India also fears encirclement, and with reason.
Poorer regions gripe, with reason, that this is unfair.
Their arguments should be countered with reason, not ridicule.
Finally, the problem with reason, as we have seen, is that it never adds up to value.
If the optimizer was not able to apply the guideline, it returns warning 437 with reason code 13.
Or, the order has been parked (with reason provided in the result passed back to the calling long-running process).
Man, being endowed with reason, seeks not just food, warmth and shelter, but also that which is good for the intellect.
A first test call fails returning the message SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "3" (" PASSWORD MISSING ").
第一个测试调用失败,返回消息SQL 30082n Securityprocessingfailed with reason “3 ” (“ PASSWORD MISSING ”)。
In his 1978 classic on human Nature, Wilson describes the human mind as a device for survival and reproduction, with reason as just one of its various techniques.
It continues to haunt us, to stalk us, and as we try to silence it with reason and maturity we find that indeed, it is a fire within our bones and it will not yield.
"The Zionist Jews who are running these big Banks and the Federal Reserve... need to be run out of this country," she said in the taped interview with Reason TVthat then went viral on YouTube.
IF it has MODIFIES SQL DATA, it is blocked in triggers, dynamic compound statements, SQL-bodied functions, or when a save point has been created, and error SQL30090 with reason code 22 is returned.
如果访问级别是MODIFIESSQLDATA,那么它在触发器、动态合成语句、sql体函数中或在创建保存点时会阻塞,并返回原因码为22的错误SQL 30090。
Fortunately I have a brother who has always been very fashion-conscious, and he'd take me in hand every few years when my fashion sense got too out of touch with reason and social acceptability.
There was no reason on earth why she couldn't have moved in with us.
It was with these great revelations that a new kind of philosophy founded in reason was born.
One reason performance declines on sultry, humid days is that working muscles have to compete with the skin for blood.
Kids should do chores, he writes, "for the same reason adults do, because the chores need to be done, and not with the expectation of compensation."
With every reason to believe that life in the persistence of it is driving us out of our terrestrial sphere, etc.
We need to accept that fact across much of the planet, so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason.
Then, if he tries to talk with her, maybe her father get furious, for no apparent reason.
Please plan a daily schedule that can alter our natural chronobiological rhythms which engages with logic, reason and ideas.
All of them were black and white images of a runner, with a quote that expressed their reason for running.
Interviews with employees of not-for-profit organizations suggest that the reason for their greater motivation is the belief that their work helps to improve society.
The only thing neighbors have in common, to begin with, is proximity and unless something more develops that isn't reason enough to be best friends.
"The reason is," said the Gryphon, "that they would go with the lobsters to the dance."
One reason may be breakfast's nutritional value—partly because cereal is fortified with vitamins.
Next time you talk with someone who takes a stand, ask them to give you a reason for their view.
Next time you talk with someone who takes a stand, ask them to give you a reason for their view.