I went over to start up a conversation, asking her who she knew at the party.
Then her older brother Geoff came up with the money to start up the website.
She surprised him several times by seeming to start up beside him as if she sprang out of the earth.
Writing needs to start up by inspiration.
Scripts to start up the admin processes of your disaster center.
Mac OS X applications use the launch Services facility (launchd) to start up.
MacOSX应用程序使用launchServices (launchd)进行启动。
But the XPDF developers decided to start up the viewer by using the system call.
If the manager closes some funds to new money, he may well decide to start up others.
Old industries, where productivity is waning, are slow to die and new firms slow to start up.
They also noticed that empathic brain systems took an average of six to eight seconds to start up.
Since they're already open, you don't have to wait for them to start up again with each switch.
To start up procmon, start perfwb, which launches Eclipse with the procmon plug-in (see Listing 9).
If this ID or its password are changed, DCOM will not run and MQ services will not be able to start up.
You already have the code to start up the view, get the message XML, parse it, and display the messages.
When a cell-phone connection is excellent, you and your remote partner to start up a dance together.
We're designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the Web in a few seconds.
The once-per-batch cost to start up a new transaction, dispatch the MDB, and perform transactional cleanup is b.
Do not replace or remove these three lines, or the WebSphere Test Environment may fail to start up properly.
The options tell the VNC server to start up with a resolution of 1024x768 and a pixel depth of 24 bits per pixel.
The easiest way to do this is to start up the V4 administrative server and bring up the administrative console.
执行该操作最简便的方法是启动V 4管理服务器与管理控制台。
By default, the value is false and slice will fail to start up if any of the configured slices are not connectable.
For instance, one JVM might be faster to start up, while the other may maintain lower memory consumption over the long run.
This approach allows the program to start up more quickly, as a lengthy compilation phase is not needed before any execution can begin.
To start up the sample application, run Ant [REF] and build the WAR target, then copy it to your Tomcat webapps directory and start Tomcat.
启动示例应用程序的方法是,运行Ant [REF]并构建WAR目标,然后把它复制到Tomcatwebapps目录并启动 Tomcat。
He plans to start up a farm near his house in Maine, in case the supply chain that provides America with food breaks down for lack of fuel.
By then a terminal for the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG), being built by a consortium headed by Britain's BG Group, is due to start up.
These methods allow the BuddyNote application to start up with your information by default and update based on any contacts you subsequently select.
In the DB2 Setup wizard, one of the screens (shown in Figure 3) prompts you to select a user account that can be used to start up the DAS service.
在DB 2安装向导中,其中有一个屏幕(如图3所示)提示选择用于启动DAS服务的用户帐户。
Whether you're running or volunteering at a local road race, it's easy to start up a conversation with someone about the race or running in general.
For each VM in Figure 3, activation scripts describe the sequence of actions that are required to start up the servers and services on that particular VM.