• 毫无疑问,谈论过去能力代表了种和简单认知回忆复杂程度不同记忆

    No doubt the ability to talk about one's past represents memory of a different level of complexity than simple recognition or recall.


  • :“我们一个起死回生’,即银幕上呈现已经在世的形象,我们做的便是极其复杂的‘数字化妆’。”

    "When we are bringing someone back, representing someone who is no longer alive on the screen, what we are doing is extremely sophisticated digital make-up," he says.


  • 总体来说经常怀疑自己的思想是不是在进化,他几乎不能相信这样的事实,总之,他如此复杂的难以琢磨一个以至于针对他各种争论不会消失。

    And, to top it all, he often doubted whether, his mind being evolved, he could even trust it in such matters. All in all, he was too complex, too subtle a man to be left to the polemicists.


  • 然而相信如果需要构建标记避免由于使用其他编程工具所带来的复杂的话,那么他可以构建活动模式满足这样需求

    However, I believe that if one needed to build a tokenizer and wanted to avoid the complications of using another programming tool one could build an active pattern that fulfilled this requirement.


  • 但是主要意义在于他一个悲剧作为意味着完全不同方式生活着自然之存在,他更为复杂更为戏剧

    But it is mainly a tragedy because to be human means to live in a totally different way, more complex and more dramatic than natural existence.


  • 如果没有想象一个无法过去现在获得知识证实复杂未来的猜想。

    Without imagination, one couldn't get from knowledge of the past and present to justified expectations about the complex future.


  • 鉴于价值也将我自己归于不善管理者那一,我也并不是有意指责任何一个问题复杂

    For what it’s worth, I include myself in that group of mismanagers and I don’t mean to blame any single individual—the troubles were tremendous.


  • 但是研究显示一个的杏仁越大,他朋友圈同事圈就越大复杂

    But a study suggests that the larger the amygdala, the wider and more complex is its owner's network of friends and colleagues.


  • 这些发现的启发,Ekman便着手建立可以任何一个复杂面部表情进行编码系统

    Encouraged by these findings, Ekman then set out to organize a system by which he could codify the complex facial expressions of any given person.


  • 一个关于通过多渠道故事理念我们作为媒体消费年前远远复杂多少,”Milk

    "I have a philosophy about telling stories through multiple channels, and how we as humans are far-more-sophisticated media-consuming beings than we were ten years ago," said Milk.


  • 如果远程视图包含一个复杂查询,那么使用表统计信息(例如视图昵称基数)可能使产生误解

    If the remote view contains a complex query, using table-level statistics such as the cardinality for the nickname over the view can be misleading.


  • 如果定义一个用来描述复杂类型,那么类型很多元素,比如针对姓名出生日期住址职业的元素。

    If you define a complex type describing a person, there will be many elements in the type, for the name, date of birth, address, occupation, and so on.


  • 讨论越多事情就复杂你们中的喜欢泰国一个素食主义者而且你们只有辆车,也不能太远的地方。

    The more you discuss it, the more complicated it gets; one of you doesn’t like Thai food, another is vegan, and because there’s only one car between six of you, you can’t go far.


  • 指出一个银行所面对风险非常复杂第一次巴塞尔协议定义借款风险等级无法概括全部的风险。

    It recognizes that the risks that a bank faces are very complex and that they are not summarized by just the classes of borrowers that were defined in Basel I.


  • 一些机器永远不能,一样复杂能力感知感觉,并且一个机器的方式回应他们

    Some say no machine will ever do be complicated as human being, but it'll be able to perceive human feelings and resound to them as a machine can.


  • 一个重要问题在于,通常参与复杂金融交易许多当事有权有势

    Another big issue is the sheer number of powerful parties that typically participated in complex finance deals.


  • 自我意识一个区别于周身环境该环境中其他的根本东西这种意识也是其它复杂层次知觉存在的基础

    A sense of self is what makes a person distinct from his environment and from other people in it. It is also the thing upon which more complex layers of consciousness appear to rest.


  • 策略下,这些国家国内出售以前出售外国同样材料一个更加复杂模式下外国品位当地的品味是不同的。

    Under his policies, countries sell the same kind of stuff at home that they formerly sold to foreigners. In a more elaborate model, foreign and local tastes would differ.


  • 看着眼睛时,我会对这个产生一种十分复杂体验这种体验过于强烈,使我感到无法承受。

    When I look into a person’s eyes, I have such a profound experience of the person that it’s overwhelming.


  • 项最新科学研究表明,不遵守诺言一种复杂神经生物学反应活动,对大脑进行图像扫描能够预测一个是否是不遵守诺言却作出虚假承诺的食言者。

    Breaking a promise is a complex neurobiological event, a new study shows-and a brain scan may be able to predict those who are making false promises before they break their word.


  • 由此导致的挫折感可能会强化一个消极自恋心态觉得全世界复杂肮脏只有自己才是纯洁的所以总是伤害

    The resulting frustration could strengthen their pessimism and narcissism. They feel the whole world is filthy and evil and only they themselves are good and so always get hurt.


  • 因此水晶矿物领域复杂相关性,就像从未其它失去接触微妙的交流一样。

    As such the realms of the crystalline minerals and humanity are intricately related, such that one is never out of contact or subtle communication with the other.


  • 比利时12年前采取类似的“假定捐献同意”办法,只有2%的决定捐献美国,还有一个更为复杂的问题。

    In Belgium, which adopted a similar presumed-consent system 12 years ago, less than 2% of the population has decided to opt out.


  • 无需许多组织那样,使用复杂密码这种方法确保很少使用相同密码对于安全有一个相似整体效果

    Instead of enforcing complex passwords, as many organizations do, the new scheme makes sure than no more than a few users can have the same password, which has a similar overall effect on security.


  • 机器个复杂系统对分析设计有着很高要求

    Robots are complex systems that require disciplined analysis and design techniques.


  • 还有一个讲下么,这里复杂多少?

    This gentleman has helped me out. Somebody else help me out. What's the complexity here?


  • 但是现实可能缓慢复杂,不可能使一个完全满意

    But the reality will probably be slower and messier, and it's unlikely to leave anybody completely satisfied.


  • 但是现实可能缓慢复杂,不可能使一个完全满意

    But the reality will probably be slower and messier, and it's unlikely to leave anybody completely satisfied.


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