As the number of moisture droplets increases, they begin to coalesce into small rivulets of fluid.
Operations to split and to coalesce chunks take time.
Asteroids are chunks of rock from "failed" planets, which never managed to coalesce into full-sized planets.
If social conservatives were to coalesce around Mr Huckabee, that would throw the Republican primaries into utter confusion.
By modelling the behaviour of stars in clusters, the Bonn team finds that they are ideal environments for black holes to coalesce.
After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form.
When the disk begins to coalesce into protoplanets, the gravity of those protoplanets pulls clumps of gas around the disk with them as they orbit the star.
In the milliseconds following this explosion, clouds of gases began to coalesce, collapse, and compress under gravity to form the building blocks of galaxies.
Gravitation compels dispersed matter to coalesce, thus it accounts for the very existence of the Earth, the Sun, and most of the macroscopic objects in the universe.
Although several proposed laws were accepted for consideration, none were passed or codified. Eventually, our group began to coalesce with other anti-abortion groups.
Each racket string is made up of 15 individual strands which are spun very tightly together to coalesce them, before being dried out in a humid room to prevent cracking.
As MAD says, the project "demonstrates founder Ma Yansong's core design philosophy: to coalesce nature and community into a living environment among high-density cities."
In commenting on the announcement, Ms. Sweeney stated: "the landscape of our business and an opportunity to coalesce the creative process dictated this change in structure."
Consequently, it must incur a long pause to defragment, or compact, the heap to coalesce many smaller free memory areas into larger free memory areas to satisfy a large allocation request.
Although each is different in nature, it is entirely possible under certain circumstances for these people to coalesce into a destructive force which can cause us considerable trouble and losses.
Additionally, effectiveness less obviously depends on the policy used in deciding when to cache versus coalesce them.
This saves a coalesce, a later split, and the time it would take to find a non-exactly-matching chunk to split.
For example, it is just as costly for an allocator to determine how much total contiguous space would be gained by coalescing chunks as it would be to just coalesce them and then resplit them.
Additionally, support requires the adoption of one or more policies controlling whether and how to ever coalesce small chunks.
These services can coalesce to accomplish a specific business task, enabling businesses to quickly adapt to changing conditions and requirements.
Water drops on this microscopic artificial "bed of nails" coalesce randomly, but researchers aim to design superhydrophobic materials that shed water by design.
The protean set, meanwhile, will feature giant chandeliers, a circular dias that juts out into the audience and 20 moving screens that will coalesce at certain points to form a single image.
For both systems a cloud or train of bubbles may coalesce to give larger bubbles .
Conclusions: health guidance and education can raise the ability of self-nursing, and reduce the medical cost and family burden, promote the health of the patients and coalesce to the community.
These may eventually coalesce to form an anastomosing system of channel sands within a broad valley.
A number of alluvial fans along the base of a mountain may coalesce to form a continuous alluvial slope.
The soft powder fired at high temperature until the ceramic particles melt and coalesce to form a glaze.
If your boss will never coalesce with your style, you need to either accept the fact or start looking for another job.
Replaceable elements are available to trap solid particulates, coalesce liquids, or remove aerosols.
Replaceable elements are available to trap solid particulates, coalesce liquids, or remove aerosols.