I am sorry , you need to compensate 20 yuan for thedamagedashtray.
You may also need to compensate the actions that have been done prior to the cancellation event.
You only need to make a new connection about every 8 seconds to attempt to compensate for the network latency.
If you're good at some aspects of your job and not at others, then you need to recognize those weaknesses before others do and then figure out a strategy to compensate.
Since you need to breathe more to compensate for low oxygen at high altitudes, drinking could make you more likely to experience hypoxia.
Develop a sense of who in your life is good at estimating time and who isn't, because you need to be able to compensate for the people who mess up your schedule with poor time estimates.
Develop a sense of who in your life is good at estimating time and who isn't, because you need to be able to compensate for the people who mess up your schedule with poor time estimates.