She lifted the kettle a little and tilted its spout over the tea-pot.
His mother laughed, put some Elder-flowers in the tea-pot, and poured boiling water upon them.
The tea-pot was standing on the table, but no Elder Tree was growing out of it!
Leaves from a wild tea tree fell into the hot water pot.
In some coastal provinces such as Guangdong Province and Fujian Province, a pot of Oolong tea or Pu-er tea is the usual treat.
A small, elderly woman appeared and we placed an order for a pot of tea and a plate of cream and chocolate cakes.
If I can't have a proper cup of coffee in a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea!
On average, lodging will cost you 50 to 200 Nepali rupees a night, and each meal with a pot of tea, will run you 200 to 300 rupees.
Decades later he would abandon his companions late in the evening to retire to the solitude of his study, where reading glasses, a book and a steaming pot of tea awaited him.
Seventhly, after making the tea, one should stir it, or better, give the pot a good shake, afterwards allowing the leaves to settle.
A pot of strong black tea costs little more than one manat, and friends can while away an afternoon.
A sulky young girl placed a pot of tea and two cups heavily on the table.
Barely an hour later, afternoon tea was served in my cabin - a pot of tea, cakes, and possibly the most perfect curry puff I have ever tasted, with its spicy, rich filling and flaky, moreish pastry.
Actually one can swallow tea-leaves in considerable quantities without ill effect, and if the tea is not loose in the pot it never infuses properly.
The waitress came to offer a fresh pot of tea. Hanfeng turned to Siyu and asked her if she was ready to leave.
Some old men can spend half of a day in tea house with just a pot of tea and two pieces oftaro cake or radish cake.
The Beast is a prince who's been put under a spell and lives in a castle full of enchanted items including Lumiere, a candlestick, and Mrs.Potts, the tea pot.
If you took my advice above, you probably ditched your tea kettle, since you could use a pot or a microwave to heat water.
Thousand think I can not do the maid, and she put the urine in a chamber in a chamber pot, put a tea, brew boiling water after it.
A giant "blue and white porcelain tea pot" made of snow was unveiled in a street in Yaroslavl, Russia, on March 2.
They brewed a pot of tea from dried bark and peppermint, and as we watched a cold rain fall, I pressed my case.
And there is a system for researching tea including tea drinking (like tea types and water heat), tea pot art, and tea house.
Fresh strawberries, velvety custard cream, fragrant almond flour crust... Give me a piece of this with a pot of tea, and I'm happy for the whole afternoon.
Under a sufficient number of pot, mugs, tea towels, towels, his ashtray and other equipment neatly placed, as required, Flagstaff should ensure that the health and intact.
This quirky bot is made of a vintage carburetor, old toy bulldozer parts, mini binoculars, salad tongs, a small copper tea pot, and candlestick parts.
Instead of wine or beer they opted for a bottle of water and a pot of tea.
Circulating a tea will be divided evenly in the pot of tea into each cup, a cup of tea color, consistent taste.
One put on a dressing-gown and went to make a pot of tea, but the other just sat there scratching herself.
Nowadays, you can enjoy a traditional yet fancy afternoon tea with pot-brewed tea and delicate snacks in many restaurants and hotels.
Nowadays, you can enjoy a traditional yet fancy afternoon tea with pot-brewed tea and delicate snacks in many restaurants and hotels.