• 如果农场管理好,并且足够土地,也很真诚地转变(农场运营方式),就可以开始段合作关系了。

    If the farm is well managed and has enough land, and the desire to convert is sincere, a relationship can begin.


  • 所以很多喂养动物种强化生产运营方式就是平时说的CAPOs养大的。

    So most animals are raised in concentrated animal feeding operations, or CAPOs.


  • 通过这种方式使用预构建资产,可通过重用标准化it资产致性支持来帮助减少电信运营服务维护成本

    Using prebuilt assets in this way helps reduce the maintenance costs of telecommunications operational services through reuse, standardization, and consistency of support across IT assets.


  • 除了光纤光纤到节点这些方式外,电信运营使用其他方式打进电视市场

    As well as FTTP and FTTN, there are other ways for telecoms operators to get into the television market.


  • 这种业务流程重构优化组织运营业务的方式而言机会

    This business process reengineering is an opportunity to optimize how the organization operationally is going about its business.


  • 某些航空公司连锁酒店其它些业务不是破产就是改变自己的运营方式

    Some airlines, hotel chains and other businesses may fail or have to change their operating practices.


  • 来说企业级治理企业运营业务确定规则方式

    Generally speaking, enterprise level governance establishes the rules and the manner in which an enterprise conducts its business.


  • 举例来说,如果通过短信付费方式缴费,移动运营就会吞掉其中很大块。

    Mobile operators, for instance, take a big cut when payments are made using "premium" text messages.


  • 10月6日帕罗·奥图举行的会议上,Facebook老板马克·扎克伯格宣布了系列关于这个世界上最大社交网站运营方式变革

    At a meeting in Palo Alto on October 6th, Mark Zuckerberg, the boss of Facebook, announced a series of changes to the way that the world's largest online social network is run.


  • 描写这样,作为编剧起到烘托气氛作用——人联想Joe运营酒吧方式迅速意识到如果这个想法要写剧本里那么应该是有铺垫

    The description was, for me as a writer, there to evoke an ambiance - to give an idea of the TYPE of bar Joe would runBut I quickly learned that if it was on the page, it would be on the set.


  • 不在运营管理方式作出改变,IMF可能会发现同样根本问题困扰正是这些问题推向边缘直到这次危机又它带回到人们的视线当中。

    Without further changes to the way it functions and is run, it may find itself beset by some of the same underlying problems that were pushing it to the margins before the crisis brought it back.


  • 方面计算提供商们比如amazonGoogle已经证明云计算运营it系统有效率方式

    For one, operators of computing clouds such as Amazon and Google have shown that this is a far more efficient way of running IT systems.


  • 昨天,《卫报》发出关于招聘网站安全通告。 通告:“网站运营已经确定黑客入侵的方式并且已经采取措施阻止此类事件再次发生。”

    Yesterday , the Guardian put a security notice on its Jobs site, which said: "The supplier who runs the site has identified the manner in which it was hacked and taken steps to prevent a recurrence."


  • 不过南方的国民信托没有以博物馆方式运营要求10万当地人购买利用这栋建筑上发挥作用

    But rather than run it just as a museum, the National Trust asked the 100,000 local people who played some part in buying the building what use should be made of it.


  • 正如任何目标营销(企业博客营销手段),需要直接思考以及始终组织运营方式

    Like any targeted marketing (and blogging for companies is marketing), it needs to be thought through, organized and delivered consistently.


  • 规定——网站或者在线服务运营违反(b)条规定规则方式个人处采集个人信息系违法行为

    In GENERAL - it is unlawful for an operator of a website or online service to collect personal information from an individual in a manner that violates the rules prescribed under subsection (b).


  • 运营方法特征是以实时请求-响应方式MDM系统交互创建更新客户信息就是典型例子

    Operational method of use characterized by real-time, request-response based interaction with the MDM System; creation or update of customer information is a typical example.


  • 4个私营机构处于英格兰授予学位大学,也只有大学(白金汉大学)授予皇家特许权并以慈善机构方式运营

    It is one of four "private" institutions that are based in England and offer degrees, only one of which (the University of Buckingham) has been awarded a royal charter and operates as a charity.


  • 政团的首席运营略特 奥科曼,“我们不是第三,而是另运作方式。”

    This isn’t a third party, ” Elliot Ackerman, the group’s chief operating officer said. “It’s a second process.


  • 他们赚钱方式不是通过窃取而是保证任何埃及运营公司必须付百分之五至百分之二十的提成给GamalMubarak的公司。

    The way they have amassed that money is not by stealing but by ensuring that businesses that want to operate in Egypt pay from 5 percent to 20 percent commission to a company formed by Gamal Mubarak.


  • DevOps不仅仅软件部署方法通过全新方式,来思考如何软件作者(开发部门)运营者(运营部门)进行合作协同

    DevOps is also more than just software deployment - it's a whole new way of thinking about cooperation and coordination between the people who make the software and the people who run it.


  • DevOps不仅仅软件部署方法通过全新方式,来思考如何软件作者(开发部门)运营者(运营部门)进行合作协同

    DevOps is also more than just software deployment - it's a whole new way of thinking about cooperation and coordination between the people who make the software and the people who run it.


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