Dillworthy was staring into space, with a scrawl of doodles on the pad in front of him.
Some sit mutely, staring into space, lost in a world of their own; others cry out, rocking backwards and forwards.
A few miles down the road in Bathinda, Sukhminder Singh, 48, a farmer, watched his son Kulwinder, 13, staring into space while curling his hands up under his chin.
顺着珀丁达的路走几英里,48岁的农民 苏克明达·辛格(Sukhminder Singh)发现他13岁的儿子库尔温德(Kulwinder)用卷曲的双手托着下巴凝视天空。
When a civilian sees a war veteran in a bar or on a bus in the States, and the vet is staring into space or acting strangely, we might think of him as cliche.
Someone having an absence seizure may look like he or she is staring into space for a few seconds.
Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends.
Audrey Binkowski says her 12-year-old son Erek is' a daydreamer, a reader, staring off into space.
奥德丽•宾考斯基(Audrey Binkowski)说,她12岁大的儿子艾瑞克(Erek)是个爱幻想、爱阅读、喜欢凝视太空的人。
Audrey Binkowski says her 12-year-old son Erek is' a daydreamer, a reader, staring off into space.
奥德丽•宾考斯基(Audrey Binkowski)说,她12岁大的儿子艾瑞克(Erek)是个爱幻想、爱阅读、喜欢凝视太空的人。