And, of course, that means we all care very deeply about the ability to easily develop a Web presentation layer.
Why not generate the Web presentation layer to create, add, list, delete, and search these elements from the annotated beans?
为什么不生成一个 Web表示层,让它根据带注解的 bean创建、添加、列出、删除和搜索这些元素呢?
For instance, the Presentation layer (Web container) can be provided by Tomcat and the Business Logic layer (EJB container) can run on WebSphere.
It would make more sense to separate the presentation layer (the Web module) and the business (or persistence) layer.
The next higher layer leverages Web services at the application interface through the Web services for Remote Portlet (WSRP) standard or other means at the human-facing presentation level.
更高一层通过远程门户网站Web服务(WebServicesfor Remote Portlet,WSRP)标准或其它面向人的表示层的方法来将Web服务应用于应用程序接口中。
Modern PaaS should be able to take advantage of services available in the Cloud and their presentation layer should integrate well with Web and mashup technologies.
The application servers in n-tier architecture host remotely accessible business components. These are accessed by the presentation layer web server over the network using native protocols.
But you can use it to provide access to multiple Web applications from a single Web application and thereby provide a common presentation layer.
The Web 2.0 focus on community development has influenced the presentation layer and the user experience.
社区开发中对Web 2.0的关注已影响到表示层和用户体验。
The reasons for choosing XML, coincidentally, are identical to the reasons you once read in an article on IBM's developerWorks Web site about using XQuery for the presentation layer.
选择XML的原因恰好与在表示层上使用XQuery 的原因一样(您已在IBMdeveloperWorksWeb站点上的一篇文章中了解过后者)。
Presentation technology was designed to transform plain ol' raw Web content into content wrapped in an attractive presentation layer.
In the domain of J2EE Web applications, the model is the business logic of an application, and the JSP pages comprising the presentation layer are the view.
The Template layer of a Django application allows you to separate the UI or presentation layout of a Web application from its data.
Django应用程序的模板层允许您将Web 应用程序的UI或显示布局与它的数据分开。
The Web browser client in Figure 1 ACTS as a GUI front end providing display functions using HTML generated by the browser Request Handler in the presentation layer.
When you open the Sign Up New User application, the Browser request Handler in the Presentation Layer handles the request from a Web interface.
Typical Web services employ a remote presentation paradigm, meaning all view logic executes on the client, whereas the application logic and the data layer (controller and model) reside on the server.
When it comes to trends in the presentation layer, we've witnessed some dramatic shifts between the desktop and the Web.
When it comes to trends in the presentation layer, we've witnessed some dramatic shifts between the desktop and the Web.