• 如果喜欢一个人工作那么需要很多团队合作工作可能适合你。

    If you like working alone, a job that requires lots of teamwork might not suit you.


  • 个人工作得到薪酬,这工资

    When a person works an honest day and receives a fair pay, ts is a wage.


  • 可是小心!这样个人工作,可是会累坏的!

    But be careful! You risk wearing yourself out if you work too long all on your own!


  • 即便是需要个人工作,我还是可以别人进行交流的。

    Even though I'm supposed to be working by myself, there are other people who I can interact with.


  • 练习欺骗自己让自己看上去享受个人工作

    You probably practise bluffing techniques from time to time and look as though you enjoy being a lone operator.


  • 很明显许多相信个人工作时间长,取得的成就越大。

    Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends at work. the more he or she accomplishes.


  • 不管以何谋生或者工作,你都是个人工作那就是自己

    No matter how you make a living or who you think you work for, you only work for one person, yourself.


  • 善待厌恶因为说不定哪就会这样个人工作

    Treat your aversion to the people, because there days you will work for such a person.


  • 乌里发现个人工作单位名字此人姓名三个字母关系最为密切。

    Uri found that the name of a person's workplace more closely correlated with the first three letters of a person's name.


  • 个人工作到很晚,带着疲惫愤怒回到家里,却发现5岁大的儿子正在门口

    A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.


  • 个人工作到很晚,带着疲惫愤怒回到家里却发现5岁大儿子正在门口

    A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his5-year old son waiting for him at the door.


  • 希望通过双手劳动还是坐在电脑前?你是喜欢交流?还是喜欢一个人工作

    Do you prefer working with your hands? or at a computer? Do you enjoy communicating with people, or do you prefer to work alone?


  • 经过合法协议必须一个人工作时间回报得到商业艺术生意指导

    One bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, an art, or a business.


  • 每个标识都会驻留身体特定部分例如一个人工作职位家族通常显示在肩部。

    Each will reside on a specific area of his body - a person's ranks within their occupation and their clan are usually displayed on the shoulders, for example.


  • 不论什么谋生或者认为为了工作,事实上你都个人工作那就是你自己

    No matter how you make a living or who you think you work for, you only work for one person, yourself.


  • 学徒:经过合法协议必须一个人工作时间回报得到商业艺术生意指导

    One bound by legal agreement to work for another for a specific amount of time in return for instruction in a trade, an art, or a business.


  • 是的可以自己博客;你可以自己一个人工作广欢迎;也可以永远都其中劳作耕耘。

    Yes, you can start a blog on your own. Yes, you can make it popular by yourself.


  • 虽然个人工作价值无法金钱衡量的,但是将来职业选择中,薪资起着至关重要的作用。

    Although it might be impossible to measure the value of one's job in terms of money, salary counts most when I choose my future career.


  • 如果经常个人工作注意力可能其他方面逐渐减弱时间里组织安排包括他人工作

    If you often work on your own, try to organize work involving others at the time of day when your concentration might otherwise be waning.


  • 而且多亏网络能够和我的同事见面日常事务,避免一个人工作发狂博客知道人们作品评价

    And thanks to the Internet I have met colleagues that I speak to on a daily basis who keep me from going crazy as a result of working alone. My blog is another way that I get feedback about my work.


  • 用户希望查看任务状态完成的个人工任务结果第三模式工作本文称为查看模式。

    The user works in the third mode, called the view mode in this article, when he or she wants to see the status of a human task or the result of another human task that is finished.


  • 假设任务,您在其中定义了升级以便工作未能小时内完成的情况下,经理发出通知。

    Let's say you have a human task, where you have defined an escalation so that if the work is not completed in four hours, a manager is to be notified.


  • WebSphereIntegrationDeveloper提供了一个任务组件可以极大地简化支持人SCA应用程序交互需要工作

    WebSphere Integration Developer provides a human task component, which greatly simplifies the work required to support human interaction with an SCA application.


  • 现在工作已经生成,需要使用NewHumanTask向导创建一个任务实现ApproveOrder接口

    Now that the workspace is built, you need to use the new human task wizard to create a human task to implement the ApproveOrder interface.


  • 平均工资水平下一个人小时工作可以赚取多长时间的人工照明

    Ask how much artificial light you can earn with an hour of work at the average wage.


  • 只要能达到每工作的同时只有不到一个赋闲比例那么全体公民都能享受好的公共医疗社会福利。

    Public Health and SS service for all citizens works great for as long as you have a ratio of 3 working people to 1 retired person.


  • 只要能达到每工作的同时只有不到一个赋闲比例那么全体公民都能享受好的公共医疗社会福利。

    Public Health and SS service for all citizens works great for as long as you have a ratio of 3 working people to 1 retired person.


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