The deal also threatens to tighten fiscal policy further in 2012, when the recovery is still struggling to establish itself.
Asset prices will come under further pressure, with equity and commodities poised for more declines, eventually taking bond prices down too, as liquidity conditions tighten, he said.
To the extent that the effect on inflation of further gradual tightening in Labour market conditions is likely to be moderate and gradual, the case to tighten policy preemptively is less compelling.
You could further tighten the system by modifying the validation method voter_is_okay within the DraftBallot class to consult a list of acceptable E-mail addresses.
Home sales also show tentative hints of stabilizing, but could deteriorate further if credit conditions tighten.
A good economy will tighten the Labour market and push up wages, further boosting consumption.
Unfortunately, with dropping prices for GTX 400 products, margins will tighten up further.
The National Audit Office proposed two recommendations, i. e. to further detail the budget, improve budget transparency and tighten up budget implementation;
审计署提出的加强中央预算 管理的两点意见,即进一步细化 预算,增加 预算透明度和严格 预算执行。
The National Audit Office proposed two recommendations, i. e. to further detail the budget, improve budget transparency and tighten up budget implementation;
审计署提出的加强中央预算 管理的两点意见,即进一步细化 预算,增加 预算透明度和严格 预算执行。