situation, for example


  • 我们未注意到过去从未这样一个动物我们怎能期望不正确答案分数呢? ?

    So why none of us noticed that there had never been such an animal and how could we expect good marks for the incorrect answers?


  • ELEMENTAL改变答案想法为什么我们建造一个舒适尺寸一半房屋呢?

    ELEMENTAL rephrased the answer and thought, instead of building smaller homes, why don't we build half of a good, comfortably sized one?


  • 解决这个单词在讲什么那个问题答案什么,如果的话可以在其他孩子帮助下解决是否是一个方式来说或者

    Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.


  • 英国导演米高温达保顿给我们提供了一个答案这些没有姓名难民一张脸孔讲述他们故事有关争论并非涉及统计数字模糊的恐慌

    British director, Michael Winterbottom, offers one answer: put a face on these anonymous refugees, show their story so that the argument will not just be about statistics or unspecified fears.


  • 试试2的平方根,我当然希望得到完全准确答案了,但是得到一个近似值,试试将这个平方一下,发现结果2相当接近

    All right. I tried it on 2, I surely didn't expect a precise and exact answer to that but I got something, and if you square this, you'll find the answer kept pretty darn close to 2.


  • 现在值得你们知道什么是你们的,得到分数课堂讨论并且答案也许显然的一个需要参与

    So it's worth knowing in a general way what you need to do to earn a good grade in discussion section and here the answer is, perhaps the obvious one, you need to participate.


  • 植被分类一个答案、争论不休的问题

    The classification of vegetation seems an eternal problem.


  • 自己解决如果愿意的话可以在其他孩子们帮助下什么这个问题答案什么,这是否是或者一个方法

    Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what his word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.


  • 如果它们不能答案希望你在相信他们的哪怕一个之前,先非常仔细思考一下。

    And if they can't give you a good answer, I hope you'll think very carefully before you believe a word they say.


  • 我们计算波长时,如果答案长度单位就是一个迹象

    It's always good when we're looking for a wavelength that our answer is in a unit of length, that's a good sign already.


  • 穆斯:“关于什么才是咖啡?””并没有一个标准答案

    MARK WARMUTH: "There's no right or wrong answer with regard to 'What's a good cup of coffee?"


  • 如果一定决定,一位管理者宁肯现在一个好估计值也不愿要一个需再等待一周准确答案

    If a decision must be made, a manager would much rather have a good estimation now than wait a week for a more precise answer.


  • 如果一定决定,一位管理者宁肯现在一个好估计值也不愿要一个需再等待一周准确答案

    If a decision must be made, a manager would much rather have a good estimation now than wait a week for a more precise answer.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定